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Hong Kong's retail market enjoys the benefits generated by the consumption habits of mainland visitors.自存倉 But it raises the question whether the strong dependency on these big spenders poses a potential risk in the local retail market if their shopping style changes. For example, many of the more affluent mainland tourists these days prefer traveling to Western countries to buy the latest or limited-edition international brand products, rather than coming to the SAR as frequently as they used to do in the first few years after the Individual Visit Scheme was launched. In addition, the e-commerce market may redirect sales volume away from traditional retail channels like shopping malls and high street shops. Rising internet penetration and improving sophistication of e-commerce marketing indicate online shopping will continue to grow. The discrepancies between growth of retail sales and retail space resulted in surging rents in recent years. Shortage of space prompted retailers to mark up prices, or switch to more expensive products, such迷你倉新蒲崗as watches and jewelry. The problem is that the ever-rising expensive shop rental levels have forced some long-established and distinctive local retailers and restaurants out of the prime shopping districts. The variety of retail elements - so important for the sustainable development of a shopping destination - has gradually declined. In the retail leasing market, the demand from international retailers sustained in Hong Kong during the first half of 2013, with ongoing plans to expand their presence here, albeit in a more cautious way. This has kept retail rents in an upward trend. The average retail rent for ground- level shops in the four key shopping districts - Central, Causeway Bay, Tsim Sha Tsui and Mong Kok - edged up 2.2 percent in the first six months. Joanne Lee is manager of research and advisory at Colliers International. The real estate consultancy has integrated teams of specialists to speed up success for institutional and private clients, by developing solutions to give their properties a competitive business advantage. 迷你倉出租

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By LYU CHANG lvchang@chinadaily.mini storagecom.cn In the first half of this year the profit growth of Chinese liquor companies plummeted to almost zero from the same period last year and this downward trend is likely to continue for the rest of the year, a leading official at the Ministry of Commerce said on Wednesday. “Although the whole industry is still increasing in terms of production volume and profit, the downward trend of the growth rate is clear,” said Lu Zhengmin, deputy director of the department of market operations and consumption promotion for the ministry. China’s profits of white spirit industry hit a total 39.9 billion yuan ($6.5 billion) in the first six months, an increase of 0.57 percent year-on-year, but much lower than a 55.1-percent increase during the same period of the previous year, according to a report from a national body of alcohol distribution. In addition, the sales revenue of the industry was 240.2 billion yuan, with a year-on-year growth of 10 percent, according to the report. “The rate decline is a direct result of an industry adjustment,” Lu said. “For the last couple of years, the whole industry has grown too fast, especially in the high-end liquor market. But as the prices of the Chinese high-end liquors have stopped rising, the whole industry’s growth now comes to a halt.” Industry insiders said in a response to the government’s campaign since last year to crackdown on extravagance and lavish spending using public funds, many liquor companies have cut their prices, which resulted in a profit drop in the uself storagemarket sector. At a chain store that sells tobacco and alcohol in Beijing, a 500 milliliter bottle of Feitian Moutai Baijiu, produced by Kweichow Moutai was priced at 1,560 yuan this year, down from more than 2,300 yuan over the same period last year. Its major rival Wuliangye has also seen its price fall by 200 yuan at the store. A sales representative said the price of all Moutai liquors has been slashed by 10 percent, but Wuliangye products have held up better than most. Despite the price cuts, boxes of unsold Moutai and Wuliangye piled up in the store. “We are now clearing the stocks,” Lu said. “The sales of these top-priced baijiu were not as good as last year.” Baijiu is the generic name for Chinese white spirits, including Moutai. Earlier this month, Kweichow Moutai, based in Southwest China’s Guizhou province, said it has seen its revenue for the first six months of 2013 total 17.9 billion yuan, up only 0.6 percent year-on-year. Meanwhile, Moutai’s peers are also posting lackluster results. Jiugui Liquor Co Ltd said its first-half revenue has seen a rapid decline, resulting in a nearly 90 percent drop in profits. Tie Li, a marketing specialist and an expert within the liquor industry, said the era of intoxicating high profits has come to an end in China’s liquor market. “As more upper-end liquor producers cut their prices to target the mid-range market, they will face a major challenge in rebuilding the distribution channels,” he said. 39.9 billion yuan the profits of China’s white spirit industry in the first six months 迷你倉

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南都記者李鶴鳴 實習生 張彩陽 中國人民銀行近日發出公告,迷你倉庫暫停包商銀行債券結算資格兩年,即日起執行。記者昨天致電央行新聞處求證獲悉,上述公告並非由央行按正常渠道向社會公開,目前正在與相關部門核實。根據此份8月7日印發的公告,包商銀行自公告發佈之日起不得發生新的債券結算代理業務,存量業務逐步自然退出,但公告未說明做出上述決定的原因。此份于8月7日印發的標為“銀發(2013)186號”的人民銀行紅頭文件顯示,央行根據有關規定,以及包商銀行有關情況,決定暫停包商儲存行的銀行間債券市場債券結算代理業務資格2年。通知要求包商銀行自本通知發佈之日起,不得發生新的債券結算代理業務,存量業務逐步自然退出;同時要求包商銀行要加強對相關業務人員及負責人的培訓教育,健全內部控制與風險防範,保證證券交易結算等各項業務的規範開展;暫停期滿後,央行將對根據對包商銀行專項現場檢查評估結果,決定是否恢複銀行間債券市場債券結算代理業務資格。記者昨天試圖就此聯繫包商銀行但未成功,而央行新聞處有關負責人昨天也未對上述通知做進一步解釋,僅表示正在核實。新蒲崗迷你倉

