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那些年,迷你倉價錢你也許是叛逆迷失的小伙子;又也許是個日夜勞碌的平凡打工仔,卻因遇上某一個人,或是某一件事,人生號列車從此奔向截然不同的方向,邁出不一樣的腳步。生命無常,可一朝得志,也可頃刻頓失所有。一個故事;一段歷史,或能成為別人浮沉人生中的救生圈。本報誠邀你向我們分享你或身邊人的感人故事或經歷。歡迎電郵至charity@adfund.com.hk或傳真至37112468。發放正能量,以生命影響更多生命迷你倉庫蘋果日報慈善基金電話:29908688傳真:37112468電郵:charity@adfund.org.hk網址:charity.appledaily.com.hk蘋果基金收捐款戶口�生銀行:368-006565-001�豐銀行:580-198836-001中國銀行:012-898-00067655渣打銀行:447-0-667059-3蘋果日報慈善基金乃根據《稅務條例》第88條獲豁免繳稅的慈善機構 儲存

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近日,mini storage隨著中國7月經濟數據超預期增長和好轉,黃金市場預期中國黃金消費將出現積極增長,國際金價止跌反彈,重返1300美元以上。中國黃金消費等利多因素對金價支撐有限,美聯儲9月縮減購債規模是大概率事件,金價在1372美元反彈阻力較強,中線弱勢難改。中國因素不宜高估作為全球主要的兩個黃金消費大國,今年中國和印度的黃金消費此起彼落。一季度和二季度中國的黃金消費明顯超過印度,成為全球黃金消費的主要動力。世界黃金協會官員近日表示,2013年中國黃金消費有望達到1000噸,而印度黃金消費受到國內黃金進口關稅大幅上調等調控政策抑制,預計僅有850噸左右。正因為如此,中國黃金消費的一舉一動,受到國際黃金市場的更加密切的關注。最近公佈的中國7月經濟數據,包括官方製造業採購經理指數(PMI)、工業增加值、進口和出口等一系列經濟數據均超過市場預期和上期的數據,顯示中國經濟增長在穩增長和一系列溫和刺激政策的刺激下有所好轉,市場對於今年後期黃金消費前景表示看好,有利於黃金期貨弱勢反彈。不過,僅僅7月的經濟數據總體偏好尚不能斷言下半年經濟增長放緩勢頭將徹底改變。實際上,7月新增貸款、社會融資規模和匯豐製造業PMI等經濟數據顯示經濟複蘇仍不穩固,穩增長的溫和刺激措施和去年的刺激措施力度相比仍偏溫和,三季度和四季度經濟增長仍有一定放緩的壓力。考慮到4月以後,中國消費者對於黃金消費趨於理性,4月至7月,中國金銀珠寶零售總額呈現下降的趨勢。另據中國黃金協會最新統計,今年上半年,我國黃金產量達192.82噸,同比增長8.94%。今年上半年全國黃金消費量達到706.36噸,同比增長53.7%。其中首飾用金383.86噸,同比增長43.6%;金條用金278.81噸,同比增長86.5%;金幣self storage金10.87噸,同比增長1.1%;工業用金24.03噸,同比下降1.6%;其他用金8.79噸,同比增長14.9%。中國黃金消費增長潛力有限,不宜過於誇大,且中國黃金消費增長部分被印度黃金消費減少抵消,對於金價弱勢反彈的支撐作用有限。美聯儲官員暗示9月縮減購債規模上周,包括芝加哥聯儲主席埃文斯、亞特蘭大聯儲主席洛克哈特、克利夫蘭聯儲主席皮亞納托和達拉斯聯儲主席費希爾在內的四位美聯儲官員暗示或表示,9月美聯儲將縮減購債規模的可能性較大。美聯儲多位官員的表態,與7月美聯儲議息會議後的政策聲明形成對比。考慮到美國經濟複蘇勢頭仍較好,美聯儲主席伯南克也可能將在明年1月到期結束任期,伯南克在任期結束前結束QE或開始縮減購債規模也是合情合理的必然選擇。美聯儲9月開始縮減購債規模的預期,無疑將大大抑制8月8日和9日的弱勢反彈,中線黃金期貨仍面臨較大的下調壓力。其他利多影響有待觀察近日,黃金市場仍有部分利多或潛在利多因素值得密切關注。其一,全球最大的黃金生產企業巴克利公司關閉部分金礦企業,主要是這部分企業生產成本較高,目前已經虧損。鑒於上述關閉的金礦產能絕對量不算大,對於金價的影響仍較小。其二,8月9日,近期一直堅決減持黃金持有量的SPDR黃金交易所上市基金(ETF)增持黃金1.8噸,至911.33噸。目前仍屬於短暫增持,後市仍需關注該黃金ETF是否能否再度增持。另外,截至8月6日當周,基金減持黃金期貨的空單幅度大於減持黃金期貨空單的幅度,也有利於短線黃金期貨弱勢反彈。另外,據國際貨幣基金組織統計,6月各國央行增持黃金儲備大於減持黃金儲備,以俄羅斯等國央行增持力度較大。各國央行增持黃金,也有利於減輕黃金期貨下行壓力,有利於金價弱勢反彈。 (作者系國泰君安期貨分析師)迷你倉

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SYDNEY, Aug.mini storage 12, 2013 /PRNewswire/ -- The Australian Mobile Device Management (MDM) market is poised for high growth driven by trends such as Bring-Your-Own-Device (BYOD) and cloud based deployment models. Organisations are increasingly looking to minimise their asset management overheads, and allowing employees to bring or choose their own devices. As use of employee-owned mobile devices become more widespread within organisations, IT departments are faced with three main challenges - management of devices, application of user policies and ensuring security and compliance. Recognising this demand, a number of specialised MDM players have established themselves in the market offering solutions to address these challenges.Frost & Sullivan's latest report, Analysis of the Australian Mobile Device Management Market (MDM) 2013 forecasts that this lucrative market will experience very high growth rates in the next five years. The report forecasts the market to grow at a Compound Annual Growth Rate (CAGR) of 39.1% from 2013 to 2020.The nascent stage of development of the MDM market in Australia has created opportunities for the early entrants to establish a strong market base. AirWatch, MobileIron and Good Technology have all managed to secure a strong foothold in the market and together account for the majority of market share. Within this group, AirWatch has gained a significant lead over its competitors and holds a dominant position in the market. Among the key reasons for AirWatch's position in the market is its strong channel partner network, its ability to cater to large scale deployments and its local data centre capabilities. Over the next few years, competition in the MDM market is expected to increase with a number of new players entering the market. Additionally, MDM solutions are well suited for delivery over a cloud based model, which lowers the barriers of entry and encourages global players to enter the Australian market.Audrey William, Head of Research, ICT Practice, Frost & Sullivan ANZ says, "A majority of MDM deployments are currently on-premise based, with organisations retaining maximum control. Most vendors already offer both on-premise and cloud based MDM solutions to cater to the demand. In the next 3 to 5 years, the benefits of greater flexibility and scalability will drive momentum for cloud based deployments. Vendors and channel partners with a clearly defined strategy for offering a choice of deployment models will be advantageously positioned to address the future demands".As the awareness of MDM solutions improves, there is a growing demand for related services such as consulting, maintenance and support. While a number of channel partners and re-sellers are beginning to establish their presence in the market, specialised players such as MSC Mobility, UXC Connect and MobiliseIT are building a strong reputation for providing MDM related services. Major MDM vendors have also identified partnering with these specialised players as a key aspect of their channel partner strategy.Anand Balasubramanian, Industry Analyst, ICT Practice, Frost & Sullivan ANZ, says, "Over the next few years, enterprise mobility will move beyond device oriented trends such as Bring Your Own Device (BYOD) or Choose Your Own Device (CYOD) towards an application focused approach. As the market matures, devices will become less important in the overall enterprise mobility environment with management and provisioning of services becoming the main focus. Going forward, organisations will focus more on managing the various apps and applications available to employees as opposed to controlling the devices. This will be a major shift in the MDM market and will favour vendors and channel partners that offer solutions to efficiently manage the way apps are accessed."One emerging trend in such a shift towards a device-independent approach is the corporate app store. Corporate app stores allow organisations to develop and build their own private stores where employees can download approved apps. This will have the effect of offering a secure method of downloading and using mobile applications necessary for work, thereby minimising the risks associated with employees using un-authorised apps. The uptake of corporate app stores among organisations in Australia is expected to increase significantly as mobile devices and BYOD trends reach mainstream adoption. The resource intensive nature of building and maintaining a corporate app store will initially limit uptake to large enterprises. However, in the long term advances in technology will significantly reduce the complexity in developing a corporate app store as MDM vendors and partners focus on promoting greater adoption.The Australian MDM market is at an early stage of development, with only a small number of organisations adopting MDM solutions for managing mobile devices. However, with mobile devices becoming increasingly integrated with organisations' business processes, there is a huge base of target customers for MDM solutions across virtually all industry sectors. Traditionally conservative verticals such as Government and Healthcare are also beginning to adopt mobile devices to extend the reach of their coself storagemunications and collaboration solutions. As a result, there will a greater need for a centralised solution to efficiently manage this growth in connected devices. This combination of strong demand and availability of competitive solutions will be a key factor driving growth in the Australian MDM market.Frost & Sullivan's survey of IT decision makers in Australia showed that BYOD is now a pervasive trend, with an increasing number of organisations recognising the benefits of MDM solutions:-- Over 60% of organisations in Australia support a BYOD policy. Within this group, 25% provide full IT/helpdesk support for employee owned devices. On the other hand, 20% of organisations oppose BYOD policies, while 16% intend to introduce a BYOD policy in future. -- Apple's strong market penetration as a consumer device has also made its iOS the preferred operating system among most organisations. Over 60% of organisations support Apple's iOS based devices as a part of their BYOD policies. Many organisations are also building their enterprise mobility strategy on iOS platforms and are standardising their mobile applications and policies to suit the iOS environment. Apple's closed ecosystem for its software and app store, combined with its screening process before making an app available on its app store, greatly increases the perception of iOS in terms of security. -- Although Apple's iOS based devices account for the majority of devices used by employees as a part of BYOD plans, organisations are experiencing increasing numbers of Google's Android based devices. Apple iOS has also benefited from being the preferred platform for IT departments to support as a result of its stronger security perceptions. As a result of such factors, 41% of organisations expect iOS to remain the dominant platform in the next 12 to 18 months. On the other hand, 32% of organisations expect the growing popularity of Android OS will make it the preferred platform in the next 12 to 18 months. -- For 70% of organisations, e-mail and instant messaging (IM) are the main applications accessed from mobile devices. Being able to access e-mail and IM from any device greatly enhances the ability of employees to stay connected and to communicate with their colleagues. Voice based applications is another important application on mobile devices given voice is typically the platform upon which other Unified Communications (UC) applications are built. -- Over 70% of organisations have experienced an increase in voice and video communications over mobile devices over the past year, as more employees use their personal devices for work. Within this category, 22% of organisations report a significant increase in the use of mobile devices for voice and video communications. -- When queried about the main reasons for deploying MDM solutions, over 70% of organisations cite the ability to have a centralised tool to manage security as an important reason. Ease of management, including applying user access policies and software updates, was mentioned by 54% of organisations as a key reason for deploying MDM solutions. -- On-premise based deployments are currently the preferred method for MDM deployments, with 73% of organisations opting to keep storage and management of the application in-house to retain maximum control. This preference is particularly high among organisations in regulated industries such as Government and Banking and Finance. Less than a third of organisations are currently using cloud based or hosted versions of MDM solutions.Frost & Sullivan's report, Analysis of the Australian Mobile Device Management Market (MDM) 2013, forms a part of the Frost & Sullivan Enterprise Communications Research program. All research services included in this subscription provide detailed market opportunities and industry trends evaluated following extensive interviews with market participants. For media queries and more information please send an e-mail with your contact details to Donna Jeremiah, Corporate Communications, at djeremiah@frost.com.About Frost & SullivanFrost & Sullivan, the Growth Partnership Company, works in collaboration with clients to leverage visionary innovation that addresses the global challenges and related growth opportunities that will make or break today's market participants. For more than 50 years, we have been developing growth strategies for the global 1000, emerging businesses, the public sector and the investment community. Is your organization prepared for the next profound wave of industry convergence, disruptive technologies, increasing competitive intensity, Mega Trends, breakthrough best practices, changing customer dynamics and emerging economies? Contact us: Start the discussionContact:Donna JeremiahCorporate Communications - Asia PacificP: +61 (02) 8247 8927F: +61 (02) 9252 8066E: djeremiah@frost.com.frost.comFrost & SullivanWeb site: .frost.com/迷你倉

