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- Nov 11 Mon 2013 09:00
India boycott opens door for China
- Nov 11 Mon 2013 08:50
SenSource looks to keep growing
Source: Vindicator, Youngstown, OhioNov.迷你倉 10--AUSTINTOWNSenSource Inc.'s headquarters on Oakwood Avenue straddles the invisible line that divides Austintown and Youngstown, but like so many companies in the Mahoning Valley, its business reaches across the United States and into dozens of countries.Put simply, SenSource is in the peculiar business of counting people and cars.But since Joseph Varacalli and Kevin Stefko -- both natives of the Valley and graduates of Youngstown State University -- founded the company in 2002, it's grown with the technology, demands and rapidly evolving industry it works in.SenSource has never experienced a year without growth, its founders say. It develops software that works inside wall and ceiling mounted gadgetry in shopping malls, retail outlets, libraries, museums and casinos.Its thermal-imaging hardware, with a small pinhole camera, looks similar to a smoke detector. Its video-imaging units are rectangular with two small cameras that allow the software to see in three dimensions.Its products are barely noticeable.Mounted at or near entrances, the devices are linked to a store or a facility network. They track the movement of multiple people, and the data they collect help their host distinguish between children and adults, it aids in staffing levels or determining heavy traffic areas, while monitoring how many people are purchasing and visiting versus how many are just window shopping."It helps [clients] make business decisions, about staff and the hours they work or about in-store promotions," said Varacalli, president of SenSource. "These are sophisticated sensors. They're very, very accurate."Chances are you've been counted by SenSource's technology. Their clients include Abercrombie & Fitch, Express, Cedar Point, the Columbus and Toledo public library systems, Walt Disney World and even the 9/11 Memorial in New York City.The company provides car-counting devices for cities, counties and parking facilities, as well.Although people counting accounts for about 80 percent of SenSource's business, the ever-growing technological demands of retailers and others is not just limited to certain corners of the economy."It's a growing market, and I think a lot of people are using, or want to use, this technology," Stefko, SenSource's vice president, said.About five years ago, the company launched a new division called SenSource Wireless, entering the