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農業銀行向上海市授出巨大信貸額度,新蒲崗迷你倉像一隻戳破窗戶紙的手指,點出內地新動態,顯示經濟打響了保底戰。表面上看不到「四萬億」當年,中央登高一呼的姿態,反而是上頭低調、下頭亢奮,一個地方政府主導的投資熱潮,行將悄然掩至。找得到的說法,是發改委強調「下半年要保持合理的投資增長」,有這支令箭,地方怎會不聞風而動,鐵(路)公(路)基(建)再加棚戶區改造項目蓄勢冒起。下頭自發的鐵公基項目紛紛出籠,想頭頓見不小,一場持久的宏觀調控,地方慣常的投資衝動壓抑既久,有了重獲釋放的機會,難免立心鼓勁大幹一場。媒體披露,某中部大省下半年三千多個「億元項目」開工,全年投資總量突破二萬億元。窺斑見豹,動起來的不是少數幾個省市,一省已如許大手筆,想想一旦全國匯總地方的投資額,當年「四萬億」豈不是小巫而已?這是不是地方亂來?不是。譬如,早前中央已把建設城際鐵路權力下放地方,省政府打算建城際鐵路,只要搞清楚兩件事:一是如何便於納入全國鐵路網,二是如何能夠搞到錢,後者是當中最緊要的。地方搞妥這兩條,中央就已不再是阻力。現時各省有名目的項目讓人看花眼,不失時效地擺上日程,難道啟動項目的錢路都打通了嗎?這個疑問的關鍵在於,中央放手地方大上項目之際,眾所周知,「四萬億」當年的債務後遺尚未清理乾淨,不少地方還在過�「債�債」的日mini storage,何以即可豪爽上項目?莫非有中央撐住,幫手擺平債務?更堪傾向的猜測是,地方項目會以發債融資主打,再配以銀行信貸。事實上,目前放手地方上項目,不但是保增長的需要,也可能是銀行持續經營的需要。內地銀行信貸去路,本以房地產為主,但宏觀調控截斷了這條去路,銀行大玩理財產品、信託產品,業務尚且無憂,當監管當局整頓理財產品、信託產品後,銀行業務突然收窄,持續經營就有問題。這種狀況不可持久,地方啟動項目能創造信貸需求,可紓銀行業務閉塞,恐是今次上項目不宣言表的動機之一。另一個疑問是,如此大規模放手上項目,是否暗示為了保增長,只好暫時放低調結構進程。由此引出兩方面猜測,一方面經濟下行的預期後果,超出了內地可承受的範圍,必要調結構進程向保增長讓路;或者,另一方面經濟下行制約了諸多基本面,調結構根本就舉步維艱。正是基於此,當局只好放棄不理會經濟低速增長,專注於調結構的不合理設計決策,重返在發展中調結構的思維。如果說,在一番改革雄心的頂層設計下,原本構思盡快調結構,並迅速轉型踏上持續發展之路,但未幾當局發現,中國經濟這隻大船,在急速航行後未經有效減速,要來個急轉彎掉頭談何容易。但是一旦放開投資帶動經濟,其風險亦不言而喻,那種一窩蜂地上項目,鬧出貪污浪費風氣盛行,加深產能過剩局面的惡果,是否可控無疑深存疑問。self storage

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比特幣這種只以計算機數據的形式存在於網絡中的“貨幣”,新蒲崗迷你倉第一次得到了法律認可。近日,美國一名聯邦法官表示,比特幣是“一種貨幣或一種形式的資金”,因此適用于美國的相關法律。對於這一表態,比特幣的玩家認為,這不僅將使得比特幣納入真正的資金監管,也成為比特幣真正走入大�生活的開端。被計算機技術高超的“極客”所創造和追捧的比特幣,只以計算機數據的形式存在於網絡中。但近年來,比特幣開始逐漸進入大�生活,在某些領域甚至可以直接取代流通貨幣,可以買咖啡,在網絡上消費。在這起案件中,一名原告對基於比特幣的大規模欺詐活動提起訴訟。案件的被告方名為“比特幣存儲信托”,這是一支基於比特幣的對沖基金,但一直被外界懷疑是一場騙局。該基金于2012年8月關閉,美國證券交易委員會上月正式對該基金創始人特雷頓·沙弗爾提起“龐氏騙局”指控。美國證券交易委員會表示,沙弗爾為比特幣存儲信托籌集了至少70萬比特幣,按照基金運行期間,即2011年至2012年的比特幣平均價格計算價值超過450萬美元。在法院發佈的備忘錄中,法官阿莫斯·馬贊特就法庭是否對本案具有裁判權作出了這樣的陳述:“目前法庭面臨的問題在於,本案中mini storage特幣存儲信托的投資是否是美國證券法中定義的證券。沙弗爾認為,這一投資不是證券,因為比特幣並非金錢,因此不受美國的任何監管。沙弗爾同時認為,他的交易全部基於比特幣,並不涉及資金轉手。而美國證券交易委員會則認為,這一投資包括投資合同和票據,因此屬於證券。”很明顯,比特幣可以作為貨幣使用,購買商品或服務。沙弗爾也表示,比特幣可用于支付個人生活費用。比特幣的唯一限制在於,只有有限的場所可以接受這種虛擬貨幣。不過,比特幣也可以被兌換為現實貨幣,例如美元、歐元、日元和人民幣。因此法院就此判定,比特幣是一種形式的資金,投資者對比特幣存儲信托的投資是一種資金投資。此前,美國聯邦機構金融犯罪執法網絡發佈新的指南稱,與比特幣相關的業務應被視為受到美國法律監管的資金服務業務。近日,比特幣愛好者田先生接受採訪時按捺不住言語中的興奮。他表示,由於比特幣“看不見、摸不著”的特性,此前對於其究竟是不是一種真正的貨幣一直有爭議。現在正式認可比特幣屬於貨幣,而且適用資金監管法律,這說明比特幣終於有了影響力,也開始被計算機網絡以外的世界逐漸接受。“這一判定或許將使得比特幣更快進入普通消費者的生活。”(新華)self storage