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新華社記者 王淑娟 王濤近日,迷你倉沙田多家城商行和股份制銀行不約而同地上浮了五年期定存利率,而國有大行暫未加入這一行列。從4.75%的基準利率上浮10%到5.225%,這比目前大部分在售理財產品的收益率還要高。專家認為,在各類理財渠道“群雄並起”環境下,為了防止存款流失,銀行不得不提前開展利率市場化實驗。中長期存款利率“一浮到頂”盡管存款利率上限管制還未放開,但多家銀行繼去年將一年期及一年期以下存款利率上浮10%之後,又紛紛將兩年期、三年期、五年期的定期存款利率也“上浮到頂”。記者從南京銀行上海浦東支行網點獲悉,6月份起該行已經將存款利率全線上浮10%。北京銀行上海徐匯支行的工作人員介紹,該行目前各期限的存款利率均比央行基準利率上浮10%。目前央行對城鄉居民及單位存款利率期限分活期、三個月、半年、一年、兩年、三年和五年共七個品種,其中五年期定期存款基準利率最高,為4.75%。部分銀行存款利率上浮1.1倍到頂,表明銀行對利率市場化的初步實驗已經開始。不過,一些銀行對這些高利率設置了門檻。一家股份制銀行支行的工作人員告訴記者,單筆存50萬元以上的三年期定存才給予10%的利率上浮,而五年期定存則需要單筆300萬元以上才能享受高利率。利率市場化關乎百姓“錢袋子”面對利率市場化迫近,銀行的舉措牽動著老百姓的錢袋子。央行發佈的數據顯示,截至6月底,我國各項存款餘額超過100萬億元,其中個人儲蓄存款43.7萬億元,若以13.5億人口計算,我國個人儲蓄存款人均3.24萬元。一邊是個人儲迷你倉價錢存款增長,一邊是通脹的“高壓”,閑置的資金該如何打理成為一個普遍的問題。通脹壓力下,不少投資者感覺把錢直接存在銀行“滾利息”越來越不劃算。利率市場化改革實際上就是放開存款和貸款的利率管制,這就意味各銀行可以自主調整存款利率。此次銀行輪番將各期限存款利率“上浮到頂”,對儲戶而言利息收入增加了。簡單算一筆賬,假設儲戶有10萬元存款,按照上浮10%的利率存入一年、兩年、三年及五年的定期存款,到期利息收入將比基準利率分別增加300元、750元、1275元及2375元。銀行被“逼”實驗利率市場化7月20日起,我國取消了金融機構貸款利率管制。至此,距離利率完全市場化只差存款利率放開。央行9日公佈的數據顯示,7月底人民幣存款餘額為100.65萬億元,較6月底減少了2573億元。專家認為,從各家銀行將存款利率“上浮到頂”可以看出,為防止存款流失,銀行不得不提前開展利率市場化實驗。興業銀行首席經濟學家魯政委認為,既然貸款利率自主權已經放開,作為對稱措施就必須放開存款利率定價自主權。但目前貸存比的存在,一旦存款利率上限放開,無法保證金融機構對存款利率的定價完全理性。農業銀行戰略規劃部研究員付兵濤認為,可以按照“先長期後短期、先定期後活期”的原則,逐步減少存款利率期限檔次,在存款保險制度等相關配套舉措建立後再漸進取消上限管制。例如,可以率先放開五年期以上定期存款利率上限,因為根據各上市銀行2012年年報披露的數據,五年期以上定期存款占比極低,大部分都不到0.3%,放開的影響也會相對較小。迷你倉庫

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記者薛亮8月6日,文件倉興業銀行在其官方網站發佈公告,宣佈關停其傳統的信用卡網上分期商城業務。在近來銀行“逆襲”電商的熱潮中,興業銀行此舉自然引起人們的關注。記者就此採訪興業銀行有關負責人後得到的回複是:“隨著信用卡產業的發展和互聯網金融的崛起,銀行傳統的業務模式受到了挑戰,各家銀行也在根據市場環 境的變化不斷調整自身的業務經營模式,有所為,有所不為。電子商務有多種不同的經營模式,傳統的信用卡網上分期商城,雖依托銀行千萬級的客戶數據,但由於其經營模式受到商城規模有限、特色不鮮明等因素影響,效果未必達到預期。鑒於此,我行也在思考此類業務更好的運營模式,將對內部資源進行整合優化。現階段先行對網上分期商城業務進行調整。”從此番表態中可以判斷出,該行關停信用卡分期商城並不是要退出“銀行電商”行列,而是看到了信用卡分期商城這一形式的限制,將要整合內部資源,為下一步推出更好的電商模式做準備。互聯網金融的崛起將給銀行業未來發展帶來重大變革。信息技術的革新,正在弱化銀行作為資金媒介的傳統功能。近年來,以阿里巴巴、京東為代表的電商不斷涉足金融行業,憑借互聯網的溝通方式“直擊”銀行媒介本質。雖然目前電商金融的規模尚小,但銀行業已經普遍認識到互聯網金融是大勢所趨。銀行與電商之間的競爭核心是要掌握住“平台”。之所以電商涉足金融引發了銀行業普遍關注,根源在於要掌握未來對客戶的主導權。對銀行來說,作為我國金融體系的中堅,核心競爭優勢就是掌握了龐大的客戶資源。而電商正在做的事情是借助互聯網整合多項應用,為終端客戶提供最便捷的服務,銀行、保險甚至一些跨行業的企業都成為了電商互聯網平台應用的目標客戶群。簡單的例子是,最近被熱炒的“餘額寶”即是電商涉足傳統銀行理財業務,客戶在使用支付寶網購支付的同時,還可以購買理財產品。銀行當然不願意成為電商“規劃”中的應用。銀行的反擊之道也是看准了互聯網平台。近年來,建設銀行、招商銀行、交通銀行等都紛紛開起了網上商城。銀行“變身”電商,其規模優勢和客戶數量優勢不言而喻。近日,民生銀行的7大股東聯合民生加銀資產管理公司共同發起成立民生電子商務有限責任公司,被認為是銀行曲線進入電商的又一典型案例。分析認為,民生電商瞄準的目標商業模式正是阿里金融一直主要涉及的網上平台式的小微貸款模式。以互聯網平台技術為依托的授信技術革新讓阿里金融近年來發展速度驚人,而存倉行背景的電商介入同樣領域,不禁讓人對兩者的直接競爭充滿期待。事實上,銀行在互聯網領域的嘗試並不鮮見。目前,建行“善融商務”網上商城已經讓傳統電商看到了壓力,而招商銀行“出行易”則讓互聯網差旅服務提供商也感受到了銀行的強大。不論兩者競爭結果怎樣,大數據時代已經到來。而這一時代的特徵就是信息的雙向互通。此前,由於信息傳輸存在不對稱性,銀行作為資金信息的中介而具備了生存空間。目前電商對銀行的競爭則倒逼銀行進行深層次的互聯網化改革。在這一過程中,銀行可以將其全部業務“搬到網上”,即可以做到百分之百的電子化。早在互聯網沒有進入交互時代,銀行業電子化進程已經取得迅速發展,以招商銀行為代表的網上銀行引領了銀行業“上網”的潮流。如今,進入互聯網2.0時期,社區化的社交網絡帶來的一系列改變,也逐漸引起銀行業的重視。一個最明顯的例子是支付寶的崛起。在支付寶遠沒有今天龐大的客戶數支持的時候,是銀行支持了支付寶的支付通道,形成了今天的局面。支付寶掌握客戶何時、用多少錢購買了哪個商家提供的何種商品,而銀行只知道客戶用了多少錢。這直接決定了阿里巴巴可以成立阿里金融,為網上小微企業直接授信。在銀行苦於小微企業報表不全,風險難以把握的時候,阿里巴巴卻掌握了這些企業的幾乎全部信息。大數據時代爭奪的就是信息、通道。盡管銀行在互聯網金融的大潮前似乎略顯被動,但畢竟長期以來在人們生活中樹立的金融強勢地位仍難以撼動。憑借龐大的體量和客戶群,銀行只要抓住機遇,看准已經成熟的互聯網商業模式適時進入,依然能夠在競爭中占據主導地位。不過,有專業人士指出,銀行電商不能簡單照搬互聯網企業的模式,因為兩者的優劣勢明顯不同。作為銀行,除了為網上交易提供金融服務之外,客戶在電商平台上的活動將留下大量數據,銀行可以通過模型分析,改變傳統的人工金融服務作業模式,通過模型分析來為客戶篩選金融產品,這樣也將極大降低銀行的服務成本。平安銀行行長邵平曾舉例說:“一個剛畢業的年輕人收入不高,但他會有很多消費需求。我們的網站將最好的產品整合進來,而且價格基本上都是線下的3折或4折,只要客戶的鼠標點擊到產品,我們立刻可以為他提供數種分期付款方案,甚至包括各種積分方案。這樣客戶可以節省時間和資金成本,我們也能夠沉澱下來大量的線上消費信貸業務。”換句話說,銀行做電商應立足于自身的優勢,即其他行業無法與之相比的專業金融服務。自存倉