market to sell temperature and environmental sensors. Today, that portion of their business accounts for about 10 percent of sales, but they've invested in new software and recently focused more intently on it because they believe enviro儲存倉mental sensors are poised to take off as technology continues to dictate savings and success in the broader marketplace."We see [sensors] as a benefit to the health care and food industries," Varacalli said. "Hospitals, surgical hospitals and cafeterias all have to monitor temperatures and most do it by hand now. You have to take manual temperature readings -- it's labor-intensive and it's not very efficient or accurate -- that can cost money."As a local company, SenSource believes the technology could take off in the Valley, especially with all of its hospitals and restaurants.If a refrigerator or cooler door is left open, medicines, blood or food can go bad quickly. SenSource's boxlike plastic sensors can be installed outside refrigeration units with a probe that picks up data on temperatures, monitors it in real-time and transmits it to the host's network.If the temperature drifts outside the acceptable range and products are at risk, the problem can be fixed faster, keeping patients safe from spoiled food or drugs while saving time and money in the process.The company employs 17 workers, Varacalli said, almost all of which are skilled with a college education.In 2007, the company acquired a 10,000-square-foot facility on Oakwood Avenue that was once a roller-skating rink in the 1960s. It gutted the structure. Its offices, warehouse and support staff are headquartered there.As Black Friday approaches, the founders said, a scramble is on to satisfy retail customers who want systems installed or serviced before the holiday shopping season. This time of year, Varacalli added, is typically SenSource's busiest.The company also is operating amid a more-sensitive business climate as issues over privacy -- such as those online and the government's meddling in the daily lives of Americans -- swirl in the news, courtrooms and everyday conversations across the country. "A lot of stores use technology that can examine your cellphone by accessing your WiFi system," Varacalli said. "We don't do that. None of our systems store images -- we don't use that kind of technology. ... We try to stay away from that because it throws up red flags with all this government monitoring stuff going on."For now, Stefko said, the company is focused on pushing its growth trajectory. In addition to expanding its temperature and environmental sensor business, eventually the company wants to refine its technology and offer clients more data about demographics, such as a customer's sex or age.Copyright: ___ (c)2013 Vindicator (Youngstown, Ohio) Visit Vindicator (Youngstown, Ohio) at .vindy.com Distributed by MCT Information Services迷你倉最平
