Source: Asbury Park Press, N.迷你倉J.Sept. 28--PEMBERTON -- Facing a packed house of opponents, the state Pinelands Commission on Friday took a first step that could lead to permitting a new natural gas pipeline through the Pinelands despite a longstanding commission rule against transmission lines in forest areas.The proposed 22-mile long, 24-inch diameter line could give a new lease on life to an aging Cape May County power station. The line would be much bigger than the company's existing 16-inch transmission lines -- needed to deliver the volume of gas the B.L. England plant would burn, equivalent to the usage of 267,000 homes, gas company officials said.But in a new twist, the company asserts its primary goal is to improve reliability of its network. Critics pounced on that Friday, saying the state Board of Public Utilities, in endorsing the project, wants it for system reliability and the power plant, and would not approve it without both uses."A board order is like a permit. They're not holding a gun to their heads, saying 'Build this or else'," said Bill Wolfe of the group Public Employees for Environmental Responsibility. "Now they (company officials) are building this resiliency argument."The power plant -- one of the last coal-fired generators in New Jersey -- has been operating intermittently and is under an order from the state Department of Environmental Protection to either reduce emissions, close or convert to gas."They're pushing this because if this power plant can't get's dead," said Jeff Tittel of the New Jersey Sierra Club.Other business interests are supporting the South Jersey Gas application. The Chamber of Commerce Southern New Jersey contends the lengthy gas outages wrought by superstorm Sandy are an argument for building up the system, and that extending the lifetime of the B.L. England facility will help replace power when the Oyster Creek nuclear reactor in Lacey goes dark as planned by the end of 2019.The pipeline would be installed in the highway right-of-way for Routes 49 and 50. But 14 miles of that route goes through la文件倉d zoned as forest area under the Pinelands Comprehensive Management Plan. Transmission pipelines have been banned there for 30 years, except to service local communities in the pines.That's where the company's resiliency argument comes into play. Commission chairman Mark Lohbauer asked Pinelands staffers to begin drafting a memorandum of agreement that would outline conditions for permitting the pipeline.Lohbauer also mentioned "offsets," shorthand for contributions to environmental work in the Pinelands, a kind of compensation for the development permit. That would harken back to 2005, when the Pinelands Commission came under fire for allowing Atlantic City Electric to build a new southern Ocean County power line on the west side of the Garden State Parkway to avoid conflicts in suburban neighborhoods. The power company agreed to pay $13 million into a conservation fund that was used to put several thousand acres into preservation."It's a done deal," exclaimed Georgina Shanley of Citizens United for Clean Energy, an Ocean City-based group that has been fighting the $200 million gas conversion project. She told commissioners Friday that they need to have independent assessments of the pipeline and its environmental impact."It's very disheartening," she said. "We've had a decimation of the commission staff. The science staff is almost decimated."Built in 1963, the twin-boiler generator, which is owned by R.C. Cape May, a subsidiary of Texas-based Rockland Corp., had been one of the worst emitters in New Jersey. Conversion to gas will make it one of the cleanest, supporters said.But it's apparent from correspondence among government agencies that the Pinelands pipeline route was fast-tracked ahead of other options "because it fit in with their time line," said Theresa Lettman of the Pinelands Preservation Alliance. "I don't think there's been a true look at what the environmental impacts should be."Copyright: ___ (c)2013 Asbury Park Press (Neptune, N.J.) Visit the Asbury Park Press (Neptune, N.J.) at Distributed by MCT Information Services存倉
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- Oct 01 Tue 2013 11:48
Pinelands Commission considers waiving rule on forest pipelines
- Oct 01 Tue 2013 11:47
(中國 北京30日訊)中國“十一”黃金周大幕週二開啟,self storage很多國家都磨拳擦掌準備迎接出手綽闊的中國遊客,韓國各旅遊相關企業已準備就緒,在經濟衰退情況下,英國也正考慮簡化簽證手續吸引中國遊客。料15萬遊客訪韓韓國S B S電視台報導,為期7天的中國國慶節長假期間,估計將有15萬中國遊客涌入韓國,比去年同期猛增6萬餘人,創下歷史之最。中國如今已經取代日本,成為韓國外國遊客第一大國。而且,中國遊客以出手大方聞名,每人在韓期間的購物平均花費為70萬韓元(約2122令吉),是其他外國遊客的2至3倍。韓國各大百貨店、免稅店等為了招攬出手闊綽的中國遊客,競爭進入白熱化階段。英擬簡化申請簽證程序作為老牌歐洲國家,英國也開始採取措施吸引中國遊客。內政部長梅伊已屈從於零售商和其他商家的壓力,尋求推出同時適用於英國與其它歐洲國家的共同簽證申請程序。倫敦的百貨公司和其它公司一直以來都在抱怨,英國的簽證流程繁瑣耗時,把中國顧客推向了簽證更便利的其它歐洲國家首都,從而影響了英國的收入。英國商務部長凱布爾表示,英國不能讓中國富人及遊客因繁瑣簽證而“放棄mini storage英國”。作為全球旅遊度假勝地,馬爾代夫也瞄準了中國遊客。據報導,在馬爾代夫,中國遊客佔到該國遊客的25%,當地五星級酒店諳中文的服務員、潛水教練等需求量增長迅速。泰國最受歡迎全球最受歡迎的旅遊國家泰國更為迎接中國遊客忙翻天。泰國東泰旅遊公司的導遊納立向《環球時報》稱,“10月份都排滿了接團任務,估計要忙一段時間。”俄羅斯旅遊署官員西爾琴科表示,目前對蘇聯時期紀念地感興趣的中國遊客越來越多,因此,應當在全國開闢“紅色遊”線路,以吸引更多的中國人到俄羅斯旅遊。航空公司將增加航班來自中國民用航空總局的數據顯示,國慶黃金週期間,為滿足運力需求,各航空公司將增加1千200多個班次,主要服務國際航線,如泰國曼谷、韓國首爾及柬埔寨暹粒市等。中國遊客20大熱門旅遊勝地1.香港2.泰國普吉島3.台灣4.泰國曼谷5.法國巴黎6.阿聯酋迪拜7.澳門8.韓國首爾9.新加坡10.印尼峇厘島11.意大利羅馬12.泰國清邁13.美國紐約14.英國倫敦15.韓國濟州島16.菲律賓長灘島17.日本京都18.馬來西亞亞庇19.越南河內20.馬來西亞吉隆坡;迷你倉
- Oct 01 Tue 2013 11:46
Can Heinz supply its ketchup to rivals of its parent company
Source: Pittsburgh Post-GazetteSept.儲存 29--One thing that tantalized Wall Street following the announcement that Pittsburgh-based H.J. Heinz Co. was being sold to the owner of Burger King was the connection between that important combo -- fries and ketchup.3G Capital, one of the partners in the Heinz acquisition, has been immersed for the past couple of years in a makeover of the Miami-based restaurant chain that serves up piles of condiments daily, even as Heinz supplies its signature ketchup to numerous fast-food rivals including McDonald's, Wendy's and Chick-fil-A.The guy leading the "Restaurant Impossible"-like overhaul for 3G Capital -- Burger King Worldwide CEO Bernardo Hees -- left that job earlier this year to start running Heinz, even as he kept one foot in the old workplace by hanging onto the role of vice chairman of the fast-food chain's board.That choice may not sit well with some in the McDonald's operations, where Heinz had gained ground in recent years as a supplier in international markets, even though it doesn't supply the majority of the restaurateur's U.S. locations. McDonald's representatives did not respond to requests for comment.Many observers can't imagine Mr. Hees would do anything to jeopardize whatever business Heinz has with the world's "leading global food service retailer," which runs more than 34,500 