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PERSONAL data refers to data about an individual who can be identified from that data, and includes a person's full name, NRIC number, signature, bank account number, mobile telephone number, medical records and so on.迷你倉 Such data can be used in a variety of ways. For example, transferring money from a person's bank account, making payments online and applying for a passport all require one's personal data.Advances in technology and the rise of e-commerce and social media have led to an increase in the processing of personal data in various economic and social activities, presenting complex technology challenges. The transfer and exchange of data across international boundaries have become easier and even necessary.This trend is expected to grow exponentially as the processing and analysis of large amounts of personal data become possible with increasingly sophisticated technology. Therefore, it is important to protect personal data while fostering the continued flow of information, advances in technology and electronic commerce.The Singapore Personal Data Protection Act (PDPA) came into effect on Jan 2 this year. It contains various rules governing the collection, use, disclosure and care of personal data. It recognises both the rights of individuals to protect their personal data, including rights of access and correction, and the needs of organisations to collect, use or disclose personal data for legitimate and reasonable purposes.The Do Not Call RegistryThe PDPA provides for the establishment of a national Do Not Call (DNC) Registry, which will begin on Jan 2 next year. The DNC Registry will allow individuals to register their Singapore telephone numbers to opt out of receiving marketing phone calls, mobile text messages such as SMS or MMS, and faxes from organisations. The DNC Registry does not cover foreign telephone numbers and e-mail addresses.Under the PDPA, organisations are required to check whether an individual's telephone number is registered with the DNC Registry before sending marketing messages to that individual. It is an offence for an organisation to send such messages to a number that is registered with the DNC Registry, unless the individual has given his clear and unambiguous consent for the organisation to do so.A failure to comply with this requirement is a criminal offence, which will attract a fine of up to $10,000 per breach.SMEs which engage in telemarketing activities should be aware of the requirements of the PDPA, and what they should do to ensure that their telemarketing activities comply with the PDPA.Registration by individualsAs the DNC Registry covers telephone calls, faxes and text messages, there will be three registers in total. Users and subscribers of a Singapore telephone number will be able to register a Singapore telephone number on one or more registers, depending on their preference in receiving unsolicited marketing messages.Therefore, if a person wishes to receive unsolicited marketing messages by SMS and not phone calls or faxes, then he can register his telephone number with just the No Voice Call and No Fax registers. A person can register his Singapore telephone number with the DNC Registry by calling a toll-free number, by sending an SMS or online through the DNC Registry website. Registration with the DNC Registry is free.Telephone numbers registered with the DNC Registry do not expire until the person de-registers, or when the person terminates his service subscription with the telecommunication service provide文件倉.Checking by organisationsIn order to check whether an individual's telephone number is registered with the DNC Registry, an organisation would need to set up an account with the DNC Registry. Registration for an account to access the DNC Registry is open to any organisation registered in Singapore that needs to conduct telemarketing activities. A small fee will be charged for account registration.Once registered, an organisation can check whether a telephone number has been registered with the DNC Registry by doing a "Small Number Lookup" online on the DNC Registry's website (up to 10 telephone numbers at a time), or by doing a "Bulk Upload" of a list of telephone numbers using a template provided on the DNC Registry website. The results of the checking will be available within 24 hours.Organisations can choose to either purchase pre-paid credits or pay the exact amount each time they submit the telephone numbers for checking (pay-per-use).The results of the checking are only valid for a specified period of time, and organisations will need to check with the DNC Registry again after the specified period to ensure that the telephone number has not been registered with the DNC Registry since the last time that the organisation conducted the check. It is currently proposed that the validity period of the results be 60 days for the messages sent during the first five months of DNC Registry's operations (that is, January to May 2014), and 30 days after the sixth month of DNC Registry's operations (that is, June 2014) onwards.ImpactThe PDPA will most certainly impact the way that SMEs carry out their marketing activities. Here are some of the measures that SMEs can adopt to comply with the PDPA if they wish to continue their telemarketing activities after Jan 2, 2014.Ensure that customers give their consent to receiving marketing messages: As a matter of good practice, SMEs should always obtain clear written consent from their customers for the company to send marketing messages to them. This can be done by way of consent forms completed by customers or written notices to customers. If such consent is obtained, then the company does not need to go through the time and expense of checking with the DNC Registry.Implement procedures for sending unsolicited messages to individuals: SMEs will have to invest more resources in their telemarketing activities. For example, the company will have to appoint a data protection officer to deal with data protection issues. Staff may need to be deployed to conduct checks with the DNC Registry. The company's marketing budget may also need to be increased to take into account the DNC Registry charges. It should be remembered that contravention of the DNC Prohibition is a criminal offence and will attract a fine. Thus, it is important that SMEs take compliance with the PDPA seriously and set aside sufficient resources to set up the necessary infrastructure and manpower.Targeted marketing: One potential benefit for SMEs from the implementation of the DNC Register is that it may help an SME focus its marketing efforts to willing recipients. This may result in more efficient marketing with a higher rate of successful responses.The writer is partner of technology media & telecommunications/competition at Rajah & TannThese reports first appeared in the July/August 2013 issue of The SME Magazine, a bi-monthly publication produced by The Business Times. Look out for the next information-packed issue, which comes free with a copy of BT, on Sept 4.存倉