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早報記者忻尚倫各大香港媒體昨日頭版頭條均為—名政經界元老辭世的消息,新蒲崗迷你倉他就是被譽為香港銀行界教父的利國偉。利國偉終年95歲,8月10日在香港沙田威爾斯親王醫院辭世。其喪禮安排暫定本月21日設靈,22日舉殯。利國偉在香港政經界地位很高,是極少數同時縱橫香港政、經、教育三個領域的元老級人物。利國偉于1997年獲頒授大紫荊勳章。熟悉利國偉的人,都稱他為“利Sir”,是不少香港政壇、財經界人物心中的銀行“教父”。對於內地而言,利國偉最為人熟知的是為匯豐收購�生的主要談判人、參與制定香港聯繫匯率制度、1984年進京與鄧小平探討香港回歸問題以及倡導並推出了�生指數。香港特區行政長官梁振英8月12日代表香港特別行政區政府,向利國偉家人致以慰問,並贊其對香港順利回歸祖國及貫徹落實“—國兩制”貢獻良多,為香港金融服務、教育和公共服務等領域作出卓越貢獻。香港財政司司長曾俊華、香港金管局總裁陳德霖均表示,利國偉是香港金融界的代表人物,對香港銀行業和金融業的發展影響深遠。“紅褲仔”華人大班回顧利國偉半世紀創業史,猶如回溯香港過去幾十年政治金融的史詩風雲。而�生銀行是利國偉—生所花心血最多的地方。他曾在此任職近60年。利國偉為商人利樹培之子,原籍廣東開平,祖父利文奕,與利希慎父親利良奕為親兄弟。利希慎後來創辦希慎集團,其兒子利孝和則成立TVB。利國偉1918年生于澳門,童年曾就讀私塾,在聖若瑟書院就讀4年後的1937年,他因日本侵華被迫輟學。1937年,19歲的利國偉考入國華銀行,開始了其精彩的銀行家—生。利國偉考入國華銀行後僅為—名練習生,月薪只有6元。當時,他與�生銀號職員何添稔熟;1946年,何添介紹利國偉加入�生銀號,不僅月薪升至200元且花紅高達8000元,利國偉當時主要負責�生銀號的海外黃金買賣業務。1947年,利國偉與海倫相識並結婚,育有兩子兩女。利國偉在�生任職期間,工作勤奮。加上精通英語,得到了�生銀號創辦人何善衡、林炳炎等人的器重。1959年底,�生銀號改為�生銀行,利國偉的事業也發展得如日中天———1960年,利國偉升任�生銀行董事、1964年擔任副總經理。然而,第—場席卷整個香港銀行界的危機卻在悄悄醞釀。利國偉也處理了—件他後來稱之為“或是遺憾”的事。1965年1月,明德銀號發生擠兌事件,遂引發香港銀行界的擠兌風潮。雖然匯豐銀行力挺�生,並將—疊疊的現金佈置滿�生銀行大堂的各個角落,但情況並未有改善的跡象。至當年4月,�生銀行共流失了—半存款,約2億港元。1965年4月8日,�生銀行董事會決定將控股權出售給匯豐。精通英語的利國偉被董事會委任全權處理股權出讓事宜。據利國偉自己披露,談判結果僅用了—天時間便完成。�生最終以5100萬元將51%股權售予匯豐。據悉,何善衡因�生控股權從此斷送而哭了兩個晚上。不過匯豐在收購�生銀行後,只派出4名董事加入董事局,並繼續保持原來的華人管理層。2年後,利國偉升任總經理;1983年,何善衡年事已高,利國偉接替其成為董事長。利國偉曾親口坦言,他與�生創辦人何添、何善衡皆“讀書不多”,是為“紅褲仔”。在香港,人們把那些從小靠自己打拼,—路接受歷練長大的孩子,叫作“紅褲仔”。或許正因如此,在香港工業起飛的上世紀60至70年代間,�生銀行給予了本港小企業大力的資金支持。如鄭裕彤發跡前,由他主理的周大福珠寶便得力于�生銀行的資助;李嘉誠經營塑膠花廠時,曾設法與何善衡會面,待長實壯大後成為了�生銀行的長期客戶。1972年,�生銀行在香港上市。結果獲得29倍的超額認購,凍結資金28億港元,相等於香港政府1971年財政收入的—半。6月20日,�生在香港交易所掛牌上市,這是戰後在香港上市的第—家銀行。星島日報昨日援引�生銀行發言人話稱,為紀念利國偉,該行由8月13日起mini storage連三天下半旗志哀。面會鄧小平作為香港第—代華人銀行大班,利國偉的—生亦是香港近半世紀的歷史縮影。執掌�生銀行期間,利國偉在政經界地位舉足輕重,並且在中英會談過程中扮演重要角色。大公網報道顯示,1968年利國偉獲委任為立法局議員,1972年獲委兼任行政局議員,擔任立法局與行政局議員分別歷時10年及7年。1983年,中英開�了關於香港主權歸屬問題的談判。1984年6月23日,利國偉聯同鐘士元和鄧蓮如,以兩局議員身份前赴北京,與當時的中國國家領導人鄧小平見面,討論香港前途信心問題。《深圳特區報》2008年的報道顯示,當天上午10時,鄧小平在人民大會堂四川廳接見了三位兩局議員。“這3位剛剛從英國回來,他們在英國的機場發表了—個很不像樣子的演說,說他們代表香港民意如何如何,在香港引起了—場不小的風波。他們又打著為香港人‘請命’的旗幟,到北京來游說。鄧小平沒有在會談前與3位兩局議員合影留念,直到港澳辦工作人員鄧強進來通知他鐘士元—行已到時,他才露出笑容起身走到會見廳中央。”港媒亦報道稱,“事後(赴京後)被當時的新華社香港分社社長許家屯直斥為‘孤臣孽子’,令港人印象難忘。”1997年香港回歸後,利國偉與安子介、霍英東、鐘士元等12人同獲頒大紫荊勳章。多次臨危受命不能忽視的是,在此期間,香港的匯率制度發生了巨變,且影響深遠。利國偉亦參與其中。1983年,英國在承諾交還香港的同時,取消了港幣自由浮動的匯率制度,香港從此失去了貨幣管理主權。當年,利國偉以香港行政局議員身份,協助當時的香港財政司司長彭勵治,制訂了港幣與美元掛�的聯繫匯率制度,將美元兌港元的匯價維持在7.8的水平。聯繫匯率制度,無疑解救了當時岌岌可危的港幣的命運,甚至在近30年的時間里,為香港提供了—個穩定的、低成本的、高效率的交易結算工具。但是,聯繫匯率制度留下的重殤,確讓港幣成為了—種美元兌換券,沒有了管理通貨膨脹的能力、失去了成為國際儲備貨幣的價值。此外,已成為香港股市象徵的�生指數,原來構思亦是來自利國偉。�生指數原本是�生銀行內部—套測量股市走勢的指標。利國偉與何善衡委托“�生指數之父”、當時�生銀行研究部主管關士光創立“屬於香港的道瓊斯指數”。最終,�生指數于1969年對外公佈。利國偉當時表示:“�生銀行經得起時間考驗,�指亦能經得起考驗。”而在香港1987年股災之際,利國偉“臨危受命”出任了香港聯合交易所主席。熱心公益與教育利國偉亦十分熱心公益和支持教育發展。于1994年聯同何添、梁 琚、何善衡創辦“何梁何利基金”支持教育發展。“何梁何利基金”官方網站內容顯示,1993年6月19日,時任香港�生銀行董事長的利國偉先生在北京釣魚台國賓館拜會時任國務院副總理的朱榕基同志時,代表同仁表達了捐款支持內地科技和教育事業的心願。這個構想立即得到了國務院領導同志的高度讚賞。港媒援引香港金融界人士的觀點稱,利國偉具有兼容不同力量、匯集各方意見的“調和”功力。利國偉亦曾引用過何善衡名句,作為其畢生座右銘“話到口中留半句,理從是處讓三分”,反映華人銀行大班兼收並蓄之魄力。利國偉(1918-2013)1918年8月5日生于澳門1946年加入�生銀行1959年-1976年出任�生銀行董事1968年任香港立法局非官守議員1972年任香港行政局議員1976年-1983年出任�生銀行副董事長1983年-1996年出任�生銀行執行董事長1996年-1997年出任�生銀行非執行董事長1998年-2004年出任�生銀行名譽董事長1988年-1991年出任香港聯合交易所理事會主席1994年3月聯同何善衡、梁 琚、何添創辦“何梁何利基金”1994年被聘任為港事顧問1997年7月榮獲香港特區政府授予大紫荊勳章2013年8月10日在沙田威爾斯親王醫院去世,享年95歲self storage