- Nov 11 Mon 2013 08:39
Baidu feels the heat in search rivalry
Market leader on the mainland, battling to keep mobile users, is contending with aggressive foes in Qihoo 360 and a Tencent-Sogou allianceGrowing competition among the top three search engines in the mainland’s buoyant internet market could prove to become a clash of the titans.迷你倉For the moment, Baidu remains the top player, claiming more than 80 per cent of web-page searches on the mainland in September. But it is already feeling the pinch from challengers, struggling in particular to keep mobile users.Meanwhile, online security software developer Qihoo 360, which launched its search engine .so.com in August last year, is winning users from Baidu, and this week claimed it commanded a 20 per cent market share of web-page searches last month and targeted a 25 per cent share by the end of the year.In September, internet giant Tencent teamed up with Sogou, a subsidiary of the country’s major internet portal Sohu, to bolster its presence in the search market. Tencent invested US$448 million for a 36.5 per cent stake in Sogou, and merged its Soso search engine and QQ Chinese input with Sogou. The tie-up between the two will pit them in a pitched battle with the top two providers Baidu and Qihoo 360.“The competition can now be expected to become even more intense,” said Lucy Zhang, an analyst with internet consultancy iResearch.In the fast-evolving internet industry, search engine business is an important battlefield because search services are mature products with a stable business model, according to Zhang. “Growth in search advertis儲存倉ng exceeded that of traditional display advertising in the past couple of years.”Nasdaq-listed Baidu, whose core business is selling advertisements online, posted a year-on-year rise in revenue of 42.3 per cent to 8.9 billion yuan (HK$11.3 billion) in the third quarter of this year.As the market leader, it commanded 63 per cent of market share in September, according to data from internet data provider CNZZ.Next in line were Qihoo 360 with 19 per cent, and Sogou with 10.4 per cent. Tencent’s Soso was ranked fourth with a 4 per cent market share.Zhang said the trend emerging in the market indicated that challengers were consolidating their positions and were threatening