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LONDON, Aug.文件倉 12, 2013 /PRNewswire/ -- ViiV Healthcare is pleased to announce today that the U.S. Food and Drug Administration (FDA) has approved Tivicay((R)) (dolutegravir) 50-mg tablets. Tivicay is an integrase inhibitor indicated for use in combination with other antiretroviral agents for the treatment of HIV-1 in adults and children aged 12 years and older weighing at least 40 kg (approx. 88 lbs).To view the multimedia assets associated with this release, please click: .multivu.com/mnr/62149-viiv-vhc-fda-approval"Today is a very important milestone for patients and the scientists and teams who developed Tivicay and brought it to this point of FDA approval. I am very proud that we are serving people living with HIV with a much-needed new treatment option. Today's approval shows that our singular focus on HIV can deliver important new medicines, maintaining our absolute commitment to the HIV/AIDS global response," said Dr Dominique Limet, Chief Executive Officer, ViiV Healthcare.The submission included data from four pivotal Phase III clinical trials that treated 2,557 adults (who received at least one dose of study medication) with HIV across the treatment spectrum; it also included data in children aged 12 years and older. Tivicay was used without a pharmacokinetic boosting agent. Tivicay can be taken with or without food and at any time of the day."In many regimens, the differentiating component is the third agent. Tivicay provides a new opportunity for healthcare professionals to choose the right regimen for their patients, providing a focal point around which to individualise therapy," said Dr John Pottage, Chief Medical Officer, ViiV Healthcare. "HIV treatment should not be a 'one-size fits all' paradigm."This wide-ranging Phase III programme included two trials in treatment-naive patients: one where a once-daily Tivicay-based regimen was compared to twice-daily raltegravir and another where the regimen of once-daily Tivicay and abacavir/lamivudine was compared to once-daily Atripla((R)1 )(efavirenz/emtricitabine/tenofovir disoproxil fumarate). It also included treatment-experienced patients who had not previously been treated with an integrase inhibitor, where a once-daily, Tivicay-based regimen was compared to twice-daily raltegravir. The fourth trial studied treatment-experienced patients with resistance to multiple classes of HIV medicines, including resistance to integrase inhibitors, where the effectiveness of twice-daily Tivicay on viral load was evaluated.About the Phase III Clinical Trial ProgrammeSPRING-2 was a study evaluating once-daily Tivicay versus twice-daily raltegravir in 822 HIV-infected, treatment-naive patients, in each case in combination with a fixed-dose dual-NRTI treatment. At week 48, the proportion of study participants who were virologically suppressed (HIV-1 RNA less than 50 c/mL) was 88% for the regimen containing Tivicay and 86% for the regimen containing raltegravir, meeting the 10% non-inferiority criteria. The tolerability of Tivicay was similar to that of raltegravir, with adverse events leading to withdrawal at 2% in both arms. There were no treatment-emergent adverse drug reactions of at least moderate intensity (Grades 2 to 4) and greater than or equal to 2% frequency in the Tivicay or raltegravir arms in SPRING-2.No treatment-emergent genotypic resistance to Tivicay or the background regimen was seen in the Tivicay arm in SPRING-2.SINGLE was a study evaluating once-daily Tivicay plus abacavir/lamivudine versus the single tablet regimen Atripla in 833 HIV-infected, treatment-naive patients. At 48 weeks, the proportion of study participants who were virologically suppressed (HIV-1 RNA <50 c/mL) was 88% for the Tivicay regimen and 81% for Atripla. This difference was statistically significant. Overall, 2% of subjects on the Tivicay-based regimen discontinued due to adverse events versus 10% of those receiving the Atripla regimen.For Tivicay, treatment-emergent adverse drug reactions of at least moderate intensity (Grades 2 to 4) and greater than or equal to 2% frequency in SINGLE were insomnia (3%) and headache (2%). Treatment-emergent adverse drug reactions of at least moderate intensity (Grades 2 to 4) and greater than or equal to 2% frequency for Atripla were rash (6%), dizziness (5%), nausea (3%), and insomnia, abnormal dreams, headache, diarrhoea, and vertigo (2%).No treatment-emergent genotypic resistance that resulted in reduced susceptibility to either Tivicay or the background regimen was seen in the Tivicay arm in SINGLE.SAILING was a study evaluating once-daily Tivicay versus twice-daily raltegravir in 719 patients with HIV who were failing on current therapy, but had not been treated with an integrase inhibitor, in each case in combination with an investigator-selected background regimen consisting of up to two agents, including at least one fully active agent. At week 24, 79% of patients on the regimen containing Tivicay were virologically suppressed (HIV-1 RNA less than 50 c/mL) versus 70% of patients on the regimen containing raltegravir. This difference was statistically significant. Overall, the tolerability of Tivicay was similar to that of raltegravir, with adverse events leading to withdrawal at 2% for the Tivicay regimen versus 4% for the raltegravir regimen. There were no treatment-emergent adverse drug reactions of at least moderate intensity (Grades 2 to 4) and greater than or equal to 2% frequency in the Tivicay arm. The only treatment-emergent adverse drug reaction of at least moderate intensity (Grades 2 to 4) and greater than or equal to 2% frequency in the raltegravir arm was diarrhoea (2%). Viruses from five of 15 subjects in the Tivicay arm with post-baseline resistance data had evidence of treatment-emergent genetic changes (integrase substitutions). However, none of these patients had decreases in susceptibility to either Tivicay or raltegravir.VIKING-3 was a study evaluating twice-daily Tivicay in 183 HIV-infected adults currently on medication whose HIV was resistant to multiple classes of HIV medicines, including integrase inhibitors (raltegravir and/or elvitegravir). In the study, mean HIV RNA levels declined by 1.4 log(10) c/mL after seven days of treatment with the addition of Tivicay to their background regimen. The proportion of study participants who were subsequently virologically suppressed (HIV-1 RNA less than 50 c/mL) with the addition of Tivicay to their background regimen was 63% at week 24. However, poor virologic response was observed in subjects treated with Tivicay twice daily with an integrase strand transfer inhibitor (INSTI) resistance called Q148 plus two or more additional INSTI resistance substitutions. The rate of adverse events leading to discontinuation was 3% of subjects at week 24. Treatment-emergent adverse drug reactions in VIKING-3 were generally similar compared with observations with the once-daily, 50-mg dose in Phase III trials of adult patients.The indication in children aged 12 years and older and weighing at least 40 kg (88 lbs) is based on an evaluation of safety, pharmacokinetics, and efficacy through 24 weeks in a multi-centre, open-label trial in patients who have not previously been treated with integrase inhibitors."As HIV has become a chronic disease, and people now are living for a long time with the disease, we know that new medicines will always be needed. At ViiV Healthcare we list存倉n to patients and physicians to truly understand the unmet needs in HIV. Today's approval of Tivicay is the first medicine from the ViiV Healthcare pipeline, and I look forward to seeing the future developments of our HIV science," said Dr John Pottage, Chief Medical Officer, ViiV Healthcare.Important Safety Information for TivicayContraindication: Co-administration of TIVICAY with dofetilide (anti-arrhythmic) is contraindicated due to the potential for increased dofetilide plasma concentrations and the risk for serious and/or life-threatening events.Hypersensitivity Reactions: Hypersensitivity reactions have been reported with integrase inhibitors, including TIVICAY, and were characterised by rash, constitutional findings, and sometimes organ dysfunction, including liver injury. Immediately discontinue TIVICAY and other suspect agents if signs or symptoms of hypersensitivity reaction develop, (including but not limited to, severe rash or rash accompanied by fever, general malaise, fatigue, muscle or joint aches, blisters or peeling of the skin, oral blisters or lesions, conjunctivitis, facial edema, hepatitis, eosinophilia, angioedema, difficulty breathing.) Monitor clinical status, including liver aminotransferases, and initiate appropriate therapy. Delay in stopping treatment with TIVICAY or other suspect agents after the onset of hypersensitivity may result in a life-threatening reaction. TIVICAY should not be used in patients who have experienced a hypersensitivity reaction to TIVICAY.Effects on Serum Liver Biochemistries in Patients with Hepatitis B or C Coinfection: Patients with underlying hepatitis B or C may be at increased risk for worsening or development of transaminase elevations with use of TIVICAY. In some cases the elevations in transaminases were consistent with immune reconstitution syndrome or hepatitis B reactivation particularly in the setting where anti-hepatitis therapy was withdrawn. Appropriate laboratory testing prior to initiating therapy and monitoring for hepatotoxicity during therapy with TIVICAY are recommended in patients with underlying hepatic disease such as hepatitis B or C.Fat Redistribution: Redistribution/accumulation of body fat has been observed in patients receiving antiretroviral therapy.Immune Reconstitution Syndrome: During the initial phase of treatment, immune reconstitution syndrome can occur, which may necessitate further evaluation and treatment. Autoimmune disorders have been reported to occur in the setting of immune reconstitution; the time to onset is more variable and can occur many months after initiation of treatment.Adverse Reactions: The most commonly reported (greater than or equal to 2%) adverse reactions of moderate to severe intensity in treatment naive adult subjects in any one trial receiving TIVICAY in a combination regimen were insomnia (3%) and headache (2%).Drug Interactions: Co-administration of TIVICAY with drugs that are strong inducers of UGT1A1 and/or CYP3A4 may result in reduced plasma concentrations of dolutegravir and require dose adjustments of TIVICAY.-TIVICAY should be taken 2 hours before or 6 hours after taking cation-containing antacids or laxatives, sucralfate, oral iron supplements, oral calcium supplements, or buffered medications. -Consult the full Prescribing Information for TIVICAY for more information on potentially significant drug interactions, including clinical comments.Pregnancy: Pregnancy category B. TIVICAY should be used during pregnancy only if the potential benefit justifies the potential risk. An Antiretroviral Pregnancy Registry has been established.Breastfeeding: Breastfeeding is NOT recommended due to the potential for HIV transmission and the potential for adverse reactions in nursing infants.Paediatric Patients: Safety and efficacy of TIVICAY has not been established in children younger than 12 years old, or weighing <40 kg, or in INSTI-experienced paediatric patients with documented or clinically suspected INSTI resistance.Please visit the following link for the full U.S. prescribing and patient information: https://.viivhealthcare.com/media/58599/us_tivicay.pdf.About Tivicay((R)) (dolutegravir)Tivicay is an integrase inhibitor indicated for use in combination with other antiretroviral agents for the treatment of HIV-1 in adults and children aged 12 years and older weighing at least 40 kg. Integrase inhibitors block HIV replication by preventing the viral DNA from integrating into the genetic material of human immune cells (T-cells). This step is essential in the HIV replication cycle and is also responsible for establishing chronic infection.It is available as a small, yellow, 50-mg tablet. Importantly, it can be taken with or without food and at any time of the day. Tivicay will be available in pharmacies approximately two weeks after today's announcement.ViiV Healthcare announced submission of a Marketing Authorisation Application (MAA) for dolutegravir to the European Medicines Agency (EMA) on 17 December 2012. Regulatory applications are also being evaluated in other markets worldwide, including Canada, Australia, and Brazil. Submission of regulatory files to support a fixed-dose combination of Tivicay and abacavir/lamivudine is anticipated in 2013.Tivicay is the first new treatment delivered by ViiV Healthcare.About ViiV HealthcareViiV Healthcare is a global specialist HIV company established in November 2009 by GlaxoSmithKline and Pfizer dedicated to delivering advances in treatment and care for people living with HIV. Shionogi joined as a 10% shareholder in October 2012. The company's aim is to take a deeper and broader interest in HIV/AIDS than any company has done before and take a new approach to deliver effective and new HIV medicines, as well as support communities affected by HIV. For more information on the company, its management, portfolio, pipeline, and commitment, please visit .viivhealthcare.com.ViiV UK/U.S. Media enquiries: Rebecca Hunt +44 (0) 20 8380 6275Marc Meachem +1 919 483 8756GSK Global Media enquiries: David Daley +44 (0) 20 8047 5502Melinda Stubbee +1 919 483 2510GSK Analyst/Investor enquiries: Lucy Budd +44 (0) 20 8047 2248Tom Curry + 1 215 751 5419Gary Davies + 44 (0) 20 8047 5503James Dodwell + 44 (0) 20 8047 2406Jeff McLaughlin + 1 215 751 7002Ziba Shamsi + 44 (0) 20 8047 3289GlaxoSmithKline cautionary statement regarding forward-looking statements: GSK cautions investors that any forward-looking statements or projections made by GSK, including those made in this announcement, are subject to risks and uncertainties that may cause actual results to differ materially from those projected. Factors that may affect GSK's operations are described under Item 3.D "Risk factors" in the company's Annual Report on Form 20-F for 2012.(1) Atripla is a registered trademark of Bristol-Myers Squibb and Gilead Sciences, LLC.Video: .multivu.com/mnr/62149-viiv-vhc-fda-approvalViiV HealthcareWeb site: .viivhealthcare.com/自存倉

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Source: Times Union, Albany, N.自存倉Y.Aug. 12--In 1991, when the chef Ric Orlando first was running a restaurant kitchen in Albany, cilantro was such a specialty item that he had to order the herb four days before he planned to use it. Today cilantro is a staple in every supermarket, and on summer Saturdays it's among the many fresh herbs available at the Troy Waterfront Farmers Market, which hosts nearly 80 vendors, up more than 50 percent from five years ago. The number of market shoppers has doubled in the same period.On a regional scale, state records show that the 11-county greater Capital Region boasts 67 farmers markets and a population of 1.16 million, or one market per 17,000 people. The ratio gives our region a third more farmers markets per capita than the metro area of Charleston, S.C., twice as many as San Francisco and three times more than Portland, Ore. -- places that invariably are included on lists of America's top 10, 20 or 50 cities for food culture and dining, which Albany never is.Perhaps that's in part because the Capital Region is home to just one restaurant featuring cuisine from all of the African continent, one from Central America and three from South America. In contrast, the Yellow Pages list 95 Italian restaurants in the four core Capital Region counties, and in the last nine months alone a half-dozen pan-Asian/sushi/hibachi restaurants opened or were announced as under development.Our area of upstate New York has an evolving but still conflicted relationship with national trends toward greater awareness of fresh, local and seasonal fare, sustainability and mindful food consumption as a whole.We love our national chain restaurants, which feed thousands of diners nightly on Wolf Road in Colonie and the area around routes 9 and 146 in Clifton Park, among other chain hotspots. But we support an abundance of farmers markets disproportionate to just about any top foodie city in the country. Further, spotting a shift in demographics and demand, quality supermarket chains that had long avoided the Capital Region, including The Fresh Market, Trader Joe's and Whole Foods, have arrived or will within a year. The boutique butcher The Meat House now has three area locations, and a trio of fishmongers opened local stores in 2012. Distilleries, winemakers and craft breweries have opened or expanded. Some artisanal food producers in the area have experienced significant success; R&G Cheesemakers in Cohoes, for example, which sold perhaps 50 pounds of its goat cheese a week when it opened five years ago, in its peak season this month is going through 800 pounds a week, selling for an average of $18 per pound.Among a select but growing local audience, there is demand for better food, though many of the old attitudes remain."It takes a long time to live down a reputation," said Orlando, who has owned New World Home Cooking in Saugerties for 20 years and been chef-partner of the wildly popular, culinarily eclectic New World Bistro Bar in Albany for the past four years. Orlando's menus show influences of Asia, the Caribbean, the American Southwest and the Middle East, and he sources his produce and meat from two dozen regional farmers and food producers."Back in the day, Albany had these big, expensive flagship restaurants that defined the scene, and almost everything else was" Italian or generically American ste迷你倉新蒲崗k and seafood, Orlando said. Today, a small but growing number of entrepreneurs are diversifying the area's culinary landscape with casual restaurants offering more ethnically authentic and less Americanized fare, and other owners are looking to capitalize on the international population being brought in by the nanotechnology industry. Tara Kitchen in Schenectady, which opened in 2012, offers Moroccan food; the Saratoga County restaurateur David Zecchini, owner of three Italian eateries, chose under-represented Spanish tapas as the theme for his latest venture, Boca Bistro, also new last year; and the owners of The City Beer Hall in Albany two months ago debuted The Speakeasy, a retro bar featuring bespoke, $12 cocktails with handmade ingredients and a 1920s vibe."It's really about education and awareness -- for (restaurateurs) and customers," said David Brough, dean of the School of Hotel, Culinary Arts and Tourism at Schenectady County Community College. As culinary students learn about sustainability, eco-minded cooking and farmer relationships through efforts, including composting at the college and plans for a greenhouse, they also bring back what they learn about industry trends during internships at restaurants."Then it becomes about marketing," said Brough. "If you make rock stars out of the farmers the way chefs were" -- starting about 15 years ago -- "you're going to make people want to try their products."The Troy Waterfront Farmers Market now draws upward of 6,000 people weekly. Vendors report surging interest in unusual items, according to market manager Monica Kurzejeski. The market allows 60 percent of its vendors to sell agricultural products including fruits, vegetables and meats, and 40 percent to sell non-agricultural, from candles and soap to artisanal pickles and handmade marshmallows."The diversity growth of the non-ags has been amazing," said Kurzejeski. "Who'd have thought crackers would be a hit? But they're huge."Jaime Ortiz is corporate executive chef of Scotia-based Mazzone Hospitality, which owns six restaurants, runs the area's largest catering operation and manages food service for businesses, including Price Chopper's headquarters in Schenectady and the GlobalFoundries plant in Malta. He traces the longtime conservatism of the area food scene to Albany's dominant employers, education and government, which provide middle-class incomes for people raising families but generally not the sort high-paying jobs for younger, more food-adventurous people who help drive the culinary scene in Manhattan, Seattle and San Francisco.Further, he says, given the high failure rate of restaurants, with 80 percent being closed or sold within five years of opening, people who go into the business still believe it less risky to try a proven concept like pan-Asian/sushi/hibachi -- or Italian, which is where Ortiz's boss, Angelo Mazzone, got his start in the 1970s."I'd love to see an Ethopian restaurant. It's one of my favorite ways to eat," said Ortiz. "I'm not ready to risk Angelo's money on something like that yet. Things are changing, but change is always a risk."sbarnes@timesunion.com, 518-454-5489, @Tablehopping, facebook.com/SteveBarnesFoodCriticCopyright: ___ (c)2013 the Times Union (Albany, N.Y.) Visit the Times Union (Albany, N.Y.) at .timesunion.com Distributed by MCT Information Services迷你倉出租