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cqcbepaper.cqnews.net/cqcb/html/2013-08/14/content_1666483.htm...身份證如果丟了,新蒲崗迷你倉我們最先想到的是趕緊去補辦。很快,你就能拿到一張新的。 這時你是不是會覺得,丟失的那張,會自動注銷。事實並...

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  《經濟通通訊社14日專訊》據《中國金融時報》引述交通銀行(003328)(滬:601328)董事長牛錫明稱,迷你倉出租當前經濟正處於下行期,國家在宏觀總量、調整結構等方面出台許多新舉措,在此背景下銀行一味做大規模並不可取,而應該由「加快發展」向「穩健發展」轉變,交行則可以由資產持有型銀行向交易型銀行轉變。  牛錫明稱,交行應通過積極介入貨幣、儲存倉券、外匯及衍生產品交易等各個市場,擴大非信貸資金運作渠道和規模,優化資金投向與資產配置,在保證流動性的同時,讓資產在流動中分散風險,擴大利潤增長源。他並且表示,下半年,交行要做到「用好增量」,將利用信貸槓桿促進產業結構調整;並「盤活存量」,將持續優化資產業務結構。要繼續嚴格執行對融資平台、房地產、「兩高一剩」等重點領域風險管控要求。(vl)迷你倉沙田

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上周末,儲存“北京晨報昆侖山京城百姓飲水健康狀況調查活動”走進大望路附近的珠江帝景社區,在炎炎夏日里為這裡的居民送上一份“健康清爽大禮”。 活動現場分為遊戲區、科普區、換水區三個區域,隨著活動的進行,居民們紛至遝來。“現在特別關注水質,但不知道怎樣的水才算‘好水’、怎麼喝才安全健康。這個活動好,把這些問題都解答了。”說這話的是珠江帝景居民張小姐。“‘什麼是好水’現在有權威說法啦!”工作人員對張小姐等在座的居民講解飲水知識:“我們的日常飲水分為四級:一級為來自無汙染水源的高海拔天然雪山冰川礦泉水,礦物質含量豐富均衡,水源珍稀,水質最好、最適宜飲用。二級為普通天然礦泉水;三級為水源較豐富,可能微汙染或輕度汙染,加工工藝較複雜的飲用淨水;四級為經過人工處理的非包裝水。站在健康的角度,專家建議居民飲用安全性高、礦物質豐富的”一級水“。工作人員所說新蒲崗迷你倉”飲水分級“來自2012年國家發改委公�營養與發展中心水產業委員會聯合北京公�健康飲用水研究所發佈的《中國居民飲水指南》,該指南根據2011年《中國水與生命質量認知調查報告》中八成國人對飲用水種類區分模糊,不重視水質的情況給出專業指導。 除科普區,遊戲區的健康飲水大轉盤、飲水分級拼圖和3D雪山照相等活動也受到了居民的歡迎。健康飲水大轉盤和飲水分級的拼圖兩個遊戲區同樣熱鬧——轉轉盤或按照次序將一至四級水拼好,即可得到昆侖山水噴霧或玻璃對杯作為獎勵。 “看見晨報上的預告我們就準備來了。”在好水兌換區,一位手拿空礦泉水瓶的先生告訴記者。“以任何品牌的一個空礦泉水瓶兌換一瓶昆侖山雪山礦泉水”活動工作人員表示,“空瓶換好水”活動在提倡環保的同時,也將真正的健康好水送給居民飲用。據瞭解,兩天的活動,現場共兌換昆侖山雪山礦泉水數百瓶。 晨報記者 邵瑞琳 mini storage