locations and claims to serve 69 million-plus customers in more than 100 countries daily."Despite 3G owning both brands, I don't see this becoming an issue, as any disruption with McDonald's (a much bigger customer than Burger King) would severely hurt the business of Heinz, and therefore not good for 3G," said Will Slabaugh, a restaurant industry analyst with Stephens Inc., in Little Rock, Ark., in an email.Before the Heinz sale closed in June, Jack P. Russo, an analyst with Edward Jones & Co. in St. Louis, expressed surprise that Mr. Hees would even consider keeping his Burger King board position. "That's going to be a big problem," Mr. Russo said at the time.A Heinz spokesman said last week that the company values all of the businesses that it supplies."All our food-service customers globally remain valuable to the company and are an important part of what has made the H.J. Heinz Co. what it is today," said Michael Mullen, senior vice president of corporate and government affairs."We continue to operate respecting every customer while upholding the high level of confidentiality and business ethics that the H.J. Heinz Co. has built with our business partners over the years."Restaurant chains and food vendors have had mixed results in pairing up in the past -- creating spectacles like the Coke-Pepsi slugfests while PepsiCo owned the KFC, Pizza Hut and Taco Bell chains.A 1990 New York Times report on the Burger King chain's decision to switch from serving Pepsi products to Coca-Cola products noted the move followed years of Coke advertising in trade publications to call attention to the relationship between the soda company and its restaurants: "If a PepsiCo restaurant is your competition, every time you serve Pepsi you're pouring money into your competitor's pocket."Dennis Lombardi, a restaurant industry consultant at WD Partners in Dublin, Ohio, recalls those battles well. "Coke really used it as a leverage point," he said.In a 1997 book on PepsiCo, author Bob Stoddard wrote that being in the restaurant business actually hindered the company because many other large restaurant chains refused to sell Pepsi beverages. That same year, PepsiCo spun off its restaurant chains into a separate company.Even beyond the potential conflict in having a supplier own a competitive operation, the challenge is that running restaurants and food companies takes different skills and different priorities."It's typically not all that common that you would see a joint ownership between a manufacturer and a restaurant brand," Mr. Lombardi said.Not that it hasn't been tried."Many a food company thought they could manage both," said James McClain, a member of the Food Consultants Group who teaches strategic management at Cal State Fullerton.Keeping restaurants competitive requires remodeling every three to five years, Mr. McClain said, which demands a steady investment in appearances that businesses steeped in making products inside factories don't always appreciate.One example of an awkward food company/restaurant marriage that he offered was Burger King.The fast-food chain was bought in the late 1960s by Pillsbury Co., which kept it through the 1970s and into the 1980s. Mr. McClain, who worked at Lamb Weston, which is now part of ConAgra Foods, described a period when Pillsbury management tried to get profit out of Burger King using tactics that can bring short-term gains -- cutting back on reself storageearch and development, marketing and maintenance. Burger King also regularly changed CEOs during one challenging period, he said.Mr. McClain, whose operation sold fries to fast-food companies, said the turmoil and lack of investment helped set back Burger King.Meanwhile, Heinz and McDonald's offer up a different sort of business school-style lesson, one documented in "McDonald's: Behind the Arches," a book published in 1986 by John F. Love.Until 1973, Heinz had 90 percent of the business supplying ketchup and pickles to the fast-growing McDonald's chain, according to the book. That year, the Pittsburgh company ran into problems with a tomato shortage and told McDonald's it couldn't meet the restaurant operator's growing needs.The fast-food company took most of its business elsewhere with the idea that it needed to be the most important customer to whatever supplier it used.Heinz has worked hard to rebuild the relationship, reportedly with mixed success, and even cited an opportunity to pick up McDonald's business as a factor in decisions such as the one in 2005 to acquire a ketchup maker in Russia, where the market for the condiment was estimated at between $300 million and $400 million a year at the time.In the U.S., other fast-food operators such as Wendy's and Chick-fil-A have embraced Heinz's Dip & Squeeze portion-controlled ketchup innovation.One key to how much of an issue the Burger King-Heinz relationship becomes for competitors will be how much overlap there is in the operations. The question to ask, Mr. Lombardi said, is, "How strong is the connection?" Serving on the board of a rival company is different, for example, than owning a rival company.There is precedent. Activist investor Nelson Peltz was on the board at Heinz at the same time he served as nonexecutive chairman of the board of fast-food chain Wendy's.In the case of 3G Capital, "It's really as much of a philosophy as to how they want to run their companies," Mr. Lombardi said.Warren Buffett's Berkshire Hathaway is a partner in the Heinz deal, but 3G Capital is generally seen as leading the day-to-day management.McDonald's franchisees, as with any restaurant operator's franchisees, will be among the key players in determining where Heinz ketchup is served. More than 80 percent of McDonald's restaurants worldwide are owned and operated by independent local business people, according to a recent regulatory filing by the restaurateur.Corporations like McDonald's set standards and create lists of approved suppliers for products, but franchisees have leeway. Mr. Hees knows that, having led a push to sell numerous Burger King company-owned restaurants to franchisees."They can't force their franchisees to take Heinz," Mr. McClain said, noting that PepsiCo, during its years owning Taco Bell, Pizza Hut and KFC, had hoped to get its restaurants to serve its products but some franchisees declined.If McDonald's would decide to stop using Heinz, the change could take awhile to play out, since new suppliers must be identified and approved, including quality audits.While any loss of business would not be helpful to Mr. Hees' efforts to squeeze more profit out of the Heinz ketchup bottle, he may have bigger challenges than just trying to get the company's signature