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By Kelly Chung Dawson in New York ( China Daily) When Princeton professor and author Amy Chua published Battle Hymn of the Tiger Mother in 2011, the resulting media melee seemed to tap into a simmering vat of insecurities about the economic rise of China.自存倉An excerpt published in the Wall Street Journal under the headline Why Chinese Mothers Are Superior triggered a heated debate about the pros and cons of a discipline style that discourages improvisation and creativity in favor of repetition and diligence.Was the United States doing its children a disservice by not taking cues from the Chinese education system?Novelist Kim Wong Keltner's new book, Tiger Babies Strike Back: How I Was Raised by a Tiger Mom but Could Not Be Turned to the Dark Side, responds with a resounding No, as an impassioned ode to "all the lonely, lost kids who aren't going to get into Harvard or Berkeley", Keltner says."Many Asians in the US are facing an identity crisis today, because we've been pigeonholed into stereotypes of success," she says. "Not enough of us are saying, I choose not to fit into this one box that my parents and the world have defined for me. Amy Chua's kids obviously turned out great, but it's only when kids turn out great that we can laugh about it."There's this entire group of kids out there who feel lonely and anxious because they're not necessarily going to be successful in that same way, and I want my book to be a message in a bottle to those kids," Keltner adds.In descriptions of her strained relationship with her own "Tiger Mother", Keltner likens the relief of a post-visit return home to the feeling of having gnawed off her own paw to escape the metal teeth of a spring-loaded trap."How many emotional body slams can we take before ending up with permanent brain damage?" she asks.Her own parenting approach today is a rebellion against what she sees as a cold pragmatism that robs children of their voices, an argument echoed recently in a study by University of Texas-Austin psychology professor Su-yeong Kim.Kim's study demonstrated that children raised in Tiger Mother-style househo迷你倉新蒲崗ds have higher rates of depression - and lower grades.Naturally, the report set off another wave of media coverage linked to Chua's book."People keep trying to pit me against Kim Wong Keltner, or to ask me to comment on that parenting study, and I keep telling them 'Look, all I did was write my personal family story,'" Chua says.What much of the media coverage has failed to mention: The bottom line of Chua's book was that parenting is never one-size-fits-all. What worked with her first daughter was a resolute failure with her second, who ultimately succeeded not because of Chua's "Tiger Mother" parenting, but in spite of it.While the marketing for Battle Hymn of the Tiger Mother seemed to target Western audiences, Tiger Babies Strike Back will likely resonate most with Asian-American readers.Keltner's warm, frank voice intercuts humor with emotional weight, and the lives she describes will surely ring true to the children of immigrant parents.Chinese-American women of earlier eras were often poor, and more likely to have been focused on making ends meet than fretting over identity, she argues. It's within that context that these women, now in their later years, have applied their own experiences to motherhood.Keltner notes that Asian-American women have the highest rate of suicide among senior citizens of any ethnicity.Pressure to fit stereotypical ideas of success, intelligence and beauty can be incredibly harmful for people who don't naturally fit those standards, she says. A reticence about discussing flaws or problems also holds many Asian-Americans back for fear of shaming their families."So many Asians have this sense that they have something to say, but they're waiting for some kind of permission that's never going to come," she says."You're taught to not make a spectacle of yourself, and I guess I have just the right combination of bravery and stupidity to say 'Hey, how come no one is pointing out that the Tiger Mother idea is perpetuating a harmful stereotype and potentially hurting kids?' I wanted to mix it up, because there is an alternative." kdawson@chinadailyusa.com迷你倉出租

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  む短線實盤賽新第66期(總第108期)  (賽程:2013年8月1日-2013年8月30日)め  近日,新蒲崗迷你倉上證指數在2000點至2050點之間窄幅振蕩,欲漲乏力的同時下跌動力也不足。近兩交易日,滬綜指連續收出十字星,表明多空雙方都比較謹慎,短線處於上下兩難狀態。對於後市,上周實盤賽冠軍長風和第二名硅穀子均認為,指數將維持箱體振蕩格局。其中,長風更表示,前期由創業板帶動的行情已經結束,目前市場風格已經出現轉換跡象,預計後市將出現新興行業和傳統行業輪流上漲的行情。  ■新快報記者 陳慶麟  ■上周回顧  市場風格轉換  雖然大盤指數周線已經實現三連陽,但實際上指數卻不溫不火,上周大盤基本圍繞在2050點附近橫盤振蕩。盤面上,可穿戴概念、網絡傳媒、互聯金融、電商、手游等概念股除極個別強勢題材龍頭股和補漲品種繼續表現外,其餘大多數板塊個股均進入高位回調整理,而煤炭、有色、稀土等資源股開始走強。強勢股的調整和弱勢股的補漲表明市場資金正在分化。  基本面上,各項經濟數據不斷好轉。其中7月份我國進出口總值同比增長7.8%,進出口增速雙雙“轉正”,扭轉了6月均為負數的局面。同時,7月份CPI同比上漲2.7%,PPI降幅收窄。此外,7月全國發電量以及規模以上工業增加值同比增長均超出預期。這些數據的好轉表明國內整體宏觀經濟政策的走向趨好,這是一個不容忽視的市場因素。在目前“穩中有為”的思路下,信貸、投資以及生產都獲得了一定程度的提振,這既表現在7月高于預期的進口增速上,也表明內需開始持續回穩。  資金面上,鑒於上周公開市場有央票到期100億元、7天期逆回購到期170億元,央行上周在公開市場實現資金淨投放200億元,環比減少逾八成。近期央行的“放水”格外謹慎,顯示出維持貨幣政策中性的立場。  技術上,從日K線看,上周五大盤收出帶長下影線的十字星,收至5日均線之上。均線系統處於交會狀態,短期、中期均線持續上行,短期走勢轉好。擺動指標顯示,大盤在中勢區略作上翹,多空力量處於均衡態勢,中期走勢有待抉擇。布林線上,股指處於中軌之上,線口極度收斂,即將面臨方向性突破。  ■後市研判  傳統行業將獲資金支持  長風表示,隨著創業板股票不斷被炒高,目前市場脈絡已經發生微妙變化,前期的行情已經結束,很多強勢小盤股開始回調。但長風同時表示,需要關注的是傳統周mini storage性行業的反彈, 雖然現在市場資金最緊張的時候或已過去,而且從周末消息面看或有外圍資金流入的跡象,但若要促使指數上漲,仍略嫌不足。在此背景下,由於傳統行業板塊個股前期大部分超跌,而新興行業近期被瘋狂炒作,因此短期內將出現傳統板塊和新興板塊輪流爭奪市場資金的局面。  長風認為,由於資金面原因,量能未能持續放大,預計傳統行業的反彈最多起到穩住指數的作用。在下行空間有限,上漲動力不足的情況下,本周大盤指數將繼續維持箱體振蕩格局。  硅穀子也表示,上周市場風格轉換及主題熱點輪動跡象明顯,後市大盤很可能在目前振蕩區間(2000點-2050點)等待突破方向選擇,除繼續觀察上述熱點題材股以及權重股表現外,穩增長的政策動向和經濟數據的回暖能否持續仍值得進一步跟蹤。理由是,中央政治局會議定調宏觀框架後,除了央行繼續向市場投放少量的流動性資金及國家發改委表態要加快推進重大基礎設施建設外,上周並未有相關具體的穩增長措施出台。硅穀子認為,熱點題材股的表現,決定目前振蕩區間的結構性行情的持續性。  上周收益率排行榜  NO.1長風+12.25%NO.6 四十年不醉-1.66%  NO.2硅穀子+3.97%NO.7 冰塊-4.13%  NO.3常樂+2.84%NO.8 順勢-6.80%  NO.4冷箭+2.28%NO.9 必勝客-8.03%  NO.5鄭成虎-0.16%NO.10 紅龍-10.39%  NO.1  累計收益率  +12.25%  長風:  資源類、服裝類行業  未來兩月或維持上漲趨勢  初始資金(元):138239.72 股票市值(元):155116.00  現有資產(元):155168.86 可用金額(元):52.86 +12.25  ■操作建議  警惕沒業績支持的概念股  目前資源類行業和服裝類行業板塊的個股已經有不同程度的反彈,銀行板塊在經歷多個利空衝擊下也沒有出現大幅下跌,而且房地產再融資政策有望放開,這些都為傳統行業的估值修復提供了有利因素。個人認為,資源類、服裝類等傳統行業在未來1-2個月內仍有可能維持上漲趨勢,並維持大盤指數穩定。值得注意的是,中報行情即將結束,不少前期被炒作的概念股將面臨考驗,一些缺乏實際業績支撐的概念股會逐漸浮出水面。建議投資者多關注一些業績較好,前期沒有被過度炒作,具有良好成長性的個股。陳慶麟self storage

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銀行團加速對奇力光電債權的追討程序。針對奇美實業、群創光電設立的奇力光電科技大股東和董監事落跑,mini storage聯貸銀行團今(12)日將召開債權銀行會議,選出推薦給法院的臨時管理人名單,正式啟動法律程序。據悉,奇力光電的員工跟勞工局今天也將召開協調會,接下來可能由銀行團向法院申請奇力光電破產,拍賣機械相關資產等,並找尋有意購買的廠商接手。銀行團強調,初期會先協助奇力光電的機器設備持續運轉,但奇力光電董監事及董事長已全數辭職,沒有法人代表,現階段最重要的就是取得全數債權銀行同意,選出2∼3位臨時管理人,包含會計師、律師、產業專業經理人等。銀行團指出,臨時管理人的名單送交法院後,會由法院拍板;依慣例,過去走法院約需要3周,才會確定臨時管理人名單,但此案牽涉奇力光電上千員工權益,加上債權金額龐大,銀行團希望法院可加快速度,以利後續程序。奇力光電目前在國銀債權總金額達56億元,包含2個聯貸案及銀行的自貸金額,共計與18家銀行有往來;前10大債權銀行包括一銀、彰銀、華銀、台銀self storage兆豐銀、新光銀、合庫銀、土銀、國泰世華銀和台新銀。至於為何這次臨時管理人名單,銀行團未指派銀行內部人員擔任,主要是因為銀行堅持不介入奇力光電經營,所以決定以專業人員為主,且由法院指派人選後,讓奇力光電先有和銀行對話的窗口及法人代表,以利後續協商。至於相關銀行對奇力光電的呆帳準備提存,銀行團成員指出,現在談這個問題還「早了一點」,由於奇力光電尚未破產,只要兩大股東有誠意出面解決問題,現在還不用急於提列呆帳準備。但銀行團成員也強調,考量風險控管,後續也會跟著程序走下去,逐步提高相關呆帳準備。行庫內部投資顧問單位分析,奇力光電的債權問題較TMT(台灣海陸運輸集團)為佳的部分,是後面至少還有大股東可以追討,其中群創尚有借新還舊的問題需仰賴銀行團的支援,因此推估奇力光電的債權損失率應該會因此降低。目前各銀行表示,尚無法提供預估損失率,儘管有機器設備與土地作為擔保,但機器設備部分已折舊約3分之1,未來對各家銀行的實際獲利影響,需視後續擔保品的估價以及提存情況而定。迷你倉