to take a growing share of Baidu’s market.The biggest threat, Zhang said, would come from Qihoo 360 because it was the most aggressive. “Qihoo has targeted the industry’s No1 as their rival,” she said.By joining forces, Sogou and Soso had consolidated their foothold and created the potential for growth, she said, but it was not yet clear how the two will co-operate to make the best use of their combined resources.“My expectation is that they will keep two search engines to cater for different groups of customers,” Zhang said.She doubted how much help WeChat – a popular mobile messaging application owned by Tencent – would be to the firm’s search engine business. “So far, Soso hasn’t been able to benefit from the large user pool of WeChat,” she said.Tencent has been trying to popularise Soso among its QQ users in the past years with no remarkable success, she said.迷你倉最平
- Nov 11 Mon 2013 08:25
楚天都市報訊 ■每天到鑽石直銷惠購鑽的消費者絡繹不絕。工廠價直銷鑽石的模式得到武漢廣大消費者的認可和熱烈追捧。■消費者正在讓專家鑒定自己剛買的“寶貝”■中國知名珠寶品牌“古麗蘭鑽石”聯合本報舉辦第二季“鑽石直銷惠”,儲存倉最多可省錢70%,武漢市民購鑽熱情持續高漲。■古麗蘭鑽石直銷惠僅剩明天最後一天,搶鑽熱線“027-82666458”。■30分鑽戒最低僅3999元,省錢70%;50分鑽戒8999元起,省錢1萬多;克拉鑽戒不到3萬元起。地點在楚天傳媒大廈楚天181文化創意中心。鑽石閃耀雙十一,搶購浪漫告別孤單進入冬季,鑽石飾品更加受到消費者青睞。不像其他首飾容易被厚重的衣物所覆蓋,在冬日晴朗的陽光下,鑽石的光芒愈加璀璨耀眼。一對鑽石耳釘,一枚閃耀的鑽戒,就能讓佩戴者顯得美麗出眾。作為珠寶之王,如今越來越多的女性選擇用鑽石來扮靚自己。昨天在活動現場,剛剛排隊結完賬的章女士就向我們表示,“我一直都喜歡鑽石首飾,覺得鑽石更能體現現代都市女性自信、勇敢的特質,現在到了冬季,鑽石是最適合佩戴的珠寶,每位女性都應該至少有一件鑽石首飾。”本次鑽石直銷惠恰逢雙十一到來,幾天來,持續火爆的搶鑽風潮,讓雙十一的購物狂歡從網絡蔓延到實體銷售。在活動現場,不少準備結婚的准新人選擇在雙十一來臨之際用鑽石為自己的愛情證明。同男友一起來選購鑽戒的朱小姐即將于年底舉行婚禮,“婚禮其他的東西準備的差不多了,就差一枚鑽戒。之前我們兩人逛過不少賣場和珠寶店,一枚普通的三十分的鑽戒都要一萬多,實在有些負擔不起。來咱們直銷會現場一看,沒想到價格真的這麼實惠。我買的這枚30分鑽戒,還不到四千塊,而且顏色、淨度都不錯,我們倆都特別高興。”組委會劉主任也表示,本次直銷惠考慮到年底婚慶熱潮和雙十一的到來,特別為新人們準備了一批30分、50分的鑽戒,顏色、淨度、款式均屬上乘,以最多省錢70%優惠力度,讓武漢的准新人們在雙十一來臨之際牽手浪漫,告別孤單。“鑽石搶購團”集體出擊,最多省錢70% 僅剩最後1天自11月9日第二季“鑽石直銷惠”開幕以來,每天都有上千名消費者來到楚天傳媒大廈鑽石直銷惠現場,體驗工廠價直銷的高性價比購鑽模式。前來搶購的市民中既有準備結婚的准新人、扮靚自己的時尚男女,也有收藏投資的鑽石玩家。在採訪中我們發現,本次“鑽石直銷惠”中還有許多結伴而來的“鑽石搶購團”。朱女士對我們說“上次鑽石直銷惠上我買了個30分鑽戒,回去之後朋友看到了都說特別值。前幾天在報紙上看到第二季直銷惠活動開始了,我們幾個姐妹毫不猶豫地“組團”來了。這次款式比第一屆還要多,還要漂亮,價格也比在其他賣場內便宜一大半。真的是太劃算了。就拿我們幾個姐妹此次消費的5萬多元鑽飾來說,要放在別的地方,至少也要10多萬”。據導購介紹,自鑽石直銷惠開幕以來,每天都要接到幾撥這樣的團體消費群體。他們往往是成群結隊前來一同選購。主辦方負責人接受迷你倉最平訪表示,從第二季活動現場火爆的場面來看,武漢消費者對鑽石的熱情持續高漲。昨日在銷售期間,還有不少消費者打來熱線詢問,“聽說銷售很火爆,我明天去買會不會出現斷貨”,對此組委會劉主任表示,由於武漢市民買鑽熱情空前高漲,針對前兩天活動期間低價克拉鑽一上櫃便被搶光的現象,為了能使最後一天到場的消費者也能買到高性價比鑽石,在今晚總部已緊急增加1000枚各個分數級別的鑽戒調往武漢,讓更多武漢消費者在活動最後1天也能體驗到古麗蘭品牌高性價比的鑽石。在此,也提醒武漢喜愛鑽石的消費者注意活動的結束時間,以免錯失良機。品牌介紹———關於古麗蘭鑽石古麗蘭鑽石是香港的珠寶品牌,開創“前店後廠”的商業模式,實現真正從“礦場到市場”的一站式服務,直接“格式化”了傳統的諸多產業鏈環節,還原了鑽石的自身成本價格,將高性價比的鑽石帶給消費者。古麗蘭鑽石銷售的每一顆裸鑽都經過美國寶石學院(GIA)或者國檢(NGTC)權威檢驗,並頒以認證證書,鑽石的腰圍上打印有獨一無二的防偽編碼,顧客可以登陸專業鑽石網站驗證,從而確保產品品質保證。