product into restaurants around the world.Mr. McClain suggests the new owners, who have already announced they'll be bringing in the zero-based budgeting strategies that require every year's budget to start from scratch, may apply the same approach to the Heinz product line. That includes asking questions such as, "What should we be in if we're starting the business over?" he said.Still, ketchup is unlikely to be shoved off to the side. In the fiscal year that ended April 28, the company's ketchup and sauces segment accounted for $5.4 billion in sales, with global ketchup showing growth in markets such as Russia, Brazil and the U.S.Meanwhile, just last week, Burger King came out with an innovation in that most staple of products, french fries. The new "Satisfries" promise 40 percent less fat and 30 percent fewer calories than McDonald's fries, and might make diners feel better about indulging in some fries and ketchup."One out of every 2 Burger King guests orders our classic french fries, and we know our guests are hungry for options that are better for them but don't want to compromise on taste," said Alex Macedo, president North America, Burger King Worldwide in the official announcement."When it comes to what we eat, we know that small changes can have a big impact."Teresa F. Lindeman: or at 412-263-2018.Copyright: ___ (c)2013 Pittsburgh Post-Gazette Visit the Pittsburgh Post-Gazette at Distributed by MCT Information Services迷利倉
- Oct 01 Tue 2013 11:45
小三通航線 福建省府簡化手續
【本報綜合報導】配合大陸當局近來大舉「簡政放權」,存倉福建省政府日前宣佈,有意經營「小三通」航線的兩岸海運業者,即日起只需向福建省交通運輸廳申請即可,不需再向大陸交通運輸部申請。 福建日報報導,福建省交通運輸廳日前修訂「福建沿海地區與金門、馬祖、澎湖間海上運輸管理暫行規定」,作出上述決定。 除「小三通」新航線申請外,這項暫行規定還明訂,現行航線及船舶的營運許可證件,換發單位也儲存時改為福建省交通運輸廳。 報導提到,這項辦法除適用於大陸海運業者外,也適用於台灣海運業者。台灣業者只需透過在大陸的船舶代理商,向福建省交通運輸廳申請即可。 報導指出,未來針對「小三通」的新航線的申請案,福建省交通運輸廳將根據大陸有關政策和市場供需情況,決定許可與否。 這項暫行規定要求,「小三通」新航線申請將「精簡環節、縮減時限、優化管理」,力求行政許可期限從20天減為12天。self storage
- Oct 01 Tue 2013 11:41
百麗大雙底 開Call(24385)
內地正值國慶長假期,存倉港股本周成交料轉靜,走勢上的參考性不大。 然而,「十一黃金周」卻是內地及香港的零售業旺季,加上扶持內需為中央的長期國策之一。因此,內需股值得逢低收集正股作中長�投資,或是候低開Call,博短�的尚佳對象之一。 藍籌內需股百麗(01880),股價自6月下旬見底回升後,呈現大型雙底形態,頸�為12.26元,若成功升破頸�,量度升幅可達14.5元附近。百麗現價11.26元,預期11.2元至11.5元的區間短期支持力不俗。而按上述形態來看,短期及中期上升目標則分別為12.3元及14.5元。由此看來,百儲存現水平開Call,值博率頗高。 百麗Call屬冷門Call,成交不穩定,只宜小注出擊,從而降低自己所面對的轉身難度。另外,一些市值較小的女裝鞋股如利信達(00738)、寶峰(01121)等,估值吸引,如現水平買入的話,其以小博大的值博率,可能不下於百麗Call。(24385)爆發力頗強 幸好,明年3月20日到期的百麗Call(24385),實際槓桿比率約5倍,引伸波幅約45%,整體數據尚算吸引,爆發力頗強。 (24385)昨日收報0.108元,可以開市價買入,目標0.208元,跌低於買入價15%則宜先行沽Call止蝕。self storage
- Oct 01 Tue 2013 11:31
Health Alliance to aide in meeting health insurance mandates
Source: Greeley Tribune, Colo.自存倉Sept. 29--A PATH TO GUARANTEED -- and affordable -- health insurance is about to be open for Weld County's uninsured, and residents won't be on their own in navigating the complications.The state's health insurance exchange, Connect for Health Colorado, is set to open Tuesday for residents to enroll as a part of the federal Affordable Care Act's mandate for all residents to obtain health insurance by Jan. 1.And the Northern Colorado Health Alliance, the Weld County hub for the state exchange, will be there with aides on the ground, online and on the phone to help residents get from A to B, officials say."We want consumers to really understand this is not a political agenda for us," said Stephanie Keener, coordinator for the NCHA in Weld County. "We're here to help people meet the requirements of the law and understand the requirements. We cannot sway someone to one plan or another. We are just here to assist."Regardless of politics that continue in Washington, the Affordable Care Act is the law and has been for three years."While Congress fights, the laws are the laws, and we do have the requirements, and we've got organizations in place to get people enrolled," said Mark Wallace, CEO and medical director for NCHA. "I think we have to remind people that it's not unusual for Congress to fight, and we tweak a lot of laws we already have in place. If they can overcome their standoffs, eventually, they'll iron out some things. But for now, it's full steam ahead. This is the law."Residents with health insurance may have already noticed preventative services are now fully covered under their own plans. And beginning this month, insurers will no longer be able to turn people away for pre-existing conditions and everyone will be paying the same for insurance regardless of their sex -- it's all based on income levels.The insurance mandates begin in January, and by 2015, the pay-for-performance model for doctors will begin.With an estimated 829,000 uninsured residents -- more than 37,000 of which are in Weld County -- Colorado is one of the few states that opted to set up its own health insurance exchanges when the Affordable Care Act became law, opting to run the program as a state rather than under the stewardship of the federal government.The state set up Connect for Health, a database which sorts 150 different health plans all approved to offer basic insurance coverage under the new law, including mental health coverage and expanded preventative care services for all ages.The health exchange is open to all uninsured residents, as well amini storage small business owners of 50 employees or less that cannot afford to offer insurance. It operates like a Travelocity site, comparing differing plans based on people's needs and affordability. And, people can research, sign up and buy it all online.Or, they can try it out and come back to it -- shop anonymously. If you're covered through an employer, you can compare rates to see where you can get the best deals -- all insurance plans on the exchange are private. They are not government-run.The new law also imposes penalties every year for failure to sign up, but it also provides tax credits to residents to help make the premiums affordable.There are waivers for those whose resulting premiums would be still be too expensive, or if premiums are above a certain percentage of their gross income. But officials expect that to be a rare insurance. Insurance premiums, though not out yet, are expected to be much less than what some anticipate."With the premiums we're anticipating, it's not going to be easy to make that waiver," Wallace said. In New York, for example, premiums through health exchanges were 50 percent less than what residents typically would pay, according to the New York Times.According to the Times, "Beginning in October, individuals in New York City who now pay $1,000 a month or more for coverage will be able to shop for health insurance for as little as $308 monthly. With federal subsidies, the cost will be even lower."The affordability comes in the competition among insurers, the increased number of payers into the system, as