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Source: York Daily Record, Pa.迷你倉出租Aug. 13--Last year, in my ongoing chronicling of how the rich differ from you and me other than having loads more money, I offered a critique of the Neiman-Marcus Christmas catalog that included a pair of his-and-her watches that sold for more than $1 million, a car that was designed to kill you and a jet-pack that, ultimately, would test even the most advanced forensic identification procedures.The last item I reviewed was a $100,000 chicken coop -- chickens included -- that was modeled on Versailles and had a living room for the chickens and, according to the catalog, "an elegant chandelier." The catalog said, "You've always fancied yourself a farmer -- now thanks to Heritage Hen Farm, you're doing it in the fanciest way possible!"These items -- and there were others just as ridiculous -- offer evidence that having a lot of money doesn't imbue someone with good taste, or common sense, or the kind of shame involved in spending a hundred large so that your chickens can live in luxury while inner-city children are living in squalor.They showed that having a lot of money, in fact, reduces a person's IQ and turns them into the kind of suckers who would spend $100,000 so they could pretend to be chicken farmers. (I'm guessing the charm would wear off quickly the first time they had to deal with chicken manure, which, from experience of living in proximity to a chicken farm, ain't pleasant.) They're probably the same suckers who helped destroy the world economy and then demanded bailouts so they could continue living large and stupid.They also showed that wealthy people and their money could be easily separated, at least when it comes to spending tons of money on stupid things.These items, or so I thought at the time, were the pinnacle -- or nadir -- of Gilded-Age excess, symbols of a sick society in which class war turned out to be as one-sided as Pickett's Charge at Gettysburg.And then, I became aware of a new item for sale by Dean & Deluca, grocer for the discriminating gourmands among the obscenely wealthy. For instance, the stores website offers a "hamburger bundle," which is eight "custom, hand-formed" burgers, for $115. A pan of cornbread is $26. A 13.5-ounce bottle of ketchup -- "all-natural" -- is $7.50. A can of tuna -- tuna, like in tuna salad -- goes for $15.25.I could go on and on.But there was one item that really topped it, really put it into perspective, really makes you wonder about the nature of wealth and material goods.Ice.OK, for one thing, you have to get past the fact that you can order ice over the Internet. It almost goes without saying that next-day shipping -- at a premium -- is required since the ice ships from the company's fulf儲存倉llment center -- warehouse -- in Wichita, Kan. You wouldn't want to order ice and a few days later get a soggy box from the UPS guy.For another thing... OK, there isn't another thing.Ordering ice over the Internet kind of speaks for itself.Of course, this isn't just any ice. It is Glace Luxury Ice. There is an umlaut over the "a," indicating either class or that the ice is produced by a Norwegian black metal band.It is manufactured in Davis, Calif., or at least that's where the company is headquartered. The company's website says, "Glace is a meticulously designed and differentiated drink-ice product."Whatever that means. I mean, "differentiated" ice? Oh, sorry. "Drink-ice product."The ice is made with pure water and formed into spheres, which you could probably do at home, except you probably lack the equipment to differentiate your ice. (Just a guess.)"In addition to unsurpassed quality and peace of mind, Glace Luxury Ice differentiation for those consuming a premium drink from those with less discerning taste," the website says. "Glace Luxury Ice is a symbol of status for those accustomed to the very best."The $100,000 chicken coop of ices, I guess.The ice is carved from 300-pound blocks "to ensure flawless quality," the website says.The website says "a certain amount of ceremony" is involved in using the ice. You just can't take it out of the freezer, throw it in a glass and drown it with Old Overholt or something. Once you remove it from its "elegant packaging," you have to let it age three or four minutes.Or melt.It warns that the ice "will 'crackle' or 'spider'" -- so don't be alarmed -- "but it will not break apart like less deserving ice or home-made ice."Who knew ice was so complicated?Anyway, Dean & Deluca sells this stuff.It's $75 for 10 cubes.For the math-impaired, that's $7.50 per cube.For ice.Frozen water.If you're obscenely wealthy, you aren't going to use home-made ice, or ice from your own freezer, or ice you pick up at the corner convenience store. You have to have ice that makes a status statement, that says you're a discriminating consumer, accustomed to the very best, and the kind of person who orders ice over the Internet.In other words, an idiot.Scott Fitzgerald observed that the very rich are different from you and me. Hemingway responded, "Yes. They have more money."And, it seems, better taste in ice.Mike Argento's column appears Mondays and Fridays in Living and Sundays in Viewpoints. Reach him at mike@ydr.com or 771-2046. Read more Argento columns at .ydr.com/mike. Or follow him on Twitter at FnMikeArgento.Copyright: ___ (c)2013 York Daily Record (York, Pa.) Visit York Daily Record (York, Pa.) at .ydr.com Distributed by MCT Information Services迷你倉沙田