為了更好的為我省消費者服務,本次活動組委會在武漢市設有特約售後服務點,為消費者進行免費鑲嵌、免費改圈、免費清洗保養等完善的售後服務,讓廣大消費者購鑽無憂。現場珠寶鑒定專家保駕護航本次“鑽石直銷惠”的裸鑽均由國際權威的GIA、IGI&HRD專家嚴格把關挑選,鑽石腰棱均帶激光鐳射編號,獨一無二與證書相符。古麗蘭鑽石同時提供完善的售後服務。在鑽石直銷惠的現場,權威珠寶鑒定專家將到場,專門在現場為消費者答疑解惑。如果市民對購買的商品還存在不放心因素,現場還將為消費者提供免費的檢測服務,這樣的“雙保險”組合為消費者“保駕護航”。消費者熱點問題解答1、問:本次活動的結束時間?答:第二季鑽石直銷惠僅剩最後一天,至11月12日19:30。2、問:本次活動在哪舉辦?答:活動在楚天傳媒大廈楚天181文化創意中心(武昌東湖路181號省博物館斜對面)3、問:如何到達活動現場?答:乘坐公交車402路、411路、552路、578路、709路、810路到東湖路湖北日報站下。4.問:活動售賣的鑽石是否保真?答:本次鑽石直銷惠售賣的鑽石全部配備國際權威鑽石鑒定機構—美國寶石學院(GIA)或國檢權威鑒定證書,另外權威珠寶鑒定專家將親臨現場為大家保駕護航。5.問:鑽戒的戒托都有哪些種類?可以刷卡支付嗎?答:鑽石直銷惠上供大家選購的戒托有兩種材質,分別是PT鉑金和18K金。支付方式可以付現金,也可刷卡。6、問:直銷惠上購買鑽戒售後服務有沒有保障?答:組委會在武漢市有可靠的特約售後服務商,為消費者進行免費鑲嵌、免費改圈、免費清洗保養等完善的售後服務,讓廣大消費者購鑽無憂。7、問:在現場挑選的鑽戒如果尺寸不合適可不可以調圈?答:本次活動有工廠特派的專業珠寶鑲嵌師,在現場購買的鑽石均可以滿足現場調指圈及鑲嵌服務。迷你倉
- Nov 11 Mon 2013 08:10
周佳美國華人華僑抗議美國廣播公司(ABC)辱華言論事件繼續發酵。當地時間9日,迷你倉包括美國首都華盛頓在內的全美27個城市的華人華僑舉行了大規模的遊行示威,要求ABC電視台就辱華言論公開道歉並解僱涉事主持人吉米·基梅爾。反對種族仇恨主義記者在紐約時代廣場看到,警察在時代廣場的中心地段辟出一整條車道,大約70多米長、4米來寬的區域,專門供華人遊行示威。整個活動非常有序。大約300位華人舉著示威牌,上面寫著“不能容忍種族仇恨”“ABC公開道歉”等口號。主辦者設置了高音喇叭,不間斷地用英文進行演講,控訴美國廣播電視台的排華行徑。演講聲即使隔上一個多街區也清晰可辨。許多華人還把自己的孩子帶來了。黃雙江是一位13歲男孩的媽媽,來美已經十多年,在新澤西一家金融公司做統計工作。她手里舉著的牌子上寫著“紐約媽媽們,對暴力說不”。她告訴記者,自己特地從新澤西中部花一個多小時趕過來。美國廣播電視台的這種言論,讓她想到德國納粹。“它本可以選擇播和不播,我們中國人要自己站起來為自己說話。如果(借錢)是發生在非洲裔或者猶太人身上,他們(美國廣播電視台)就不敢開這個玩笑。我們需要人權。”“我們要告訴美國民�,美國廣播電視台的種族仇恨主義是完全錯誤的。”遊行的組織者之一、美東華人社團總會常務副主席花俊雄告訴記者。在�多遊行者中,只有一位白人,他不願意接受採訪,但他告訴記者,很可惜,沒有更多白人加入。“天氣很冷,我很想把帽子self storage起來,但是我不能,因為我要讓大家看到,我是黑人,希望有更多黑人加入我們。”一位路過的非洲裔紐約市民卡門(Carmen)告訴記者,她對ABC的節目感到氣憤。據瞭解,包括華盛頓、舊金山、洛杉磯、紐約、休斯敦、達拉斯、奧斯汀、芝加哥、邁阿密、西雅圖、波士頓、新奧爾良等至少18大主要城市的萬余名華人參與了本次集會。而在此之前,各地華人還先後組織到當地美國廣播電視台進行抗議。請願簽名逾10萬10月16日,ABC電視台的主持人基梅爾在其主持的節目“吉米雞毛秀”中召集“兒童圓桌會議”,詢問參加節目的孩子對美國政府停擺的看法。當基梅爾在節目中問到美國如何償還欠中國的1.3萬億美元債務時,一名6歲的男孩語出驚人地說要殺光中國人。基梅爾回應說這是一個很有意思的想法。事後,基梅爾迫于壓力在自己的節目中道歉,但他提到,這只是個玩笑,認為這是文化差異。美國廣播電視台也給美國國會以及部分華人組織發出道歉信函,把該片段從節目網絡版中刪除。然而,當事人不痛不癢的道歉讓當地華人感到不滿。他們希望ABC正式在電視中公開道歉。該節目一經播出,立即在全美華人中引起強烈不滿。得克薩斯州的華人隨即在白宮“我們人民”(We the People)網站發起要求美國政府調查ABC該期節目的請願。截至記者發稿,請願已經成功征集到了102771人簽名,超過了白宮承諾給予請願正式回複的10萬人大關。按照規定,美國白宮將在近期對這次請願作出回應。迷利倉
- Nov 11 Mon 2013 07:57
全球科網熱今年再度燃起,迷利倉相關股份過去數月累積升幅顯著,但及至10月中,開始出現大幅回調,美國上市的科網股大都跌穿了至6月起的上升軌,短期走勢惡劣。 社交網站Twitter上周於美國首日掛牌,收市大漲73%,收報44.9美元,首日最高曾大漲逾90%,市值最高見277億美元(約2,160億港元),較屢次調高的招股價26美元,仍大漲約73%。 科網相關公司近期併購、上市集資不斷,估值亦節節上升。要數近期科網的併購,內地的科網巨頭絕不讓海外巨企獨佔鰲頭,百度以高達19億美元的金額,收購了網龍(00777)的91無�平台,阿里巴巴入股新浪微博,騰訊亦入股了搜狗(見表三)。 內地的科網巨頭除了併購內地同業外,亦瞄準了海外的市場。據CB Insights資料顯示,中國人投資於美國私人科網公司有上升趨勢,涉及的金額由2007年的2.25億美元(見圖七),上升至今年至今的8.55億美元,大升2.8倍;宗數亦由2007年的12宗,大增至今年至今的36宗。 由美國Stanford大學生成立僅兩年的手機相片及視頻分享應用Snapchat,近期成為炙手可熱的併購對象,早前市場傳出Facebook欲以10億美元收購Snapchat,但遭拒絕。近日再傳出騰訊尋求領投Snapchat一輪迷你倉模2億美元的融資,令Snapchat的估值升至近40億美元。