well as federal tax credits that will be doled out to those who qualify. No longer will America's insured, for example, pay for the uninsured's medical bills at the emergency room through higher premiums."You'll be very surprised as to how affordable it is," Keener said. "The whole point of the law is to have affordable health care. It isn't to price people out of the marketplace."Navigating the strange world of insurance plans, premiums, co-pays and coverage ares won't be easy. That's where Wallace and the Northern Colorado Health Alliance come in.The NCHA has nine aides who will be on hand at area libraries and in the office beginning this week. The staffers can help people sign up, answer questions, and assist with the entire process."And, we're free," Keener said. "We'll spend an hour to 90 minutes with someone" to help them navigate these new territories.Copyright: ___ (c)2013 Greeley Tribune (Greeley, Colo.) Visit the Greeley Tribune (Greeley, Colo.) at Distributed by MCT Information Services儲存
- Oct 01 Tue 2013 11:14
港澳歌手齊賀 煙花壓軸放光明 國慶同歡聲色藝全
【今日澳門訊】為慶祝中華人民共和國成立64周年,迷你倉特區政府及多個部門將舉行系列慶祝活動,而政府並於今日上午舉行隆重升旗儀式和招待酒會。國慶升旗儀式將於今日早上8時在新口岸金蓮花廣場舉行,由行政長官崔世安主禮。中央人民政府駐澳門特區聯絡辦公室、外交部駐澳特派員公署、解放軍駐澳部隊的代表,以及特區立法、司法機關負責人,政府主要官員及社會各界代表將出席觀禮。澳廣視將現場直播整個升旗儀式。上午9時30分,特區政府在旅遊塔會展娛樂中心舉行大型酒會,與社會各界同慶中華人民共和國建國64載。欣逢國慶,特區政府多個部門亦特別於今日舉辦連串祝賀活動。早上舉行升旗儀式。而過去多年在升旗儀式後會即進行「澳人齊賀國慶」世界步行日歡樂跑,但由於預期今日天氣將出現不穩定情況,故決定取消該項目。下午2時,由澳門特區政府主辦、體育發展局承辦的「澳門特別行政區政府國慶體藝匯演」在澳門東亞運動會體育館舉行,由華語樂壇天后鄭秀文、唱作歌手鄧紫棋、實力歌手吳雨霏及男子組合C AllStar、香港新晉歌手林德信文件倉澳門歌手彭永琛傾力演出,以群星匯聚載歌載舞的形式,與本澳市民同樂,並藉此帶出大眾體育的訊息,希望市民都可以在生活中將活力展現。而近期憑電視劇《衝上雲霄Π》而人氣急升、風靡港澳的演藝紅星張智霖,亦落實參與演出,務求讓市民度過一個開心快樂的國慶日。廣東雜技團飛躍天鵝湖此外,旅遊局主辦的第25屆澳門國際煙花比賽匯演,亦安排在國慶夜壓軸上演,法國隊、意大利隊及中國隊將先後於晚上9時、9時30分及10時在旅遊塔對開海面綻放璀璨煙花;民政總署與中央人民政府駐澳門特別行政區聯絡辦公室文化教育部合辦「慶祝中華人民共和國成立64周年文藝晚會」,邀請內地享負盛名的藝術團體「廣東雜技團」來澳,昨日及今日連續兩晚在澳門綜藝館演出兩場大型雜技芭蕾舞劇《天鵝湖》。另外,為慶祝中華人民共和國64周年國慶,郵政局特定於國慶今日上午9時至下午5時30分在郵政總局集郵商店設置臨時櫃台,為市民提供加蓋「熱烈慶祝中華人民共和國64周年國慶」紀念郵戳服務,屆時將出售紀念此活動之紀念封,每枚售價為澳門幣2.5元。存倉
- Oct 01 Tue 2013 11:01
湖南天氣“給力” 黃金周適宜出游
完美假期開始了,存倉昨日,烈士公園內,遊客在體驗公園新添置的“激流勇進”游樂項目。周柏平攝本報訊(記者 李姝陽 通訊員 蔣丹)假日到了,湖南省氣象台預計,國慶期間,湖南多數時段為風和日麗、秋高氣爽的好天氣,適宜出行和戶外活動,但早晚溫差較大,需適時增減衣服。湖南省氣象台預計,國慶假日期間,湖南總體氣象條件較好,有利於人們外出活動和旅遊。假日期間雖以晴好天氣居多,但2日至3儲存受弱冷空氣影響,省內雲系增多,湘西、湘北部分地區有陣性降水發生,氣溫下降2℃左右;5日至7日全省大部分地區有降溫、降水發生。另外,早晚溫差較大,提醒市民及來湘旅遊的外地遊客備好外套,以防感冒。1日多雲最高氣溫28℃2日陰最高氣溫28℃3日多雲最高氣溫26℃4日多雲最高氣溫26℃5日陣雨最高氣溫26℃6日陣雨最高氣溫27℃7日陰最高氣溫28℃長沙國慶長假天氣預報(據中央氣象台)self storage
- Oct 01 Tue 2013 10:51
53 in Wisconsin killed by domestic abusers with illegal gun since 2000
Source: Milwaukee Journal SentinelSept.儲存 30--Azana Salon and Spa shooter Radcliffe Haughton was among four Wisconsin men who were legally prohibited from possessing guns, yet used them to kill their wives or girlfriends in 2012, according to a new report from End Domestic Abuse Wisconsin.Since 2000, there have been 499 domestic violence homicides in the state. At least 53 of the victims were killed by a domestic abuser with an illegal gun, according to the advocacy group. Another 189 were killed with legal guns.One of the most recent was Zoey Krueger, 22, fatally shot by her boyfriend Nov. 5 at a motel in Jefferson. Carl Avery, 25, had been charged with trying to strangle Krueger less than a year before he killed her. A different woman had a restraining order against him, which made it illegal for him to have a gun.Inquisitive and strong-willed, Krueger was a social butterfly who lit up a room, according to her mother, Teresa Coy. Krueger also didn't like to give up on people. If she saw something good in them, she was willing to stick with them for the long haul.Krueger had been seeing Avery for just over a year. The morning of her death, she had realized enough was enough and tried to leave, her mother said.Krueger was the second woman in her family to die in a domestic violence incident, her mother said. Coy's cousin, Barbara Heine, was fatally shot by her boyfriend in 1998."One shove can lead to your life being taken," Coy said. "It's unfair to the victims. Zoey. My cousin. They had no choice."In all, 52 people -- 10 of them in Milwaukee County -- died in 38 domestic violence incidents in the state last year, the report says. Four of those were perpetrator suicides.The report, released Monday, also updates the 2011 numbers, which were released a year ago. According to the updated figures, 31 incidents resulted in 37 deaths, including three perpetrator suicides in 2011.The advocacy group, formerly known as the Wisconsin Coalition Against Domestic Violence, has tracked domestic violence deaths statewide for 12 years. During that time, the high was 67, in 2009.In 2012, victims' ages ranged from less than 1 to 84 and included one baby born at five months gestation when her mother was choked and beaten, according to the report. They lived in 21 different counties. Also in 2012, 86% of perpetrators were male."These tragedies must call us to do better. Domestic violence homicides are preventable homicides, but too often abusers are not held accountable and are allowed to illegally possess guns to threaten, injure and sometimes kill their victims," said Patti Seger, executive director of End Abuse.Although the right to bear arms is guaranteed under the Second Amendment, there are exceptions. Felons, people convicted of misdemeanor domestic violence and people with domestic abuse restraining orders against them are barred from owning guns.Under current Wisconsin law, judges don't know if domestic abusers own firearms, and if an abuser lies about owning guns or ignores a court order to turn them over, there is often no follow-up and no penalty.A pending bipartisan bill would change that, setting up a process for allowing courts to verify whether people subject to domestic violence and child abuse restraining orders surrender their weapons.But even if such a law already had been in place, it likely would not have prevented Haughton from killing his estranged wife and two of her co-workers at Azana and wounding four others before committing suicide.That's because it is not against the law to sell a gun to someone who is the subject of a restraining order, and the bill does not change that.When a restraining order was granted to Zina Haughton against her husband three days before the shooting at Azana, he did not have any guns. But within 48 hself storageurs of leaving court, he purchased one from an online dealer.Officials at End Domestic Abuse Wisconsin would like to see universal background checks on gun sales, no matter how or where those sales occur."Requiring background checks on gun sales is a tangible policy that would make this report shorter in future years," the document says.The report also points out two types of domestic violence homicides that seem to be