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YOUNGSTOWN-WARREN, Ohio, Aug.自存倉 14, 2013 /PRNewswire/ -- AT&T* has turned on the nation's fastest and most reliable 4G LTE network** in Youngstown-Warren, bringing customers the latest generation of wireless network technology. Watch here to see several of the benefits AT&T 4G LTE provides, including:(Logo: photos.prnewswire.com/prnh/20120612/DA23287LOGO)-- Faster speeds. LTE technology is capable of delivering mobile Internet speeds up to 10 times faster than 3G***. Customers can stream, download, upload and game faster than ever before. -- Reliability. AT&T not only has the nation's fastest 4G LTE network, but now also has the most reliable 4G LTE network. According to independent third-party data, AT&T has the highest success rate for delivering mobile content across nationwide 4G LTE networks. -- Cool new devices. AT&T offers several LTE-compatible devices, including new AT&T 4G LTE smartphones and tablets. -- Faster response time. LTE technology offers lower latency, or the processing time it takes to move data through a network, such as how long it takes to start downloading a webpage or file once you've sent the request. Lower latency helps to improve services like mobile gaming, two-way video calling and telemedicine. -- More efficient use of spectrum. Wireless spectrum is a finite resource, and LTE uses spectrum more efficiently than other technologies, creating more space to carry data traffic and services and to deliver a better network experience."I'm proud to say that Youngstown is among the communities enjoying this cutting-edge technology," said State Senator Joe Schiavoni. "AT&T's investment is an example of the company's overall commitment to the Mahoning Valley area, and builds on our reputation as a strong region for business investment.""In an information-driven economy, the ability to have access to the latest communications technology is critical," said Tom Presby, Director of Business Development, Youngstown/Warren Chamber of Commerce. "Investments like this assure that businesses of all sizes can compete effectively in a global economy. I would like to thank AT&T for this investment in our community."AT&T's 4G NetworkAT&T's innovation and investment has resulted in a nationwide 4G network with ultra-fast speeds and a more consistent user experience. The great performance of AT&T's fastest and most reliable 4G LTE network continues to be validated by independent third-party testing:-- Our 4G LTE service was recognized as having faster average download and upload speeds than any of our competitors in PCWorld/TechHive's most recent 20-market speed tests -- the second consecutive year that AT&T has ranked first overall. PCWorld/TechHive also ranked AT&T's as the fastest combination of 3G and 4G services in the 20 cities it tested.**** -- And AT&T was named America's fastest 4G LTE network in PC Magazine's 2013 Fastest Mobile Networks 30-market study -- and also swept the top rankings in all six U.S. regions from coast to coast: Northeast, Southeast, North-Central, South-Central, Northwest and Southwest.*****Even as AT&T continues to expand its 4G LTE coverage, customers can get 4G speeds outside of 4G LTE areas on our 4G HSPA+ network, unlike some competitors, where smartphone customers may fall back to slower 3G technologies when outside of LTE coverage."We continue to see demand for mobile Internet skyrocket, and our 4G LTE network in Youngstown-Warren reflects what customers want from their mobile experience -- more, faster, reliably, on the best devices," said Steve Kristan, AT&T External Affairs Director. "We'll continue to invest and transform our infrastructure in response to the demands of the Ohio marketplace."AT&T's focus to deliver the best possible mobile Internet experience goes beyond 4G to embrace additional connection technologies. AT&T operates t迷你倉新蒲崗e nation's largest Wi-Fi network****** including more than 32,000 AT&T Wi-Fi Hot Spots at popular restaurants, hotels, bookstores and retailers, and provides access to more than 402,000 hotspots globally through roaming agreements. Most AT&T smartphone customers get access to our entire national Wi-Fi network at no additional cost, and Wi-Fi usage doesn't count against customers' monthly wireless data plans.AT&T also is a leading developer of Distributed Antenna Systems, which utilize multiple small antennas to maximize coverage and speed within stadiums, convention centers, office buildings, hotels and other areas where traditional coverage methods are challenging.Over the past five years, AT&T invested nearly $98 billion into its wireless and wireline networks across the country. Since 2008, AT&T has invested more capital into the U.S. economy than any other public company. In a July 2012 report, the Progressive Policy Institute ranked AT&T No. 1 on its list of U.S. "Investment Heroes."*AT&T products and services are provided or offered by subsidiaries and affiliates of AT&T Inc. under the AT&T brand and not by AT&T Inc.** Limited 4G LTE availability in select markets. LTE is a trademark of ETSI. Speed claim based on a comparison of U.S. national carriers' average 4G LTE download speeds for Android(TM) and Windows smartphones and iPhone 5. Reliability claim compares data transfer completion rates on nationwide 4G LTE networks. 4G speeds not available everywhere.*** 4G LTE device and data plan required. Up to 10x claim compares 4G LTE download speeds to industry average 3G download speeds. Learn more about 4G LTE at att.com/network.**** PCWorld/TechHive, May 23, 2013, "AT&T clocks best overall speeds with 3G/4G combo"***** PC Magazine, June 17, 2013; .pcmag.com/article2/0,2817,2420333,00.asp ****** A Wi-Fi enabled device required. Other restrictions apply. See .attwifi.com for details and locations.About AT&TAT&T Inc. is a premier communications holding company and one of the most honored companies in the world. Its subsidiaries and affiliates - AT&T operating companies - are the providers of AT&T services in the United States and internationally. With a powerful array of network resources that includes the nation's largest 4G network, AT&T is a leading provider of wireless, Wi-Fi, high speed Internet, voice and cloud-based services. A leader in mobile Internet, AT&T also offers the best wireless coverage worldwide of any U.S. carrier, offering the most wireless phones that work in the most countries. It also offers advanced TV services under the AT&T U-verse((R)) and AT&T ?DIRECTV brands. The company's suite of IP-based business communications services is one of the most advanced in the world.Additional information about AT&T Inc. and the products and services provided by AT&T subsidiaries and affiliates is available at .att.com. This AT&T news release and other announcements are available at .att.com/newsroom and as part of an RSS feed at .att.com/rss. Or follow our news on Twitter at @ATT.(C) 2013 AT&T Intellectual Property. All rights reserved. 4G not available everywhere. AT&T, the AT&T logo and all other marks contained herein are trademarks of AT&T Intellectual Property and/or AT&T affiliated companies. All other marks contained herein are the property of their respective owners.Cautionary Language Concerning Forward-Looking StatementsInformation set forth in this press release contains financial estimates and other forward-looking statements that are subject to risks and uncertainties, and actual results might differ materially. A discussion of factors that may affect future results is contained in AT&T's filings with the Securities and Exchange Commission. AT&T disclaims any obligation to update and revise statements contained in this news release based on new information or otherwise.Photo: photos.prnewswire.com/prnh/20120612/DA23287LOGOAT&T Inc.CONTACT: Holly Hollingsworth, Media Relations, AT&T Ohio, 614-223-5711,holly.hollingsworth@att.comWeb site: .att.com/迷你倉出租

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Source: The Montana Standard, ButteAug.迷你倉庫 13--The little rain that fell on Saturday afternoon failed to dampen spirits at the outdoor An Ri Ra Irish Festival in Uptown Butte, an organizer said Monday.Brendan McDonough, chairman of the three-day festival, said a short shower delayed one band for about 20 minutes. But during that time, a band performed acoustically.Though the attendance hasn't been tallied, he said the gate numbers were down slightly."We kind of got hurt by the weather," McDonough said. "It scared people away a little bit."The 11th year of the festival was as far cry from the past, when bad weather forced performances to be moved indoors, or even cut short entirely, McDonough said.For the last four years, the festival stages have been set up in such a way that it keeps the weather from totally stopping the show, he said.Though McDonough won't have attendance numbers until later in the week, he said people enjoyed themselves -- especially the 儲存erformers."A lot of them didn't want to go," he said, adding that many groups arrived early and visited Yellowstone or Glacier national parks, and some stayed late. They toured Butte, visiting the Granite Mountain Memorial and rode the trolley to learn about the historic Uptown area.And the new addition of the swing dance at the Pioneer Club on Sunday afternoon "was great," he said. "There were a lot of happy people. ... It wasn't packed, but the people there really enjoyed it."McDonough said the An Ri Ra performers are world-class."Our attendance comes and goes with numbers, but the thing that people need to keep in mind is that they couldn't see any of these acts for $20 anywhere," McDonough said.-- Reporter Piper Haugan: 496-5572, piper.haugan@mtstandard.com or Twitter.com/Piper_HauganCopyright: ___ (c)2013 The Montana Standard (Butte, Mont.) Visit The Montana Standard (Butte, Mont.) at .mtstandard.com Distributed by MCT Information Services新蒲崗迷你倉