李嘉誠慧眼獨到 本港富商、長和系主席李嘉誠,其私人持有的創投基金維港投資(Horizons Ventures),亦在科網行業中尋寶,最近便透露了押注在漫畫公仔軟件Bitstrips,該軟件近期在社交網站如Facebook等極速冒起,大受網民歡迎。 李嘉誠投資於科網行業,早有成功例子,他早年投資4.5億美元於Facebook,當時稱Facebook上市後最多拿回本金,其餘則作為長期投資,估計至今回報超過5倍。 而近期被科網巨擘收購的以色列地圖應用程式Waze及移動數據應用分析公司Onavo,亦見李嘉誠的投資身影。 移動數據應用分析方面,除了Onavo,較多人引用的還有App Annie,利用這類數據分析,有助投資者及早識別到新興軟件及趨勢。 科網行業除了併購不斷外,近年亦陸續登陸證券交易所,近日在納指上市的內地旅遊搜索商業平台去哪兒(QUNAR),首日股價亦大漲89%;而內地分類信息網站58同城亦同樣受追捧,掛牌首日大漲42%。不過,首日升幅過去,便見回軟。 而近期登陸本港交易所的科網股亦漸多,如雲遊(00484)、IGG(08002)及博雅等,阿里巴巴這隻巨無霸仍未落實上市地,香港亦是其覬覦地之一。自存倉
- Nov 11 Mon 2013 07:47
Lindsey Poisson: Trying to keep myself in the moment
Source: Erie Times-News, Pa.存倉Nov. 10--As you read this, I hope to be standing at the window of my hotel room and looking out across Manhattan.Unless there's a really tall building in the way. Then I'll settle for a street-level window view from the Starbucks down the street.(Or maybe the unthinkable happened, and I'm not in New York. Did I miss the train?! Don't panic, don't panic, don't panic. ...)Whatever I'm doing, I'm either living, breathing or thinking of New York.I've written before about the building anticipation for my first trip to the Big Apple.Just a recap: Months of planning, looking up reviews on TripAdvisor and studying a subway map. A more recent challenge has been trying to keep the cats from curling up in my open luggage and leaving a furry mess behind or getting accidentally zipped in. (Hopefully I won't hear muffled meowing coming from the overhead luggage compartment on the train.)But by the time you read this, I want to be done with the planning, worrying and wondering.No more lists, Google searches or itinerary memorization. No more "what if," "what about this" and "just in case" musings.It's easier said than done. The hardest part about taking a trip is remembering to let go. Stop the overthinking, put away the camera at some point and live in the moment.Unfortunately, my mind usually feels l儲存ke one of those perpetual motion machines -- like the drinking bird -- that refuses to slow down or stop.The least I can do is focus on more exciting and memorable tasks. Time to hit the streets and see what I can see, hear what I can hear and experience something entirely new.I need to hit the subway at rush hour.Yell "Go Yankees!" in a crowd of Mets fans (or vice versa).Shop along Fifth Avenue.Visit the American Girl doll store (for niece Verity, of course).Run through piles of leaves in Central Park.Keep an eye out for celebrities.Nosh on some New York slices.Maybe I'll even make it to the top of the Empire State Building.Wait a minute. Did I just make another list? Sigh.By