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  《窩輪探索》恆指接連跌穿10天及20天平均線,迷你倉升勢已略為減弱,保歷加通道收窄亦限制了短期後市波幅,短線恆指較大機會呈反覆上落格局,7月初留下的上升裂口21000點至21200點附近料有不俗支持。  根據法興交易員表示,上周場外期權市場的引伸波幅呈個別發展。恆生指數3個月場外期權的引伸波幅下跌0﹒4個波幅點至15﹒6%,國企指數的3個月場外期權的引伸波幅下跌1﹒4個波幅點至20﹒8%。  至於3個月期股份場外期權方面,匯豐(00005)的引伸波幅下跌1﹒1個波幅點至16﹒4%;中移動(00941)的引伸波幅微升0﹒1個波幅點至15﹒5%;和黃(00013)的引伸波幅下跌1﹒4個波幅點至20﹒9%;國壽(02628)的引伸波幅微升0﹒2個波幅點至27﹒7%;工行(01938)的引伸波幅微升0﹒1個波幅點至22﹒8%;建行(00939)引伸波幅上升0﹒4個波幅點至23%;中行(03988)的引伸波幅上升0﹒5個波幅點至23﹒1%;招行的引伸波幅微升0﹒3個波幅點至28﹒2%;中石油(00857)的引伸波幅上升0﹒4個波幅點至23﹒8%;中石化(00386)的引伸波幅下跌0﹒7個波幅點至23﹒9%;中海油(00883)的引伸波幅微升0﹒3個波幅點至22﹒5%;A50(02823)的引伸波幅下跌1﹒2個波幅點至22﹒4%;騰訊(00700)引伸波幅上升2個波幅點至35﹒4%;國信(00728)的引伸波幅微升0﹒1個波幅點至25﹒1%;港交所(00388)的引伸波幅微升0﹒2個波幅點至20﹒8%。  周四大市只略作反彈,即見有約3400萬元資金淨流入恆指熊證,相反牛證則有約1200萬元資金淨流出,反映市場對後市看法略為偏淡。觀察恆指牛熊證的街貨分布,截至周四,恆指牛證的文件倉街貨區在收回價21200點至21500點附近,相當約2300張期指合約;至於熊證,高街貨區則在收回價約21900點至22400點之間,約2100張期指淡倉。  個股窩輪方面,兩大藍籌股匯豐及騰訊股價近日出現明顯調整,吸引資金流入相關認購證部署反彈。現時市場上較活躍的匯豐認購輪行使價普遍在90元附近,惟部分剩餘時間不足兩個月,風險或太高,散戶投資者宜選擇較長年期(3個月以上)的匯豐輪;而騰訊的認購證,則以行使價較高的交投較暢旺,行使價介乎400元至430元之間,年期較長,實際槓桿約5倍。  騰訊於7月中突破$315後便扶搖直上屢創新高,直至到達$380才遇見較大壓力,現正消化超買情況,短線或有機會先回試$350附近,在升勢明顯逆轉之前,策略仍以候低看好較為值博。如看好騰訊可留意長期價外認購證26411,行使價$430﹒88,明年5月初到期,實際槓桿約5﹒7倍;如看淡則可留意中長期價外認沽證26329,行使價$330,明年2月初到期,實際槓桿約4﹒9倍。  匯豐受業績遜預期所影響,股價連日來持續受壓,不過市場認為其派息吸引,股價調整或帶來趁低吸納機會,股價現時在50天平均線$85附近嘗試企穩組織反彈,而$80關口為近月的長方形底部,亦是一條中期升軌,料有強大支持。如看好匯豐,可留意中期價外認購證25425,行使價$90,今年12月初到期,實際槓桿約15﹒7倍。  中移動將於周四(15日)公布業績,股價近期持續受制於$84的下降軌阻力,惟回調壓力亦不大,且看業績會否帶動股價出現突破,如看好中移動,可留意中期價外認購證26231,行使價$91﹒88,明年1月中到期,實際槓桿約13﹒9倍。《法興證券衍生工具部董事 李錦》 * 筆者及其聯繫人士持有匯豐、和黃及港交所的財務權益存倉

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信息來源於四川新聞網 / Cited from .newssc.org/成都農商銀行小微融資專欄明明是好項目,儲存但缺了資金髮展不起來;明明是講信用的人,但借款時往往被“足值抵押物”難住。解決中小企業融資難的問題,需要銀行根據企業特點提供創新融資產品和量身訂制的服務。今年以來,成都農商銀行確定了“舉全行之力發展小微業務”的方略,將單純向小微企業“輸血”轉變為搭建綜合性金融服務平台,為小微企業、個體工商戶提供綜合性金融服務。針對小微經營者“小、頻、急”的融資需求特點,成都農商銀行開發出各種信貸產品,滿足不同企業需求;利用遍佈全域成都的600多個營業網點,為小微企業提供一站式融資解決方案。獲得信用貸款 生意再上台階小微企業想憑借信用從銀行獲得貸款,不再是不可想象的事情。邱女士5年前和朋友合伙開了一家小型中餐館,小店環境衛生味道好,生意慢慢好了起來。今年,邱女士準備把隔壁的鋪面租下來,但轉租鋪面的費用、租金、裝修等加起來,超出了她的預新蒲崗迷你倉。正愁借不到錢時,上門拜訪的成都農商銀行客戶經理向邱女士介紹了該行的速捷貸產品。瞭解情況,提出申請,幾天時間,邱女士就拿到了10萬元信用貸款。貸款無需任何手續費據瞭解,成都農商銀行“速捷貸”系列產品專為小商戶、小企業提供貸款,申請額度5000元~100萬元,額度根據客戶生產經營情況、資產情況、年收入、資信情況等內容確定,無需任何手續費,無抵押也可貸款,條件具備最快一個工作日可放款。經營期3個月以上的客戶均可申請,貸款期限為3個月到兩年。在還款方式上,充分考慮借款人現金流特徵和資金回籠周期,量身訂制還款計劃。此外,成都農商銀行近期還�動了“好客戶:終身伙伴支持計劃”,手續資料齊全放款快:50萬元以下貸款,1個工作日放款;50萬元(含)~100萬元貸款,2個工作日放款;100萬元(含)~500萬元貸款,3個工作日放款;500萬元(含)~5000萬元貸款,5個工作日放款;5000萬元(含)以上貸款,7個工作日放款。成都商報記者 吳宇宸mini storage