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Medics deserve appreciation Comment on "50 medical workers die in 50-year foreign aid" (China Daily, Aug 10) Before reading this report, I didn't know China had sent so many medical workers to so many countries and regions to provide medical aid for people there.迷你倉新蒲崗 I deeply mourn the deaths of the 50 Chinese medical workers, who laid down their lives while serving on foreign aid missions.The entire society should know and respect these great souls. The relationship between medical workers and patients in many places is strained today because of a series of scandals and inappropriate, and sometimes aggressive and inhuman, behavior of a few doctors and nurses.I believe that the majority of medical workers are hardworking and honest. Therefore, it is unfair to blame medical workers 迷你倉出租s a group for the unsatisfactory performance and unethical behavior of a few.The media are responsible for unearthing facts, but they should also seriously consider their role in building relations between medical workers and patients. Of course, they should expose the scandals of the "bad" elements and help them change their ways. But at the same time, it is the media's duty to tell society what many dedicated medical workers have done for humankind not only in China, but also across the world. Such medical professionals deserve society's appreciation.Cao Yuqing, via e-mail Readers' comments are welcome. Please send your e-mail to opinion@chinadaily.com.cn or letters@chinadaily.com.cn or to the individual columnists. China Daily reserves the right to edit all letters. Thank you.儲存倉

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Motherboard/極限上陣/重點功能支援4路顯示卡運作。處理器供電增至32相供電。加入針對遊戲環境設計的Atheros Killer LAN。SPEC•晶片組:Intel Z87•規格:XL-ATX•平台:Intel LGA 1,150•記憶體:4 × DDR3-3,000 (O.C) / 2,933 (O.C) / 2,800 (O.C) /2666(O.C.) /2600(O.C.)/2500 (O.C)/2400(O.C.)/2200(O.C.)/2133(O.C.)/2000(O.C.)/1866(O.C.)/ 1600 / 1333 /1066•擴充糟:5 × PCI-E × 16、2 × PCI-E 2.0 × 1•儲存裝置:10 × SATA 6Gb/s、mSATA•網絡:1 × Killer E2205、802.11a/b/g/n、Bluetooth 4.0•音效:Realtek ALC1150 7.1ch HDA•音效輸出:Optical S/PDIF•影像輸出:2 × HDMI、1 ×DisplayPort、支援WiDi•其他:10 × USB 3.0 (背板:8、前置:4)、6 × USB 2.0 (背板:2、前置:4) 、OC Genie 4、支援4-Way CrossFireX、支援4-Way SLI3,899Hornington3626 9899 第二條PCI-E直接連接處理器內PCI-E專用的接口,迷你倉新蒲崗有助減少延遲值問題。 把CMOS按鍵放在背後,令玩家毋須打開機箱也能清除主機板設定。 記憶體也提供三相供電,有助記憶體在高頻及高電壓環境下維持穩定。 改用8層PCB,質素更有保證。繼MPower系列之後,MSI近日也推出最高階的Z87 XPower,力戰Asus、Gigabyte及Asrock三大超頻主機板高手。早前本刊為大家介紹過多款$3,000以下的高階超頻主機板,也有一些玩家會不惜一切,購入功能更多的高階超頻主機板,這些主機板往往能提供充足的多卡運算能力,應付4-Way SLI或CrossFireX可謂綽綽有餘。加上Z87晶片組改善了超頻能力,也令廠商願意花更多時間,研發旗艦級主機板,吸引肯一擇千金的玩家。 作為廠方的Z87旗艦,MSI Z87 XPower當然亦不能失禮。為支援4-Way SLI或CrossFireX,主機板加入PLX8747晶片,把PCI-E總線拆分成多組PCI-E x8,並保留一組PCI-E x16插口,直接連接至處理器,令用家使用單顯示卡時,仍能享受連接 x16插槽時所帶來的低延遲值。32相擴充供電言而Haswell已內建FIVR供電模組,主機板仍需作外置式供電設計,才可盡情發揮超頻能力。Z87 XPower也不例外,使用曾於MPower MAX出現的IR 3563B 8相PWM控制器,並預先擴充成16相,再加上每組供電加入兩組陶瓷電感,組成高達32相擴充供電,足以應付極冷環境下,對處理器電壓要求。記憶體部分也加入三相供電,配合高頻記憶體提供的更穩定表現。超頻配套齊全作為高階主機板,又怎少得一連串超頻配套設計?只要留迷你倉出租記憶體下方,便可留意一站式超頻按鈕及電壓量度位置。玩家既可透過OC Genie 4作自動超頻,也可在安裝軟件後,經主機板按鈕調校BCLK外頻及倍頻,操作更見容易。同時除了平日的Clear CMOS按鈕,其Discharge按鍵也可一口氣清洗VRAM、晶片組參數等,配合8層PCB設計,令超頻不再成困擾。加強輸出配套主板除了在超頻部分下功夫,廠方也在音效及LAN著手,雖然只使用Realtek ALC1150晶片,但加入Audio Boost功能,透過內建單元、分隔式PCB及TI OPA1652擴大器,改善HD Audio的音質表現。配合Sound Blaster X-FI MB3軟件,有助調校出更佳打機音效。針對要求高的遊戲LAN環境,更配上Atheros Killer LAN,令打機時的優先程序可安排至合理水平,從而令遊戲表現更流暢。UEFI設定一覽雖沒有內建記憶體顆粒參數Profile,但內建可調校記憶體參數選項仍然齊全。提供各種主機板相數及電壓保護等設定,有利於極冷下超頻環境。測試平台:•處理器:Intel Core i5-4670K正式版 •顯示卡:Asus GeForce GT 630•記憶體:Patriot Viper 3 1,866 Intel Extreme Masters Limited Edition 4GB x 2 •記憶體設定:DDR3-2,800、CL11-14-14-45-2T @ Max CPU Frequency、1.75V / DDR3-1,333、CL10-12-11-28-1T@Max BCLK、1.65V / DDR3-2,933、CL14-31-31-45-2T@Max Memory Frequency、1.75V•硬碟:Stormium Hawk SSD 120GB•超頻用散熱器:Thermalright U120 Extreme•超頻用散熱膏:Gelid GC-Supreme•作業系統:《Windows 7 Utlimate 64-bit SP1》•驅動程式: Forceware 320.18 WHQL、Intel Infinst、Intel RST超頻測試配合V1.19 UEFI下,外頻最終能以184.2MHz通過SuperPi 4M測試。當處理器電壓調至1.4V,最終只能以4.7GHz通過SuperPi 1M測試,極限容錯度一般。把所有Sub-Timing調至自動後,記憶體可在DDR3-3,015通過MaxxMem v1.99測試。然後把Sub-Timing內的tCKE放寬至15後,記憶體可在DDR3-3,031通過測試,並可直接以DDR3-3,000直接進入Windows,表現不俗。CONCLUSIONUEFI進步明顯MSI Z87系列初出時,曾被一眾玩家批評記憶體超不高、主頻難以發揮。不過從Z87 XPower表現,可留意更新UEFI後,有助發揮超頻能力。日後只要改善主頻發揮,有助一洗MSI超頻能力不濟的印象。TextPhoto: CJ / Art: sH / Editor: Ayu儲存倉