increasing in prevalence: homicides in the workplace and homicides involving veterans.In addition to the workplace deaths of Zina Haughton, Maelyn Lind and Cary Robuck at Azana, the report notes the death of Ann Schueller, 51, of Wausaukee, whose ex-boyfriend stalked and harassed her before fatally shooting her at the gas station where she worked. He was a convicted felon, which made it illegal for him to possess the rifle he used to kill her.The third workplace incident resulted in the death of Wauwatosa police officer Jennifer Sebena, killed by her husband, Benjamin Sabena, while she was on duty.Benjamin Sabena and Radcliffe Haughton also were among three veterans to commit domestic violence-related homicides in 2011 and 2012.The third was James Cruckson, who fatally shot Fond du Lac police officer Craig Birkholz in 2011, according to the report. Cruckson's girlfriend drove to the police station and reported that he had sexually assaulted her. She told police her 6-year-old daughter was possibly still in the house. Three officers entered the house to try to rescue the girl. Cruckson shot one of them twice. Birkholz responded to a call for backup and also was hit twice, in areas not protected by his Kevlar vest. Cruckson later killed himself.So far in 2013, three women have been killed by their intimate partners who were veterans, according to Tony Gibart, public policy and communications coordinator at End Abuse. One of them was Toni Voss, 27, who lived in Adams County with her boyfriend, Coleman Dybul, a Marine who reportedly was diagnosed with post traumatic stress disorder after serving several combat tours in Afghanistan.On the night of March 2, Dybul woke up, heard a noise and thought he saw someone outside the couple's bedroom window. He screamed, and Voss also screamed, Dybul told police. He said he believed someone was choking Voss, so he picked up the loaded shotgun he kept next to the bed and fired. When he turned on the lights, he realized there was no intruder and he had shot Voss in the chest, Dybul told police. He has been charged with first-degree reckless homicide."The intersection of domestic violence and the military is a sensitive and timely subject," the report says. "...We do not suggest that veterans are generally more violent than civilians. ...Most men and women who serve in the military will never be violent when they return home. Yet, because domestic violence knows no bounds, any large segment of the population -- like the veteran and military service personnel population -- is necessarily going to include a percentage of batterers."The Military Advocacy Program of the Battered Women's Justice Project has concluded that there is no way to know whether serving in combat causes domestic violence, the report says. However, some research suggests that "certain aspects of military and combat experience may exacerbate the dynamics of domestic violence," according to the report. "Additionally, health conditions such as post traumatic stress disorder and traumatic brain injury, which are seen among individuals who have been in combat, may independently explain some violent behavior."Twitter: ___ (c)2013 the Milwaukee Journal Sentinel Visit the Milwaukee Journal Sentinel at Distributed by MCT Information Services迷利倉
- Oct 01 Tue 2013 10:46
Luxury for rent
Source: Albuquerque Journal, N.自存倉M.Sept. 30--Construction is expected to begin in early October on the $23 million Broadstone Cottonwood, a 254-unit luxury apartment project on the hill between the Intel Corp. plant in Rio Rancho and Albuquerque's Cottonwood area.A joint venture of Albuquerque's Titan Development and Phoenix-based Alliance Residential, Broadstone Cottonwood will be built on 13.3 now-vacant acres on the west side of N.M. 528. It will consist of 24 mostly two- and three-story buildings with a total of 325,433 square feet of space, which includes rental garages.Designed in what could be called a California Mission style of architecture, the Cottonwood project will be a variation of another Titan-Alliance collaboration, the 280-unit Broadstone Santa Monica apartments at 6401 Santa Monica NE, east across Interstate 25 from the Journal Center.The Cottonwood and Santa Monica projects combined create work for about 700 workers in construction-related fields, said Titan President Drew Dolan.More Class ABroadstone Cottonwood isn't the only new Class A apartment complex coming out of the ground on Albuquerque's West Side.In August, the city issued a building permit for the $18.8 million construction of the 241-unit Andalucia Villas at 5300 Antequera NW, near Coors and Montano. The Andalucia project will be green certified and have 380,188 square feet of space, a large footprint indicative of rental garages.A representative of the Bossier City, La .-based developer of Andalucia has not responded to repeated messages from the Journal seeking an interview to talk about the project.Titan-Alliance's Broadstone Santa Monica is open to leasing, although construction is expected to continue through the end of the year. As of last week, leases have been signed for 120 of the 150 apartments that had been completed thus far, said Dolan. About 110 of those apartments are occupied."The lease-up pace has been better than expected," he said. "It's the nicest, newest product in the area, so by default, it's getting a lot of attention."More Santa MonicaPreliminary planning is underway for a second phase of Santa Monica, consisting of about 180 units on nine acres, due to the successful early lease-up, he said.Dolan said close to half of the early tenants were first-time movers to Albuquerque. Broadstone Santa Monica is a five-minute drive to and from San Antonio's intersection with Jefferson, a commercial corridor that's one of the metro's major employment hubs.A gated community, Santa Monica has a stylish clubhouse with a fitness center and outdoor swimming pool that Dolan credits with attracting tenants."That amenity is the first impression people have when they visit the community," he said.Referring to the Mission-inspired architectural style, with its tile roofs and detailing, Dolan said, "If you look closely, the buildings have a lot of features that give them depth and richness."Broadstone Cottonwood will vary from the Santa Monica project in no small degree because it's being built on a slope, which will require extensive site work based on a plan developed by Ron Bohannan of Tierra West.The total construction cycle is expected to run 24 months, with the first apartments becoming available in late 2014, Dolan said. The necessary retaining walls will be incorporated into the buildings, thus some will be two stories on the upslope side and