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民間資本正在做一場“銀行夢”,新蒲崗迷你倉它們距離民營銀行僅僅一步之遙。 據媒體報道,目前浙江省的溫州和台州,福建省的泉州,廣東省的佛山和深圳等地均在積極申報民營銀行項目。 而隨著近期銀監會的支持表態,民營銀行設立在法律和政策上已無阻礙。民間資本蓄勢待發,爭奪民營銀行的試點席位。坊間傳言,首批民營銀行或下半年推出,可能鎖定兩家:1家在北京;1家在溫州。 大勢所趨 “現在不是考慮能不能辦民營銀行,而是什麼時候民營銀行落地。”8月7日溫州中小企業發展促進會會長周德文告訴《中國經營報》記者,“我們正在等待實施細則。” 民營銀行的話題最早可追溯到10年前,2003年志高控股董事局主席及行政總裁李興浩就曾籌辦廣東第一家民營銀行“南華銀行”,最終因政策壁壘而折戟。 今年舊事重提。6月19日,國務院常務會議研究鼓勵民間資本參與金融機構重組改造,探索設立民間資本發起的自擔風險的民營銀行和金融租賃公司、消費金融公司等。此後,7月5日國務院辦公廳發佈《關於金融支持經濟結構調整和轉型升級的指導意見》,提出“嘗試由民間資本發起設立自擔風險的民營銀行”,設立民營銀行再度進入公�的聚光燈下。 其後,事情有了突破性進展,連對設立民營銀行態度最謹慎的銀監會也表示了支持。7月31日,在銀監會召開的2013年上半年全國銀行業監督管理工作會議暨經濟金融形勢分析(電視電話)會議上,銀監會主席尚福林首次對外提出“試辦自擔風險的民營金融機構”。並披露了設立民營金融機構的基本要求,這一基本要求是:自擔風險民營金融機構的要義在於發起人承諾風險兜底,避免經營失敗損害存款人、債權人和納稅人利益。 “設立民營銀行,原來最大的障礙是銀監會,現在銀監會已放行。民營銀行設立在法律和政策上已無阻礙。”周德文說,“溫州民間資本正衝刺第一家民營銀行。” 回顧以往,在民營銀行的問題上,地方政府在與銀監會的無數次博弈中,從無勝算。最近一次博弈追溯到2012年9月28日,溫州市政府對外公佈一消息:“小額貸款公司股東及民企可以作為村鎮銀行的主發起人。”而這違反了銀監會《村鎮銀行管理暫行規定》中的“村鎮銀行最大股東或唯一股東必須是銀行業金融機構”的規定。此後,溫州金融辦上報了兩家小貸公司作為主發起人轉制為村鎮銀行,以及3家民營企業作為主發起人發起設立村鎮銀行,結果是石沉大海,未能通過銀監會這一關。 業內人士指出,銀監會既擔心民間資本帶來的風險,也擔心打開民營銀行大門後,衝擊現有300多家銀行的壟斷利益。 而最近地方政府與銀監會的博弈發生了逆轉。7月22日,溫州宣佈成功發行首批小貸公司定向債(以下簡稱“小貸債”),不料小貸債發行幾天後就受到銀行的抵制,7月25日,當地銀行通知相關小貸公司若要發行小貸債,必須先歸還向銀行貸款。這是因為銀行仍執行銀監會2008年5月頒佈的《關於小額貸款公司試點的指導意見》中的小貸公司從銀行業金融機構獲得融入資金的餘額,不得超過資本淨額的50%的規定。而小貸債可能使50%的融資比例限制被突破。地方政府與銀監會的博弈再起,不過很快銀監會做出了讓步,發行小貸債的小貸公司負責人告訴記者,8月2日,相關銀行已取消了對發小貸債的企業回收貸款的要求。這一事件表明,銀監會對民間資本的態度正在轉變。 “現在銀監會放行民營銀行,因為這是大勢所趨,無法阻擋。”周德文如此評價。 “就創辦民營銀行而言,來自政府方面的阻力會越來越小,但民營銀行在實際的經營當中的制約因素依然會不少。”志高控股董事局主席及行政總裁李興浩認為,因為這是一個新事物,還處在試驗階段。 “我們是第一家申請民營銀行的小貸公司。”8月7日,蒼南聯信小額貸款股份有限公司(以下簡稱“聯信小貸”)董事長陳開雲告訴記者,去年10月份,聯信小貸就申請轉制為村鎮銀行。 作為溫州市爭取小貸公司優先轉化村鎮銀行試點的兩家企業之一,聯信小貸是溫州小貸的標杆,它既是溫州市首家小貸公司,也是浙江省首批10家試點小貸公司之一。 期待利率市mini storage化 不過,陳開雲也曾對記者坦承:“如果小貸公司作為村鎮銀行的主發起人,我們願意轉制為村鎮銀行;但如果是銀行作為主發起人,我們對轉制村鎮銀行沒有積極性。” 為什麼小貸公司要爭取村鎮銀行的主發起人地位?事實上,“小貸公司作為村鎮銀行的主發起人”,即是民營銀行的一種。 據周德文介紹,設立民營銀行主要有三大途徑:一是通過小貸公司作為主發起人轉制為村鎮銀行;二是農村信用合作社等國有資本退出,允許民間資本進入,改製為民營銀行;三是民營企業重新申報設立民營銀行。 不少小貸業內人士認為,如果不能成為民營銀行,而由銀行作為主發起人,小貸公司就算能轉制村鎮銀行也不過是在原來的銀行機制下,再克隆一個小銀行。它等於民營資本把小貸公司拱手讓給銀行,沒有話語權,也不利於打破目前金融壟斷的格局。但如果允許成立民營銀行,許多找不到出路的民間資本將會積極投入到民營銀行的隊伍,支持區域經濟和實體經濟的發展。 不過,相對那些積極爭取民營銀行機會的態度,市場上也有另一種不同意見。“許多民營老闆們認為利率沒有市場化,現在做民營銀行,很難拉到存款,難賺錢,所以普遍興趣不大。”廣州小貸行業的資深人士蕭婄告訴記者。 許多民企對做民營銀行沒有興趣。記者致電阿里金融,阿里金融的相關負責人就明確表示,阿里不會做民營銀行。事實上,“目前村鎮銀行的資產回報不如小貸公司,一般村鎮銀行淨利潤率最好的也只是在6%~7%,有的只有2%~3%。而小貸公司的淨利潤率一般都在10%。”一位小貸公司的老總告訴記者。 陳開雲也承認,村鎮銀行目前普遍沒有小貸公司的利潤高,而民營銀行要跟現在的銀行競爭,先天條件不足,不過“轉制成村鎮銀行考慮的是持續發展,它的生命力要比小貸公司長”。陳開雲說,“小貸公司轉制後可以尋找一種比較靈活的經營機制來開拓市場、拉存款和放貸,民營銀行也有自己獨特的競爭方法。” “我們希望將來能轉制成村鎮銀行。”廣州市華易小貸公司總經理曾春茂也告訴記者,“盡管目前看來村鎮銀行的收益普遍低於小貸公司,但最終效益如何,還要看具體的經營和管理團隊,銀行的杠杆大於小貸公司,有機會賺更多的錢。” 而李興浩也告訴記者,許多民營企業家朋友都有進軍銀行業的想法。而在當環境許可、內部各方面條件允許的情況下,志高集團會考慮設立民營銀行。“民營銀行也是民營企業,它們一定能在吸儲策略以及客戶服務戰略方面有更大的突破,甚至會成為金融創新的重要推動能量。”他認為,民營銀行的弱勢,往往可能轉化為後發先至的優勢,關鍵是政府和相關監管部門對於民營銀行的金融創新在政策層面要留有足夠空間,並對金融創新要給予法律保護。 據悉,多地都在申請創立民營銀行,“傳言準確度高。溫州是綜合金融改革試驗區,設立民營銀行具有經濟意義;而北京是首都,設立民營銀行具有政治意義。”周德文如此評價,銀監會正協同中國人民銀行、國家工商總局、國務院法制辦制定設立民營銀行的細則。 截至記者發稿,銀監會未對記者就民營銀行一事的提問做出回應。 中國民營銀行艱難成長史 1996年1月,新中國成立後,首家主要由非民間資本入股的全國性股份制商業銀行———中國民生銀行誕生。 2003年,志高控股董事局主席李興浩籌辦廣東第一家民營銀行“南華銀行”,最終因政策壁壘而折戟。 2004年6月底,由中瑞財團的四大股東——泰力實業、奧康集團、神力集團及國光投資有限公司發起籌建的“建華民營銀行”也因政策限制最終夭折。 2004年8月初,由國企控股,廣廈集團、吉利集團等15家民營企業參股組建的民營銀行——浙江商業銀行在杭州成立,其民營資本占比超 85%,民資占比超過民生銀行。 2005年,央行在四川、山西、陝西、貴州4省進行了民間資本放貸試點,一種完全由民間資本構成的“只貸不存”的“小額信貸組織”開始試行。 2013年7月5日,國務院下發《關於金融支持經濟結構調整和轉型升級的指導意見》,明確提出:“嘗試由民間資本發起設立自擔風險的民營銀行等金融機構。” self storage

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  【中央社台北11日電】中國大陸國家審計署宣布,迷你倉新蒲崗將對政府債進行審計,大陸各地風聲鶴唳,廣州一家銀行近日透露,已接到上級口頭通知,要全面審核重大項目資產狀況,評估償債能力,尤其是地方政府新區開發。  大陸各地方政府為美化經濟數字,加上官商勾結,經常舉債進行新市區、新城區開發,或是推出大型基礎建設項目,因未經評估,往往成為「鬼城」或是無收益的項目,導致地方債進一步惡化。  根據大陸國家審計署先前公布的報告,大陸36個地方政府債務餘額,到2012年底已接近人民幣3.85兆元,其中銀行貸款占78.07%,估算銀行貸給地方政府就高達3兆元。  華夏日報報導,由於審計署宣布要對政府債進行審計,地方債審查風暴正逐漸升級。廣州一家銀行支行肖姓管理人士透露,已收到上級領導口頭通知,要求全面審核重大項目的資迷你倉出租狀況,對地方償債壓力進行評估,尤其是地方政府的新區開發進程,且與地方債務相關的房地產項目,也是審核重點。  此外,報導說,一些地方政府也開始暫緩地方大型建設項目,尤其是房地產項目的資金投入,以控制地方債風險。  廣東省相關政府部門知情人士透露,在地方債審計背景下,包括政府部門、國有企業、各金融機構都處於風聲鶴唳狀態中,「生怕不良後果太大,因此,上下要做足準備,不能在審計期間出現違約、不良債務爆發等事故。」  這名人士坦承,其實多個金融機構都有自己的「祕帳」,尤其是對大型基礎建設、城市更新工程案,甚至國有企業、大型房地產企業的地產項目。  他說,目前這些「祕帳」正在受到考驗,已有內部分析報告顯示,若按照先前的高負債率運行,一旦地方債問題暴露,很多投資項目都可能面對停工風險,出現大範圍違約的可能。儲存倉