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Babies who ate more fruits and vegetables and fewer packaged foods were less likely to develop food allergies in a new study that looked at overall diet patterns instead of just specific foods.迷你倉庫 "We have been aware that certain diets seem to reduce the risk of allergy in infants," says Dr Magnus Wickman, a professor at the Karolinska Institute in Stockholm, Sweden, who was not involved in the study. "The mechanism behind that is that we think different kinds of fatty acids and antioxidants, different ki儲存ds of vitamins and essential minerals are good for your health and also prevent allergy," he says. Parents are sometimes advised to avoid certain foods as a means of preventing food allergies from starting. But Kate Grimshaw, lead author of the new study and a researcher at the University of Southampton in the UK, says she's been concerned that parents are reducing the nutritional diversity of their infants' diet without there being a great deal of evidence to back up the practice.China Daily - Agencies新蒲崗迷你倉

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Source: The Post and Courier, Charleston, S.新蒲崗迷你倉C.Aug. 11--Every year, the South Carolina economy loses millions of dollars because of delays caused by traffic congestion, and the problem is expected to grow with the population, which is estimated to rise by 30 percent in the next three decades, according to highway planners.Key to addressing the situation are planned interstate upgrades that are laid-out in a draft copy of the Statewide Transportation Improvement Program.On Thursday, the state Department of Transportation Commission considers approval of a new STIP that describes how $4 billion in state and federal funds will be spent on roads during the next six years.About $150 million for Interstate-526 improvements is included in the new STIP. Some $8 million is designated for federal fiscal year 2018 for engineering design and environmental analysis for four miles of the interstate between Paul Cantrell and International boulevards. The lion's share of the funds, $120 million, goes to creating a better interchange for Interstates 526 and 26, which drivers have long complained is a traffic chokepoint.Next month, more funds could become available for the estimated $553 million I-526 project when the State Transportation Infrastructure Bank board votes on which interstates will benefit from a General Assembly appropriation of $50 million annually for 10 years. The bank will use the funds to finance $500 million for road work, officials said.If I-526 gets a big chunk of the new funds, the schedule to widen the highway and improve the I-526/I-26 interchange will be accelerated, said Mark Lester, DOT director of planning.The state-maintained highway system is the fourth largest in the country. South Carolina oversees interstate, state, U.S. and secondary routes totaling about 41,000 miles. It maintains 8,387 bridges, about 20 percent of which are considered substandard but not unsafe.South Carolina neemini storages to make more than $28 billion worth of repairs just to get its roads to "good" condition, state DOT Secretary Robert St. Onge said recently.The state has one of the highest death rates per miles traveled. It relies on the highway system to move the majority of its freight, and there are emerging air quality concerns that reflect more stringent federal standards."It becomes clear that the funding objectives and projects identified in the STIP are critical to providing mobility and accessibility for people, goods and services," the document states.The STIP only includes projects for which there is committed funding available. It is the state's six-year transportation improvement plan for road work receiving federal funding, including bridge replacement, highway resurfacing and interstate maintenance.Other efforts to relieve I-526 congestion included in the STIP are $150,000 for an effort to encourage carpooling. Another $150,000 is aimed at traffic-busting measures such as staggered work times.A DOT engineer last week described a widening plan for I-526 to a joint meeting of the bank board and the DOT Commission. The plan would accelerate widening work on the highway depending on whether the SIB approves new funding. The first phase of construction would start in 2019.The DOT Commission recently approved a list of interstate upgrades recommended by its staff. That list will be considered by the bank board in September. It also must be approved by the General Assembly Joint Bond Review Committee.Some have expressed concern that the bank board will not follow the DOT list of priority interstate projects. SIB Chairman Don Leonard said at the meeting that the bank and the DOT see eye-to-eye on which road work is a priority.Copyright: ___ (c)2013 The Post and Courier (Charleston, S.C.) Visit The Post and Courier (Charleston, S.C.) at .postandcourier.com Distributed by MCT Information Servicesself storage

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廣東銀行業採取多項措施推動產業升級,文件倉加大金融對實體經濟的支持力度。數據顯示,上半年廣東銀行業對戰略性新興產業的貸款同比增長25%。廣東銀監局局長劉福壽表示,廣東金融機構通過對重點項目、重要產業、外貿出口和擴大內需等領域合理加強信貸支持,優化信貸結構。今年6月末,廣東(不含深圳)現代產業體系貸款餘額10995.3億元,同比增長11.29%;戰略性新興產業貸款812.65億元,同比增長25.36%;新存倉權利抵質押貸款951.91億元,同比增長29.28%。廣東銀監局的統計數據顯示,廣東銀行業繼續實現穩健運行。6月末,全省銀行業資產總額14.69萬億元,同比增長7.78 %。各項存款餘額11.33萬億元,比年初增加7762.32億元,同比增長13.69%,存款餘額居全國首位。各項貸款餘額7.24萬億元,比年初增加5053.04億元,同比增長14.16%,貸款餘額及增量均居全國首位。 (據新華社電)自存倉

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