the time this edition hits newsstands, maybe I've found a way to stop thinking about overthinking and discovered the true path to sitting back and enjoying life as it comes.After all, first-time trips to New York, or anywhere, come once in a lifetime. It's worth paying attention to.And if you're curious to see what I'm up to, check my Twitter feed through Wednesday.LINDSEY POISSON can be reached at 870-1871 or lindsey.poisson@timesnews.com. Follow her on Twitter at twitter.com/ETNpoisson.Copyright: ___ (c)2013 the Erie Times-News (Erie, Pa.) Visit the Erie Times-News (Erie, Pa.) at .GoErie.com Distributed by MCT Information Services迷你倉
- Nov 10 Sun 2013 15:59
Social links key to selling device
Google is relying on a little social networking to put its Internet-connected glasses on the heads of more people.self storage The expanded sales of the device known as Google Glass will come as part of an invitation-only program announced on Monday.The roughly 10,000 Glass owners who began testing the device earlier this year will each be allowed to invite up to three people to迷你倉buy the device. The early Glass users are primarily computer programmers and winners of an online contest conducted earlier this year.The recipients of the invitations will have to pay US$1,500 apiece for Glass, which works like a smartphone except that it's worn on the head like a pair of spectacles. It has a speaker, a hands-free camera and a thumbnail-sized display.mini storage
- Nov 10 Sun 2013 15:51
文/高馨凌目前,迷你倉虹口區內僅有瑞虹新城、白金灣府邸兩個在售項目,土地資源的緊張顯示出項目以及地域顯現的稀缺價值。其中,瑞虹新城璟庭即將加推的70-130平方米房源又為中心城區少有的中小戶型,項目價值將更上一個台階。供應不足提高新房置業門檻事實上,據克而瑞房價評測中心數據顯示,2013年10月虹口區商品住宅供應面積為95325.25平方米,共642套房源,成交面積為94627.39平方米,共677套,供求關係略顯緊張;從面積段來看,140平方米以下以及260-280平方米的產品,供求比在0.5左右,呈現出供不應求的態勢。由此可見,區域人群的置業需求不能得到完全滿足。與此同時,“十二五”規劃中的北外灘航運服務業、四川北路商貿旅遊文化休閒街建設規劃等,已經投入建設中。老城區正在經歷著大規模“整容”,區域價值也從2006年單價均價1萬元/平方米,躍升至如今的均價單價5萬元/平方米,價格日益高企,客觀上增加了老城區居民的回搬成本。地域情結驅使原住民回搬對於長期居住在老城區的居民來說,過去老式里弄內豐富多樣的成熟服務配套是如今新城內公寓社區無法賦予的。或許醫院、學校、超市、菜場等可積極營建實現,但過去弄堂住宅旁下開設的“煙紙店”、裁縫店、修鞋攤等市井場面會隨著老住宅的消失也退出舞台,但這些恰恰給老住宅區帶去了濃郁的生活氣息和人際間的親切感。不僅如此,由於老城區內居民大部分都是祖輩從各地舉家遷居至上海,其後代的家庭圈、朋友圈、工作圈等都已在老住宅去內成形,習慣了周遭的事物與人際關係,使得這些居民對於熟悉的區域有了依賴和歸屬感。據瑞虹新城高級銷售經理楊軍表示,在購置瑞虹新城的客群中,來自虹口區的購房者占到50%左右。對於改善性置業、高端剛需置業的家庭而言,出于對地段的認知度與認同感,很多都會在原區域內選擇購房。此外,虹口區地理位置坐北朝南,江河交匯,與老外灘、陸家嘴共同構成了上海中央商務區核心區的“黃金三角”。區內還有軌道交通3號、4號、8號、10號線經過,正在建設的12號線年內通車。鄰區產品填補外擴置業需求克而瑞信息集團上海事業部項目經理俞磊表示,虹口的原住民的基數非常多,他們對那片區域都非常有感情,但受限于區域內房價的不斷上漲和較少的選擇面,不得不向外區轉移。一般而言,虹口區內居民首次置業或改善性置業會往北遷移,特別是軌交3號線沿線。例如克而瑞房價中心給予強烈推薦評級的中環國際公寓,項目位於寶山共康板塊,擁有56-125平方米一房至三房多種實用戶型,還配備了約4萬平方米商業風情街、3-15歲12年全程教育資源和高等級醫院保障,軌交1、3號線也可連通上海各個中心城區。