three stories on the downslope side.The Cottonwood project will have 112 one-bedroom, 112 two-bedroom and 30 three-bedroom apartments. The average preliminary rent, blended across all unit sizes, wimini storagel be about $1,100 a month.While Santa Monica's clubhouse and pool are in a open setting, Broadstone Cottonwood's clubhouse and pool will have a higher density of surrounding apartment buildings. Roof lines also have been flattened at the Cottonwood project to maximize views from neighboring buildings.Journal Center plansBroadstone Cottonwood likely will not be Titan-Alliance's last apartment play.Posted on Titan's website is a conceptual plan for a mixed-use development on 15 acres at the southwest quadrant of the Paseo del Norte and I-25 interchange. The development includes a proposed 154-unit Broadstone Journal apartment component."Adding a multifamily component to the Journal Center will change the whole dynamic of a 9-to-5 business park to a 24/7 community," Dolan said. "What's envisioned for the Journal Center is more urban apartments -- four stories with lobbies and elevators."Dolan wouldn't give a timeline for the mixed-use development, called Legacy at Journal Center. Journal Center Corp. is a partner in the project.Now that the massive, two-year reconstruction of the Paseo/I-25 interchange is finally to get under way, he said, "At least now you know. You can contemplate a timeline for development."The Broadstone Santa Monica, Broadstone Cottonwood and possible Broadstone Journal apartment projects reflect the latest trend in luxury apartment development, said Todd Clarke, an apartment broker and commercial real-estate consultant in Albuquerque.Nicely appointed clubhouses for social interaction, resort-style swimming pools and rental garages are all common amenities for a Class A apartment community today, he said. Locations near employment hubs and public transportation, as well as amenities like restaurants and shopping, are also sought after."Five years ago before the downturn, (apartment) developers would come in from out of state looking to build a certain type of product," Clarke said. "They would look at land prices and go further out to the suburbs where they could find (cheaper) land that worked at their price point. On the downside, this created sprawl."Citing some of the findings of the Mid Region Council of Governments' 2035 Metropolitan Transportation Plan, he said the result points to "a disconnect between where the jobs are and where people live."Apartment dataThe pace of multifamily housing construction, which includes all kinds of attached housing such as condos, duplexes and conventional apartments, has been comparatively moderate in the Albuquerque metro area over the past couple decades.An average of 871 multifamily units were built each year from 1991-2000, compared with an average of 4,232 single-family homes built annually over the same period, according to building permit data compiled by DataTraq. The upshot is that 17 percent of all new housing units built during the 1990s were multifamily.An average of 642 multifamily units were built each year from 2001-2010, compared with an average of 5,121 single-family homes built each year over the same period, according to DataTraq. Only 11 percent of all housing units built in the 2000s were multifamily.In metros nationwide, on average, 25 percent of all new housing units are multifamily in any given year.As a result of the comparatively moderate pace of multifamily construction in the metro, Albuquerque is generally not considered overbuilt when it comes to apartments.Copyright: ___ (c)2013 the Albuquerque Journal (Albuquerque, N.M.) Visit the Albuquerque Journal (Albuquerque, N.M.) at Distributed by MCT Information Services儲存
- Oct 01 Tue 2013 10:45
Tour spotlights charms of Montgomery's cottage homes
Source: Montgomery Advertiser, Ala.文件倉Sept. 30--Smaller, older homes offer just as much style and character as their larger, more grand neighbors, so say the owners of several such homes in Montgomery's historic districts.The "Cottages! A Tour," held on Sunday afternoon, spotlighted one house in each of six historic districts. The homes were a mix of architectural styles; the "cottages" label was more in reference to the size and scale of the homes.Scott Finn talked with visitors to his and Charlie Caldwell's Old Cloverdale home, built in 1925, which he refers to as an eclectic mix of Mediterranean, Spanish and mission styles. At 1,600 square feet, the home is not large, but Finn said they use every square foot of it, and they aren't afraid to move furniture and change the uses of the rooms to fit their needs and the seasons.Sitting at the large dining table on the comfortable screened back porch, which they use for entertaining, he pointed to the "summer" bedroom in use now. It faces the garden and has large french doors that open to the screened porch; the "winter" bedroom, by contrast, is an interior room that has a small window, and the bed is nestled into a cozy alcove, giving the room a more intimate feel.They have done some remodeling and restoration in the 18 years they've owned it, Finn said, but nothing too dramatic. His advice to anyone considering buying an older home is to do it, because such homes have character, but to live in it for a year before making any large alterations."Listen to the house. It will tell you. We had all sorts of plans for it that we never carried out, because we realized that we lived in it differently," he said.Not far away in the Garden District, David Brown's 1914 bungalow is a more traditional style. It still has original fireplaces, built-in bookshelves, woodwork, transoms and plaster.A large front porch leads into the living room; through the butler's pantry is a small kitchen with a functional island, which leads to a back porch that has been fully enclosed. It offers a lovely view of the small pool directly behind it; the pool and front and back yards are shrouded in many varieties of evergreen plants,存倉which give the home a very intimate feel.Visitors Mona Hurston and Jordan Franklin appreciated the artistic touches throughout the home."They kept all the unique characteristics," Franklin said."I love that they didn't paint the (original) wood," Hurston said.Brandon Brazil, a fellow Garden District resident who served as one of the home hosts, said the home is a perfect model for the tour -- an example of a home that young people or empty nesters could move right into.The tour shows "houses that meet different needs, because we can't all live in the biggest houses," and not everyone needs a large house, Brazil said.About a mile away in the South Hull District, the most modern