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  福源花園公寓內部,迷你倉由於部分房屋已被拆除,陳文忠只能在懸空處鋪上房門,以便行走。 記者 盧義傑攝  這是一棟“奇特”的房屋。行政復議時,政府認為它不在徵收範圍,甚至房主沒必要提起行政復議。但在徵收公告中,有關部門又把它劃進了徵收範圍,還給出了補償方案。  該房屋的主人是湖南省長沙市開福區湘春路206號的胡戰東,他的房屋被徵收與長沙市黃興北路棚戶區改造項目有關。  8月9日,中國青年報刊發《數十起行政訴訟擋不住強拆》之後,多名黃興北路棚改項目被徵收人聯繫記者稱,與開福區福源花園公寓的情況類似,他們的房屋不在劃撥用地的紅線範圍內,但是同樣被徵收了。  此次黃興北路棚改項目是《國有土地上房屋徵收和補償條例》出台後長沙的第一個較大工程。不過,在一些法律界人士看來,部分地方政府對該條例的理解存在問題。  多個被徵小區被指不在紅線範圍內  看到2012年3月的房屋徵收公告,胡戰東的妻子曾順華有些意外:7年前被劃入某投資公司拆遷範圍但沒有拆遷的房屋,為何現在被納入了棚改項目的徵收範圍?  胡戰東的家是一棟4層老宅。2006年10月,某房地產公司將該房屋所在地塊的土地使用權轉讓給長沙一家投資公司。公司雖辦妥了拆遷手續,但由於沒能與胡戰東等11戶人家談妥補償,直到開發的樓盤已開始銷售,房子仍未拆除。  “按理說,我們是在公司建設項目的用地內,不屬於棚改工程。”曾順華說。  今年3月,胡戰東向湖南省人民政府申請行政復議,請求撤銷涉及黃興北路棚改工程項目用地的《國有建設用地劃撥決定書》。但是,復議被駁回。  駁回的理由是,胡戰東的房屋未在該決定書劃撥土地的紅線範圍內,因此,他與決定書不具有法律上利害關係。  “這不恰好說明,我們不屬於徵收範圍嗎?”憑著這份決定書,胡戰東一度讓部分徵收人員無話可說。而此時,同處該公司項目用地的一些老房屋已被拆除。  不過,事情在5月發生變化。曾順華看到,有關部門在當地媒體點名刊登了對她家的徵收補償方案。這讓她不解:既然已承認房屋不在紅線範圍內,為何還要繼續徵收呢?  在數百米之隔的鐵佛東街,也有多名商品房的業主反映“紅線問題”。2012年《房屋徵收公告》發佈不久,鐵佛東街70號的業主盛林林申請了政府信息公開,所獲得的2010年測繪的“紅線圖”顯示,他的房屋不在棚改項目的劃撥用地的紅線範圍。  行政復議以失敗告終。按照決定書的說法,他的房屋之所以被徵收,是因為其既處於規劃中的黃興北路路幅紅線範圍,也屬於棚改項目的徵收範圍。不過,後者的紅線圖測繪時間不是2010年,而是2011年。  盛林林繼續申請信息公開,在一張2011年1月18日測繪的黃興北路路幅紅線圖中,他清楚地看到,自己的房屋距黃興北路還有相當長的一段距離。  令他意外的是棚改項目的紅線圖——與2010年測繪的紅線圖不同,這張測繪于2011年的紅線圖里,盛林林的房屋已于2011年2月24日被劃撥給長沙市新河三角洲開發建設有限公司。  這個日期,距《國有土地上房屋徵收與補償條例》出台不滿一個月。在中國青年報記者掌握的多名被徵收戶的判決書中,該條例第13條“房屋依法徵收的,土地使用權同時收回”,被黃興北路棚改項目列為重要的法律依據之一。  “為什麼前後紅線圖不一樣?土地使用權還沒有收回,為什麼我的房屋可以被徵收?”盛林林充滿疑惑。  市、區5︰5比例分享收益  在黃興北路棚改區的布局中,湘春路、鐵佛東街位於南邊,而中國青年報8月9日報道的福源花園公寓位於該區域北部。  8月10日,記者再次走訪福源花園公寓。自從2011年得知房屋將要被徵收之後,2棟的陳文忠與丈夫就關閉了之前經營的旅館,努力保住自己的房子。  陳文忠特地買了新的筆記本電腦、打印機和掃描儀。茶几底下,她還新買了一台大號的訂書機,以裝訂厚厚的紙質證據。  更有趣的是,她在公寓樓下、走道等處安裝了幾處探頭,臥室的台式機則被當作監控屏幕。她特地養了兩只哈巴狗,“不會咬人,但是看到生人會叫。尤其是晚上,一叫,聲控燈就響,監控可以看到是誰來了。”  “我從2011年下半年就關注這件事了。”陳文忠說,最早,有關部門說徵收是因為這裡是棚戶區。“後來我們許多人聯合簽名,並證明這裡是商品房,不是棚戶區。”  2012年3月,房屋徵收公告正式發佈,沒多久就舉行了一次市、區有關領導與居民的“懇談會”。陳文忠說,在懇談會上,有關部門表示福源花園公寓房屋被徵收不是因為棚戶區改造,而是因為黃興北路東移。  陳文忠後來意外發現,政府棚戶區改造公司土地供應所得總價款全額上繳市財政,由財政部門返還拆遷補償安置騰地成本後,將按市與區5︰5比例分享收益或同比例分擔虧損。同時,驗收合格的項目還會按補償拆除成本的8%作為工作和獎勵經費補助轄區人民政府或實施單位。  不過,對於部分被徵收戶而言,補償並不能令他們保持原有生活質量。福源花園公寓多名住戶告訴記者,雖然補償方式表面上有貨幣補償、產權置換兩種,這其實,產權置換有些不合算。  記者在其他小區也聽到類似說法。鐵佛東街一名艾姓居民表示,他目前房子面積是70.84平方米,但置換產權後面積73.文件倉4平方米,他還要交一筆差價。同時,置換的是期房,且是劃撥地而非出讓地,國家更加容易收回。  多位居民認為,這讓人不得不選擇貨幣補償。“而貨幣補償,我們一些人出讓地的補償金額和一些劃撥地一樣,這可能意味著我們沒有得到土地使用權剩餘年限的價值。”陳文忠說。  “我們曾提出就地或就近安置,但是沒有被允許。”陳文忠推測,原因可能恰恰是這片土地地理位置較好。  據悉,福源花園公寓所在的黃興北路棚改項目總投資額達84.6億元,居開福區之首,名列長沙市第三。有關部門官網的“投資效益分析”則注明,該項目土地出讓金120億元,可開發土地800畝。該面積遠高于此前劃撥用地紅線範圍內的194畝。  二審提交新證據但未公開審理  與多個小區的被徵收戶一樣,陳文忠也發現自己的房屋不在紅線範圍內。  她是一審敗訴之後才得知這一消息的。此後,她把這份可證明“房屋不在紅線範圍內”的地圖作為新的證據,于二審之前提交。同時提交的證據共6組、27份,遠比一審時多。  按照行政訴訟的有關規定,在第二審程序中,對當事人依法提供的新的證據,法庭應當進行質證;當事人對原審人民法院認定的事實有爭議的,第二審人民法院應當開庭審理。  但是,陳文忠及其律師聽說,湖南省高級人民法院可能不會開庭審理此案。2013年1月,代理此案的北京才良律師事務所為此向湖南省高院發律師函溝通。  2013年1月18日,終審判決書突然寄到陳文忠的手中。翻開判決末頁,落款日期是2012年12月23日。  “結果是維持原判。當時我幾乎是哭著打電話去問法官,為什麼不開庭審理……”回憶起那時,陳文忠依然有些哽咽。  陳文忠說,一名法官稱,領導認為此案事實清楚,無需開庭審理。  陳文忠對此並不認同。她認為,自己提交了紅線圖等關鍵證據,如果開庭審理並當庭質證,有可能會推翻一審的判決。  意外之事接踵而來。在湖南省高院查閱一審卷宗時,她發現,自己提交的證據中居然多了一份長沙市城鄉規劃局2012年的文件。記者看到,這份名為《關於黃興北路(銀盆嶺大橋橋下—慶和里路段)控規道路線性修改情況的說明》的文件上,蓋有“湖南省長沙市中級人民法院調查資料專用章”。  按照該說明的描述,福源花園公寓被納入徵收範圍的原因是,有關部門調整了黃興北路規劃的位置,因此該公寓被黃興北路路幅紅線穿過。  類似描述出現在了終審判決書上。這也正是陳文忠被告知房屋要被徵收的原因。  “這不是我提交的證據,也不在被告一審提交的證據清單內。”陳文忠表示,這是她第一次見到這份文件,“即使之前看到,我也肯定不會提交作為我的證據,因為這份證據沒法證明我的主張。”  她至今沒有想明白,為什麼她的一審卷宗會多了城鄉規劃局的這份文件。  陳文忠說,她搜索資料時意外發現長沙市2009年的《關於進一步加強拆遷工作的意見》,其中要求成立“市徵地拆遷工作協調領導小組”,並由市委書記擔任顧問,市長擔任組長,常務副市長等5任副組長,20余家單位為成員單位。  這些成員單位中,“市法院”、“市規劃局”等均名列其中。  律師認為有關部門未正確理解法條  多份判決書載明,黃興北路棚改項目的法律依據為國務院《國有土地上房屋徵收與補償條例》,以及依據其制定的《長沙市國有土地上房屋徵收與補償實施辦法》。  其中,《長沙市國有土地上房屋徵收與補償實施辦法》規定,提出徵收房屋的單位應當提交的材料之一,包括國土資源部門出具的土地調查紅線。  記者對比多份“土地調查紅線圖”、“劃撥用地紅線圖”發現,前者範圍比後者大得多,後者正是在前者基礎上進行劃撥的。  多份被徵收戶的判決書中均有類似“當事人房屋處於土地調查紅線、調查藍線圖內”的表述。由於符合《長沙市國有土地上房屋徵收與補償實施辦法》,位於“土地調查紅線”範圍內成為房屋徵收合法化的依據之一。  對此,北京才良律師事務所合伙人李金平律師表示,法律意義上的“土地調查紅線”並不存在,通常只存在“劃撥用地紅線”。被徵收戶申請公開的紅線圖即是後者。  李金平認為,開福區有關部門對《國有土地上房屋徵收與補償條例》存在誤解。例如,條例第13條規定,房屋依法徵收的,土地使用權同時收回。“其實,不僅是開福區,不少地方政府都沒有正確理解這一條。”  在李金平看來,《條例》規定擁有房屋徵收職權的是市縣級政府,但並非所有市縣級政府當然地擁有徵收職權,“這應該結合土地使用權的狀況來定。”  “比如,福源花園公寓之前的用地是由長沙市政府批准的,按照《土地管理法》,土地使用權應由原批准機關收回。因此,開福區政府不具備土地收回的職權。”李金平表示,其實,本案在法律上的爭議並不大。  此間有法律人士認為,長沙市政府將長沙市中級人民法院納入“市徵地拆遷工作協調領導小組”,這可能會給行政干涉司法帶來可趁之機。  不過,在陳文忠看來,這些並不令人驚奇。她稱,如今補償對她來說並不重要,更重要的是一個說法:為什麼我的房屋要被徵收?  李金平擔憂,如果事後證明一些徵收項目的目的不是公共利益,現有法律對決策者承擔的過錯責任太輕,違法成本較低。記者 盧義傑標簽:陳文忠 紅線 胡戰東 徵收 長沙市存倉

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Source: The Philadelphia InquirerAug.新蒲崗迷你倉 11--Sporadic, scattershot, and slow, efforts to improve the White Horse Pike in Oaklyn may have succeeded in sprucing up the strip a bit but haven't reversed its fortunes."We want things to move along," says Mayor Robert Forbes, a lifelong resident of the blue-collar suburb of 4,000 people, which designated the pike as a redevelopment zone in 2002.In the years since, some building owners "haven't done anything with their properties," the mayor says. "And if they're not going to do anything, we're going to help them."The Oaklyn council is set to hold a hearing Tuesday on the planning board's determination that the condition and location of four privately owned parcels meet criteria for redevelopment.Forbes says the borough wants to encourage the renovation and reuse of properties including a recently closed PNC Bank branch; an apartment house that's been empty for nearly two decades; the former Casa DiLuzio restaurant; and the long-shuttered Barrington Travel building."I'm not in favor of going in and taking properties," Forbes says. "We don't want to be the big bad government."Some owners insist that Oaklyn's more aggressive strategy will make redevelopment less likely."If you let the market determine what's going to happen, usually it works out," says John Sandone, a Haddon Township real estate agent involved in the Casa DiLuzio negotiations. He also owns a commercial building adjacent to Barrington Travel."There may be some problems, but it's not a situation that requires [use of a] redevelopment zone," says Dan Kehler, a Berlin Township lawyer representing Anthony Antonelli, the owner of Casa DiLuzio.Antonelli has been trying to sell that shuttered restaurant -- which commands a choice piece of pike frontage just west of Bettlemini storageood Avenue -- for several years.A long-discussed deal between Antonelli and the owners of Lindenwold's popular La Esperanza is "dead in the water," according to executive chef Saul Cordova.While the planning board's recommendation "wasn't helpful," the prospective sale fell apart because of price and other issues, Cordova says, adding, "Are we still interested in Oaklyn? Absolutely.""I would love for a deal with La Esperanza to go through," says Forbes. "Who wouldn't want an award-winning restaurant to come to town? If they can strike a deal, great."Even in its faded state, the Oaklyn stretch of the pike is worth fighting for. The road is heavily traveled -- a daily average of about 17,500 vehicles, according to the N.J. Department of Transportation -- and surrounded by densely populated neighborhoods.But despite a good number of strong businesses, the jewel of the Ritz Theatre, and a patchwork of handsome streetscape improvements, the stretch of the pike shared by Oaklyn and Haddon Township is pocked by vacant commercial properties. While some have been renovated, others have moldered.So I don't fault Mayor Forbes and other borough leaders for trying to jump-start, say, the restoration of a vintage apartment building that has stood vacant for 17 years.For seemingly desirable properties to sit for so long suggests that waiting even longer for the market to work its magic is not the best strategy.In fact, it's no strategy at all. Oaklyn deserves better than nothing.Contact Kevin Riordan at 856-779-3845 or kriordan@phillynews.com, or follow on Twitter @inqkriordan. Read the Metro columnists' blog, "Blinq," at .philly.com/blinq.Copyright: ___ (c)2013 The Philadelphia Inquirer Visit The Philadelphia Inquirer at .philly.com Distributed by MCT Information Servicesself storage

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