home on the tour is an example of yet another architectural style. Susie Paul's 1947 mid-century modern house, also called the "international style," is made of poured concrete and was built by a concrete company.Its modern appearance sets it apart from its more traditional neighbors, but visitors on the tour seemed pleased and intrigued by its coastal feel. Built as a long rectangle, there are large windows and french doors that line the southern exposure; sheer draperies allow for lots of natural light.It's simple design and small rooms could be a design challenge, but Realtor Sandra Nickel, who was serving as one of the home's hosts, said Paul's period-appropriate furnishings are perfect because they don't overwhelm the rooms."If you're a bit of a minimalist, it's refreshing to walk into a house like this," she said.This style of home, with its walls covered in stucco, a slightly sloped roof and carport out in front, would be right at home in California, but it didn't catch on here, Nickel said, because Montgomery is a very traditional town."Everything about Montgomery is pretty conservative; this was so avant-garde," she said. "The things that we so commonly identify with the South, the big windows and the columns and all the trappings, that's the antithesis of this style."Copyright: ___ (c)2013 the Montgomery Advertiser (Montgomery, Ala.) Visit the Montgomery Advertiser (Montgomery, Ala.) at Distributed by MCT Information Services儲存
- Oct 01 Tue 2013 10:44
美食節新增公交專線 25分鐘一班
信息來源於四川新聞網 / Cited from成都商報訊 記者從2013第十屆中國(成都)國際美食旅遊節組委會瞭解到,迷你倉從10月1-7日,增開從茶店子客運站到非遺博覽園公交專線,每天8:30發車,每25分鐘一班。溫馨提示:公交線路:22、309、761、904等多條公交線路,均可直達“非遺博覽園”-本屆美食節主會場。美食節期間,還將加開公交車班次。因美食節期間停車場壓力較大,請市民儘量選擇公共交通。參加“美食節”的社會機動車輛可停放在“非遺博覽園”園區內的五洲情地下車庫、西城事地下車庫和園區附近的綠舟總部停車場、幸文件倉里停車場以及南草坪停車場,這五個停車場總計有泊位近3000個。非機動車輛停放于非遺博覽園北口的地下車庫。另外,組委會從今天起,新增了非遺東側的大型停車場。“美食節”持證車輛(媒體證、參展商證及工作證)都需在土龍路口掉頭,由鳳舞路進入,由非遺博覽園北大門側門進入世紀舞地下停車庫。自駕車輛:三環路光華立交出口後,沿光華大道向溫江方向行駛,或經繞城高速見非遺方向指路牌後行駛500米即可到達“非遺博覽園”-本屆美食節主會場。在“美食節”期間,成都交警將抽派警力負責“非遺博覽園”周邊的交通秩序維護,重點加強光華大道一線路口路段的指揮疏導,確保道路暢通。存倉
- Sep 30 Mon 2013 08:24
9月信托發行低迷 資金緊張抬高收益率
與房地產行業的“金九銀十”光環相比,存倉集合信托產品9月的發行市場則略顯黯淡。據用益信托統計,9月共有159只集合信托產品發行,較8月縮水65%;新發行產品規模合計384.9億元,環比亦下降55.8%。“季末市場資金面偏緊,最近集合信托產品的發行確實比較困難,我們兩只產品都推遲到節後發行了。”廣州某信托公司信托經理告訴證券時報記者。集合信托發行低迷數據顯示,9月份發行的159只集合信托產品規模合計384.9億元,發行數量和募集資金規模較8月均出現大幅縮水。用益信托首席分析師李晹表示,9月集合信托發行市場表現低迷主要是受假期影響,因工作日減少,信托公司一般不會選擇在國慶前發行產品;另外,由於實體經濟疲軟,今年以來信托產品的發行步伐有所放緩。自8月份以來,在房企再融資開閘預期升溫的大背景下,房地產信托的發行量再次回升,盡管9月整體發行量有所下降,但房地產信托產品的占比依然位居榜首。數據顯示,9月新發行的信托產品中,投向房地產領域的共38只,募集資金共126.4億元,占比32.8%。與之形成對比的是,在地方債大審結果即將揭曉的背景下,新發基建類信托數量和占比均出現下降。據用益信托統計,9月有19只基建信托產品成立,占比僅為1儲存.9%,募集資金從8月的162.4億元降至47.3億元。也就是說,9月份房地產信托的“吸金”能力接近基建信托的3倍。此外,據用益信托統計數據,9月投向為工商企業的信托數量為36只,募集資金59億元,較8月分別下降62.5%和60.6%。收益率水漲船高值得注意的是,9月新發行的信托產品預期收益率普遍上升。據Wind數據統計,9月新發行信托產品平均預期年化收益率為8.31%,較今年8月進一步上升0.06個百分點,而去年同期這一數值為8.02%。李晹分析稱,9月新發行的信托產品預期收益率普遍上升,主要是因為市場資金面比較緊張,資金成本上升。此外,銀行季末攬儲大戰對收益率也有一定影響。進入9月以來,多家銀行相繼上調存款利率水平,且推出多款高收益理財產品攬儲。據普益財富的統計數據顯示,截至9月26日,國內各大商業銀行發行的“國慶專屬”理財產品達63款,和去年同期的20款相比增幅超過兩倍,平均收益率高達5.29%。“盡管央行一直在採用公開市場操作調節市場流動性,但是市場資金價格仍然偏高。特別是9月末,央行不但首次開�期限為6天的逆回購,而且回購規模達到了600億元的巨量,希望以此平抑市場資金價格的波動。”普益財富研究員葉林峰表示。self storage
- Sep 30 Mon 2013 08:16
香港銀行業生意越來越難做,但亦無損回饋社會的善心。最大華資行東亞銀行(00023),昨日於迪士尼樂園「包夜場」舉行同心創精彩派對。東亞是次贊助兒童癌病基金、新生精神康復會、香港保護兒童會及心光學校,合共200個受惠兒童及其家人「遊樂園」,連同該行特選客戶計算,參與人數約1萬人。為隆重其事,東亞銀行副行政總裁李民橋亦有親自到場。self storage
- Sep 30 Mon 2013 08:08
信息來源於四川新聞網 / Cited from明天國慶旅遊“黃金周”正式開始,self storage如果你選擇“宅在成都”不出去打擠,那麼想品嘗天下美味嗎?想搶購世界美食嗎?想和家人過一個更加美好的國慶節嗎?一直到10月7日,就到成都國際非遺博覽園去吧!由中國貿促會、四川省人民政府聯合主辦的第十屆中國(成都)國際美食旅遊節(以下簡稱“美食節”),昨日已在成都國際非遺博覽園隆重開幕了!數以萬計的國際國內各類美食,等你現場挑選、品嘗。本屆美食節在總結前九屆經驗的基礎上,辦展水平大幅提升,參展國家數量不斷增加,�多龍頭名企紛至遝來,專業化、國際化水平再上新台階,配套活動更加注重實效,全力為參展企業打造良好的合作交流平台。5萬平方米展覽面積 9大展區本屆美食節以“食尚四川 味美世界”為主題,目的是交流美食文化、促進產業發展、擴大國際影響、建設美食之都。活動期間,將舉辦美食評選活動、美食文化展、美食產業聯展、高峰論壇、娛樂及商業展、美食互動體驗、網絡美食節等專題。圍繞川菜、川酒、川茶、川景等四川特色資源,本屆美食節展覽面積達5萬平方米,共設全球美食聯展區、川茶展示區、川酒展示區、食品展區、原輔料及調味品展區、醃臘製品展區、鮮活農產品展區、農副土特產展區和旅遊商品展區等9大展區。數百家企業雲集 名品閃耀記者瞭解到,本屆美食節有數百家食品類企業參展,一大批知名食品企業和龍頭企業踴躍參展,包括古藺烏蒙嬌趕黃草,蒙牛、金忠肉業、春源集團、三mini storage獼猴桃、想真企業、藍劍、建華香油、五糧液、希望集團、水井坊、峨眉毛峰、王老吉、青海乳業、環太苦蕎茶等。為此,組委會特別規劃了川茶展區和川酒展區,集中展示知名、龍頭企業。網絡知名美食也來湊熱鬧自從有了微博、微信等新興社交工具,美食就成為其中不可或缺的話題,年輕人們在外品嘗美食前也習慣拿出手機拍上幾張食物特寫,上傳到自己的微博、朋友圈以“誘惑”同道中人,這樣一來一往的交流中便通過美食為媒介增進了自己與朋友間的情感。記者在本屆美食節上發現,新浪四川也搭建了自己的美食專區,在此出現的都是微博上炒得沸沸揚揚的特色人氣美食:豪蝦傳、味蜀吾、楊楊夜宵、拾光甜品以及瓜串串,到四妹缽缽雞、宋二姐土雞火鍋,還有大邑的新場血旺、溫江的七婆串串,宜賓的燃面,綿陽的江油肥腸,每個名字都耳熟能詳!每一款的價格也就10元到30元不等,盡可在這裡把平時只聽過沒吃過的美食一網打盡。美食節上的郫縣美食記者在美食節主會場現場看到,郫縣搭設了精美專業的展區,其中蜀都天香、川粵匯等8家餐飲企業入選“郫縣餐飲名店”,臨水軒、陳府家宴等8家入選“郫縣特色餐飲店”、鄉村風味宴(紅星飯店)、特色全雞宴(楊雞肉)等7席筵席入選“郫縣風味筵席”,評出了清真丁鵝、芙蓉包等10個“郫縣特色小吃”以及酥肉豆花、平頭雞等15道“大�喜愛菜品”。全縣聞名的特色美食在美食節現場紛紛亮相。而由田園印象、三鍋爭霸、凱樂迪等企業組成的“置信逸都美食聯盟”也“新鮮出爐”。成都商報記者 吳堅 攝影 程�凌迷你倉
- Sep 30 Mon 2013 08:00
自由活動給時間 自費項目不推薦
本報記者 楊汛“團費價格比之前貴了幾千元,儲存是否景點增加了?”不少報名10月出團的遊客都會提出這樣的問題。景點多了 自由活動多了“我們在原有行程基礎上增加了景點,每天的行程都更豐富,還多了自由活動的時間。”中青旅的工作人員這樣解釋和介紹。中青旅9月、10月各有一個“泰國和芭提雅7日游”產品,價格相差近一倍。記者對比發現,10月的旅遊團行程中增加了五世皇柚木行宮、三大奇觀、沙美島等多個景點。9月的旅遊團行程中,第五、六天都有一半的時間安排在購物點,而10月旅遊團的行程,第六天全部為自由活動。“未來大部分旅遊團的行程中都會留出更多自由活動時間。”中青旅工作人員說,“遊客可以在自由活動時間自選景點遊覽或購物,只要在指定時間到指定地點集合就行了。”據調查,國旅、中旅、華遠國旅10月去往東南亞、歐洲的多個產品中,都多出半天到一天的自由活動時間。自費項目納入團費或取消《旅遊法》除了禁止旅行社安排購物外,還要求不能組織自費項目、導遊不能收取小費等一系列新規。之前旅行社為降低團費吸引遊客,把一些熱門景點設為自費項目,比如法國凡爾賽宮門票需遊客自費。記者調查發現,10月出團的旅遊產品中,一些“傳統”自費項目不再自費,有些項目或變為推薦項目,或被取消。記者對比國旅“十一”前後分別出團的“法瑞意德+阿爾薩斯12日美酒饗宴之旅”,9月出發的旅行團合同中,儲存倉覽凡爾賽宮、巴黎聖母院、阿爾卑斯雪山等景點為自費,而10月出發的團明確“無自費項目”,其中阿爾卑斯雪山纜車、門票等費用納入團費,而凡爾賽宮、巴黎聖母院等則被刪除。按《旅遊法》,導遊、司機的服務費也被納入團費。“我們的導遊領隊、境外司機等人員的服務費都包含在團費之中,旅行社按合同支付,遊客不需要再向他們支付任何費用。”國旅的客服人員表示。中青旅10月出團的“法瑞意梵4國游”合同中,有明碼標價:“導遊兼領隊服務費用4歐元/天/人,司機服務費用4歐元/天/人,地陪服務費用1歐元/站/人。”遊客特殊要求可能被拒絕被取消的自費項目中不少都是當地著名景點,如果遊客仍想遊覽怎麼辦?“以前,自費項目是佔用行程的。今後如果客人自願遊玩一些景點,可利用自由活動時間自費參加,經過協商,導遊也會提供指引和講解。”國旅的客服代表告訴記者。記者咨詢多家旅行社後得知,遊客自費遊覽的特殊需求目前只能通過“與導遊協商”方式。“導遊的個人精力和時間有限,一些自由選擇的項目要求一半以上的遊客參加,導遊才會提供幫助。” 國旅客服表示,“合同規定之外的遊覽和購物活動,導遊是否提供幫助,我們也不敢保證。”“如果遊客有比較多的特殊參觀需求,我們推薦自由行產品。”中青旅客服建議,由於跟團游的自由活動時間有限,如果遊客想參加更多自費項目,時間不一定允許,自由行的行程安排則更為靈活。迷你倉最平
- Sep 30 Mon 2013 07:53
信息來源於四川新聞網 / Cited from成都商報記者 楊斌吳宇宸“明宇集團·2013中國(成都)金融理財節”正在如火如荼進行之中。昨日,儲存成都商報記者從本屆金融理財節組委會獲悉,截至目前,已有銀行、保險、信托、黃金投資、民間理財等50多家金融類機構報名參加,參評機構數量連續第九年創歷史新高。據瞭解,按照組委會的統一安排,本屆金融理財節的頒獎典禮將于10月17日在明宇豪雅酒店舉行,屆時“2013中國(成都)金融總評榜”的獲獎名單也將正式揭曉。昨日,成都商報記者從組委會瞭解到,經過前期各金融機構的積極申報,入圍金融總評榜“銀行類大獎”的機構名單今日亮相。年度最受歡迎銀行卡參評獎項:年度最受歡迎銀行卡參評對象:工行蜀通信用卡參評機構:中國工商銀行四川省分行營業部參評理由:蜀通信用卡是工商銀行面向成都市機動車駕駛員發行的集金融服務、交通管理功能于一體的銀聯貸記卡。它採用磁條加芯片的整合技術,以貸記卡為載體,在磁條卡基礎上,增加了具有交警業務辦理功能和小額快速支付功能的標準芯片,在提供基本金融服務的同時,助您實現機動車和駕駛證信息查詢;交通違法處罰及繳款;車駕管業務受理。參評獎項:年度最受歡迎銀行卡參評對象:交通銀行蓉城信用卡參評機構:交通銀行四川省分行參評理由:這不僅僅是一張傳統意義上的信用卡,更是一張可通達蓉城,玩轉成都的銀聯標準IC信用卡。它不僅可以在成都當地交通領域使用,更支持持卡人在銀聯特約商戶進行小額、快速消費,極大地方便持卡人的日常消費。參評獎項:年度最受歡迎銀行卡參評對象:信福年華卡參評機構:中信銀行成都分行參評理由:“信福年華卡”除具備中信理財寶金卡和白金卡功能,還附加老年人關愛、理財、便利、健康、休閒服務等多項專屬增值服務,為您構建起溫馨的“信福年華之家”。信福年華金卡,讓您日常理財生活不再繁雜,存取款、轉賬、消費、投資理財等十余項基礎服務輕鬆搞定。信福年華白金卡,為您精心打造個人專享服務獨享機場貴賓登機服務、24小時“貴賓汽車救援服務”、白金律師顧問、專屬貴賓通道等十余項增值服務。參評獎項:年度最受歡迎銀行卡參評對象:華夏銀行尊尚白金信用卡參評機構:華夏銀行成都分行參評理由:這是華夏銀行打造的一張全方位白金信用卡,持卡人可享受到機場貴賓廳、汽車代駕、道路救援、航空意外險、超高失卡保障、導醫導診、高爾夫果嶺暢打等尊貴服務。年度最佳財富管理銀行參評獎項:年度最佳財富管理銀行參評機構:中國農業銀行四川省分行參評理由:中國農業銀行四川省分行廣泛吸收國際先進的管理技術和成功經驗,依托覆蓋面最廣的全國網絡及不斷擴展的境外機構,具有日趨成熟的專家團隊和豐富的銀行服務經驗,掌握國內財富人士的理財習慣和金融需求,提供個人財務管理和資產管理服務。通過為客戶量身訂制高效率、全方位的綜合服務,實現客戶財富的保值、增值和傳承。客戶在享受高端、尊貴、私密、專屬服務的同時,成就財富與尊貴的人生境界。參評獎項:年度最佳財富管理銀行參評對象:中銀財富管理參評機構:中國銀行四川省分行參評理由:“中銀財富管理”是四川中行以客戶為中心、以客戶需求為導向、以客戶價值創造和維護為宗旨,提供全球化專業財富管理的高端個人金融服務品牌。“中銀財富管理”具備完善的投資服務功能,包括投資組合管理、投資經紀、海外投資咨詢及授信融資等專業服務,以專業化的客戶金融資產管理方式,為客戶實現資產的保值升值。參評獎項:年度最佳財富管理銀行參評機構:浦發銀行成都分行參評理由:浦發銀行成都分行以客戶價值為核心,著力打造財富管理這一全新的商業盈利模式,形成鮮明的經營特色,以差異化發展策略提高核心競爭力。主要體現在:一是理念上,深入以客戶為中心的理念;二是產品上,為客戶創造綜合價值;三是渠道上,分類管理改善客戶體驗;四是隊伍上,建設了一支高水準、專業化的財富管理團隊。在過去的一年中,浦發銀行成都分行豐富了“卓信理財”品牌服務的內涵,樹立了移動金融領先銀行的地位,中高端客戶數量占比和貢獻度快速提升。浦發銀行成都分行將不斷優化業務發展模式,以專業理財、專屬服務、品味生活為特色,為打造財富管理經營特色、創造更大的客戶價值而不懈努力。年度最佳成長型銀行參評獎項:年度最佳成長型銀行參評機構:浦發銀行成都分行參評理由:2013年,浦發銀行成都分行在嚴峻形勢下保持健康平穩發展並實現新的跨越的一年。在總行的正確領導和全行員工的共同努力下,取得了經營、轉型雙豐收:一是實現了十年千億的目標,使分行的發展建立在一個更加寬闊的起點上;二是創造了不良貸款歸零的奇跡,使分行對發展的方向和信心更加堅定;三是創新業務的放量,使分行對發展的未來充滿希望。截至2013年8月末,分行各項存款餘額1100億元。其中一般性存款1085億元,較年初增長26%,儲蓄存款145億元,較年初增長28%;各項貸款餘額672億元,較年初增長15%;全年實現利潤較上年增長30%,人均創利超過450萬元;各類效益指標位列區域同類股份制銀行前列,繼續保持了在當地同類股份制銀行中資產規模最大、盈利能力最強、客戶存款最多和品牌價mini storage最高的領先優勢。年度最佳小企業融資服務參評獎項:年度最佳小企業融資服務參評機構:交通銀行四川省分行參評理由:交通銀行四川省分行根據小微企業特點,綜合運用先進的金融服務系統,創新機制,優化信貸資源配置,努力打造多元化服務體系和“小微企業金融服務之家”,為我省小微企業提供全方位金融服務方案,幫助小微企業健康成長。參評獎項:年度最佳小企業融資服務參評對象:種子基金參評機構:中信銀行成都分行參評理由:小企業“種子基金”是集群開發+創新擔保方式的典範,適合于供應鏈核心企業、園區、專業市場或商會協會等集群的小微企業客戶,由政府、核心企業、園區、商會等出資成立風險緩釋金,銀行配套相應的信貸規模,向特定小企業客戶群體提供信貸支持,基本不需要小微客戶提供有效資產抵押。參評獎項:年度最佳小企業金融服務參評對象:華夏銀行“中小企業金融服務商”品牌參評機構:華夏銀行成都分行參評理由:近年來,華夏銀行成都分行進一步打造華夏銀行“中小企業金融服務商”品牌形象,創新推出了年審制貸款、平台金融等系列破解小微企業服務難題的業務產品,加快小微企業金融業務發展,發展實力和市場競爭力持續增強。年度最佳創新金融服務參評獎項:年度最佳創新金融服務參評機構:中國農業銀行四川省分行參評理由:中國農業銀行四川省分行在創新金融服務方面,依托網絡寬、渠道廣的服務體系,不斷追求創新,以高素質的投資、產品研發團隊、雄厚的資金實力、良好的銀行間市場的聲譽來滿足廣大城鄉客戶的多樣化金融需求,創新推出的支持城鎮化建設、農業產業化建設、園區建設、產業鏈、供應鏈、貿易鏈融資貸款等金融服務產品,有力助推了四川經濟發展。目前,農行四川省分行已取得6項國家專利授權,獲得四川省質量技術監督局批准發佈2項四川省(區域性)地方標準,是省內金融系統第一家頒佈金融產品標準的單位。參評獎項:年度最佳創新金融服務參評機構:中國銀行四川省分行參評理由:四川中行始終秉承“客戶至上”的理念,不斷加大創新力度,提高服務水平,打造最佳客戶體驗。2013年以來,該行自主研發產品創新、管理創新及科技創新項目69項,其中上半年已投產32項,包括支持環保行業發展的“環保通寶”、滿足涉農產業經營需求的“益農貸”、為維護農民工工資保障推出的“工益通”,以及方便市民生活的蓉城借記IC卡等,將創新的成果實實在在地應用于支持服務小微企業、綠色環保、三農經濟以及百姓生活。年度最受歡迎手機銀行參評獎項:年度最受歡迎手機銀行參評對象:工行手機銀行參評機構:中國工商銀行四川省分行營業部參評理由:作為一款移動支付方式,工行手機銀行客戶端在智能手機和平板電腦上均能使用,採用登錄密碼、工銀電子密碼器、音頻U盾等身份認證,配合限額管理、客戶操作超時退出機制、登錄短信提醒等措施,確保客戶資金安全。除了快捷方便的查詢、轉賬、理財等基本功能外,還提供“預約取現”、“逸貸”、“E支付”、“炒原油”等特色功能。目前,工行手機銀行用戶已突破1億戶。參評獎項:年度最受歡迎手機銀行參評對象:e動交行參評機構:交通銀行四川省分行參評理由:交通銀行新一代手機銀行e動交行,引領無限金融生活,其電子地圖助您直達交行各網點,手機號碼轉賬匯款省時快捷,無卡預約取款解您燃眉之急,繳費充值購票支付足不出戶,手機摩卡數字證書加倍安全,最紅周五娛樂休閒一鍵搞定。年度最佳網上銀行參評獎項:年度最佳網上銀行參評對象:農行四川省分行網上銀行參評機構:中國農業銀行四川省分行參評理由:農行四川省分行網上銀行是農行“金e順”品牌旗下的支柱產品,自2002年推出以來,經過十年來的發展歷程,目前已形成了涵蓋個人、企業、電子商務等多類客戶應用的立體化服務格局,具有全面的賬戶管理、靈活的資金調度、輕鬆的投資理財、安全的技術保障等特點,可以滿足廣大個人、企業客戶多種自助交易與理財需求,先後榮獲“2012年度最佳創新電子銀行”、“2012卓越電子商務銀行”獎、“2012年電子銀行最佳營銷獎”、“2013年領航中國企業網銀最佳安全獎”、“人人最愛‘最受信賴網上銀行服務’”等殊榮。參評獎項:年度最佳網上銀行參評對象:中國銀行網上銀行參評機構:中國銀行四川省分行參評理由:您是否有過在銀行辦理業務排隊苦等的經歷,或者因無暇顧及而錯失獲利機會的懊惱。現在,您只需使用中國銀行網上銀行服務,就可以獲得更加豐富和優惠的全球金融服務,為您和您的企業搭建安全便捷的賬戶管理、資金匯劃及投資理財服務通道,讓您有更多的時間與朋友、家人和摯愛相伴,盡情享受美好生活。參評獎項:年度最佳網上銀行參評對象:“異度支付”品牌參評機構:中信銀行成都分行參評理由:“異度支付”包含了二維碼支付、NFC支付、全網跨行收單等多款產品,標誌著中信銀行吹響了網絡金融服務戰的號角。“異度”源自cyberspace(異度空間)的中文翻譯,在該體系下,中信銀行無處不在,無卡支付使整個支付行為都可以在銀行的概念貨幣支付中進行。二維碼支付正是這一理想的體現,它有效地解決了線上線下的融合,使支付不再受物理網點和PC終端的限制,只需掃一掃便可隨時隨地完成支付,為消費者帶來快速、便捷的體驗。self storage
- Sep 30 Mon 2013 07:45
- Sep 30 Mon 2013 07:37
在29日舉行的中國(上海)自由貿易試驗區情況說明會上,儲存商務部、國家發展改革委和中國人民銀行等八部委相關負責人介紹了為試驗區設計的配套政策。金融創新、負面清單和稅制環境成為其中的熱點。金融創新:放寬准入 擴大開放中國人民銀行上海總部副主任張新說,試驗區內先行先試利率市場化和人民幣資本項目可兌換,將在宏觀審慎框架內,根據實體經濟發展需要,按全國統一部署穩步推進,成熟一項推進一項。上海銀監局局長廖岷介紹了銀監會對自貿試驗區銀行業監管的八項措施,包括支持中外資銀行入區發展經營,鼓勵開展跨境投融資服務,支持區內開展離岸業務,簡化准入方式,完善監管服務體系等。“放寬准入”“擴大開放”無疑是兩大關鍵詞。盡管利率市場化可能縮小銀行利差收入,創新上的鬆綁卻可能帶來更多利好。試驗區內的金融機構將獲准開展大宗商品貿易融資、全供應鏈貿易融資、離岸船舶融資、外保內貸等跨境融資業務,以及跨境並購貸款和項目貸款、跨境資產管理和財富管理業務、房地產信托投資基金等跨境投資金融服務。證監會對自貿試驗區的支持事項則引發更多想象空間——同意上海期貨交易所在試驗區內設立國際能源交易中心股份有限公司,具體推進國際原油期貨交易平台籌建工作,引入境外投資者參與期貨交易;允許符合條件的個人或單位雙向投資境內外市場;允許國內企業境外母公司發行人民幣債券;開展衍生品境外交易等。負面清單:逾80%外商投資改為備案制為推動政府職能轉變,上海自貿試驗區將探索負面清單這種新的經濟管理模式。所謂負面清單mini storage相當于投資領域的“黑名單”,列明瞭企業不能投資的領域和產業。國家發展改革委利用外資和境外投資司司長孔令龍說,對負面清單之外的領域按內外資一致的原則,將外商投資項目由核准制改為備案制。毫無疑問,“負面清單”管理模式將大大釋放企業投資的活力。但是,其帶來的挑戰也是巨大的。在金融、航運等諸多服務業領域,我國的發展較國際先進水平有相當差距。有人擔心,實施這種制度將打擊國內競爭力較為薄弱的產業。正因為如此,負面清單的內容備受關注。上海自貿試驗區管委會常務副主任戴海波介紹,在發展改革委和商務部的支持下,制定負面清單時按國民經濟分類,共列出18個門類1069個小類。其中對約190個小類有管理措施,約占整個產業小類的17.8%。也就是說,超過80%的外商投資項目將由核准制改為備案制。稅制環境:15%企業所得稅率尚不實行稅收政策是外界最關心的話題之一。財政部關稅司司長王偉介紹,上海自貿試驗區內的稅收政策將實行“7+2”,即7項明確實行的稅收政策和2項探索實行的稅收政策。其中,明確類政策包括鼓勵投資的政策和促進貿易的政策:前者主要涉及非貨幣性資產對外投資、股權激勵等2項政策,後者主要涉及融資租賃出口退稅試點、進口環節增值稅、選擇性征稅、部分貨物免稅、�運港退稅試點等5項政策。此外,王偉還透露,財政部正在積極研究完善適應境外股權投資和離岸業務發展的2項稅收政策。王偉說,上海自貿區總體方案不包括此前市場流傳的“企業所得稅稅率降至15%”。(據新華社上海9月29日電)self storage
- Sep 30 Mon 2013 07:30
全國版) - (全國百家網站發出建設綠色網絡倡議,激勵青少年為實現中國夢貢獻力量 在網上唱響主旋律傳播正能量
綜合新華社北京9月29日電 9月29日,儲存由全國百家網站共同發起的“綠色網絡 助飛夢想”——網絡關愛青少年倡議活動在北京舉行,百家網站負責人在“建設綠色互聯網 弘揚青春正能量”——網絡關愛青少年倡議書上簽名。國家互聯網信息辦公室、教育部、共青團中央、全國婦聯等有關部門負責同志出席倡議活動。9月16日,國家互聯網信息辦公室、教育部、共青團中央、全國婦聯指導全國百家網站,�動了“綠色網絡 助飛夢想”——網絡關愛青少年行動。此次倡議活動旨在呼籲全國網絡媒體積極參與網絡關愛青少年行動,大力弘揚健康向上的網絡文化,加強網絡空間管理,為青少年成長成才創造良好網絡空間,為培養社會主義事業合格接班人做出積極貢獻。參與此次倡議活動的百家網站有人民網、新華網、中國網絡電視台、、南方新聞網、大洋網、深圳新聞網、凱迪社區、網易網、騰訊網、鳳凰網、中國婦女網等網站。近年來,我國互聯網發展迅速,據中國互聯網絡信息中心的統計報告顯示,截至2013年6月底,我國網民規模達到5.91億,其中,30歲以下網民達3.2億,占到網民總數的54%。龐大的青少年網民群體應該如何來對待、保護、關愛?面對網絡上的諸如淫穢、色情、低俗、渲染凶殺暴力恐怖等等的有害信息,中國網絡電視台總經理、總編輯汪文斌認為,首先要大力淨化網絡環境,“只有一個健康向上的網絡環境,才能充分發揮網絡對青少年成長產生的積極作用,同時把負面影響降到最低。”有調查報告顯示,我國城市青少年網民中,網癮青少年超過2400萬人,還有1800多萬青少年有網癮傾向。“如果不加強對青少年網絡成癮行為的干預,網絡成癮將會成為影響青少年健康成長的重大障礙之一。”北京安定醫院副院長李占江指出,目前越來越多的人對互聯網產生心理上的依賴感,並達到成癮的程度,它像酗酒、吸毒和賭博等不良嗜好一樣,對人們的工作、學習和生活產生破壞性影響。青少年網民已成為網絡成癮人群的主體。“解決青少年沉迷網絡的問題不能盲目地否定網絡,是我們沒有利用好網絡這個素質教育的有效渠道,造成適得其反。”中科院心理研究所教授、博士生導師王極盛說。網絡關愛青少年倡議書當前,互聯網已經成為廣大青少年學習知識、獲取信息、交流思想、休閒娛樂的重要平台,極大豐富了青少年的精神文化生活,深刻影響著青少年的生活方式、思維方式和行為模式。但同時,網上出現的一些淫穢色self storage和低俗的信息、渲染凶殺暴力恐怖的信息、侵犯青少年隱私的信息、對青少年進行“網絡欺凌”的信息,宣揚腐朽落後價值觀的信息,嚴重損害了青少年的身心健康,社會家庭反映強烈。為大力推進青少年網絡關愛,進一步清理網上不良信息,打造綠色健康、積極向上的網絡空間,維護青少年合法權益,促進青少年健康成長,在此我們向全國網絡界發出如下倡議:1.堅持正確導向,恪守媒體職責。始終秉持媒體的社會責任,堅持社會效益與商業效益的統一,大力宣傳國家富強民族振興人民幸福的中國夢,充分反映經濟社會發展成就和國家發展、時代進步,大力弘揚時代精神和民族精神,宣揚拼搏奮鬥、立志成才的青年典型,在網上唱響主旋律、傳播正能量,激勵廣大青少年為實現中國夢貢獻青春力量。2.依法文明辦網,守住“七條底線”。嚴格遵守國家法律法規,恪守行業規章和道德規範,堅決抵制網絡謠言、網絡暴力、網絡欺詐、網絡色情、網絡犯罪等“網絡亂象”,不渲染炒作凶殺、暴力、恐怖和涉青少年案件,不傳播炫富比闊、追求刺激、盲目追星、享樂奢靡等腐朽思想,不刊播攻擊、謾罵、誹謗等“網絡欺凌”信息和侵犯未成年人合法權益的信息,努力建設積極向上、文明健康、規範有序的網絡空間。3.加強內容建設,服務學習生活。堅持緊貼青少年特點、滿足青少年需求、適應青少年習慣,積極開發健康向上的網絡產品,開展主題鮮明、形式多樣的網絡活動,傳播青春勵志、激發創造、鼓舞鬥志的網絡故事,打造弘揚先進文化、普及科學知識的網絡平台,為青少年健康成長、創新創造、成長成才提供有力支持。4.嚴格行業自律,加強內部管理。強化自我約束和管理,建立健全內部規章制度,嚴格執行信息採集、製作、審核、發佈等工作流程,加強從業人員馬克思主義新聞觀教育和專業技能培訓,嚴格工作獎懲和責任追究,從源頭上、機制上、人員上設置關口,遏制危害青少年不良信息的網上傳播。5.開展網絡關愛,呵護青少年成長。堅持線上線下相結合,在持續淨化網絡環境、大力倡導網絡關愛的同時,傾聽青少年心聲、適應青少年需求、關注青少年成長,積極開展心理咨詢、法律援助、扶危濟困、公益活動等面向青少年的網上服務和網下行動,使互聯網成為青少年的服務者、呵護者。青少年寄托著祖國的未來、民族的希望,讓我們攜起手來,建設綠色互聯網,弘揚青春正能量,用實際行動關愛青少年,為培養社會主義事業合格接班人作出積極貢獻!迷利倉