對於有一定購買能力的置業者而言,則傾向選擇與虹口具有同等價值區域內的樓盤,例如克而瑞強烈推薦的保利香檳花園,項目位於東外灘濱江沿線,目前在售90-120平方米江景戶型,可享270度景觀視野。也有文件倉多置業者選擇普陀光新板塊內的綠城上海香溢花城,同樣作為大盤,擁有齊全的生活、教育配套,雙軌道交通,127平方米三房與176平方米四房,恰是許多高端置業所需的房源。[業內觀點]新老虹口人的置業需求開始分化克而瑞地產研究部總監 薛建雄虹口區在上海各區中處於中間位置,對老虹口人來說,虹口的繁華和歷史人文程度僅次于黃浦、靜安,這些上海的核心區域,其地理位置又比楊浦、閘北顯得更有優勢。所以他們對於虹口有著很深的區域優越感,特別是早年從虹口出國返鄉的居民,對虹口有著更深的情分,他們多會在虹口尋找滿足自己居住需求的住宅。但對於新虹口人和年輕一代,他們對於地域的情結並不深刻,還是以生活、工作圈的便利性來選擇。擁有豪宅置業能力的購房者會傾向陸家嘴、新天地區域住宅,高端置業者則向古北、世紀公園、濱江沿線導入,中低端置業者的選擇區域則更為寬廣。虹口自身同時也是價值高企區域,這裡是很多在此生活、工作的中產階級置業首選。“地域情結”將在瑞虹新城得以延續瑞虹新城高級銷售經理 楊軍 瑞虹新城從20世紀90年代就已進入虹口區,瑞虹給虹口帶來的發展也是有目共睹,我們成為了虹口轉型發展的接力棒。瑞虹新城將取代虹鎮老街成為新一代具有地域情結的虹口人居住地,並且成為下一個國際社區的典範。如今,瑞虹新城已經有相當一批置業者成為這個社區大盤的擁躉,這裡的業主將他們一代代人的家購置在了這裡。這也是瑞虹結合了虹口區居住氛圍,規劃了多物業共存的綜合大盤。未來瑞虹新城將建設地上、地下一公里的雙層商業軸,融合了商業、餐飲、娛樂辦公、酒店等多種業態的“新時代商業大道”。此外,進一步強化教育資源,引進上海重點名校華師大一附中,使得更多的置業者都會這裡產生歸屬感。此次預計月底再次加推262戶新房源,其中一棟為複式小戶型,這在市區中都是罕見且不可多得的。[虹口人置業觀]尋找家庭與地域情感的平衡點邵先生 居住在虹口33年從小就居住在虹鎮老街上,那時候和父母三人只能擠在10平方米的房間里,雖然生活條件艱苦,但是記憶中很懷念當時將家中天井改裝成浴室、過道變成餐桌的樂趣,還有鄰家的孩子們在家里院子里種菜、玩耍。在我結婚那年,需要重新購置婚房,我仍舊選擇在虹口買房,一來是因為和年紀大的老人住的近些,照顧方便。二來,虹口成熟居住小區,各方面生活設施齊全。現在居住在120平方米的房子內,不僅滿足我一家三口的居住需求,父母也能時常來串門。結合自身條件選擇置業區域侯先生 曾居住在虹口14年 現居在寶山14歲的時候全家從虹口搬至了寶山區,當時也是出于改善生活的需要,寶山區的房價要比虹口區便宜些,軌交3號線也直達兩地。剛搬遷的時候,確實有些不習慣,當時的寶山還未有虹口那麼繁華,自己的朋友也都在虹口附近。但隨著時間的推移,如今自己要快要到適婚買房的年齡。出于客觀考慮,未來置業會選擇距離自己工作單位較近的區域,價格和區域都能承受。存倉
- Nov 10 Sun 2013 15:44
Hearing in Spry case continued until next month
Source: The Sun, Yuma, Ariz.儲存Nov. 09--A hearing in Yuma County Superior Court on Friday for a woman charged with murder in the death of her 3-year-old grandson was continued until late next month due to a change of legal counsel.Attorney Michael Donovan, who now represents 35-year-old Rachel Spry, informed the court during a very brief hearing that he needed more time to familiarize himself with the case because he had only been provided with minimal disclosure.Donovan explained that he had not yet received any of the disclosure in the case from Spry's previous attorney but would make arrangements to have it soon. He added that the only disclosure he had were 218 pages from his client, which he had already begun to review.Superior Court Judge John Nelson, who is presiding over the case, granted Donovan's request for additional time, rescheduling the next hearing for 8:30 a.m. on Dec. 20.Spry, 35, has been charged with second-degree murder involving domestic violence; misconduct involving a deadly weapon, specifically a gun; possession of dangerous drugs (methamphetamine); possession of drug paraphernalia (packaging); and reckless endangerment of a minor involving domestic violence.She is being held in the Yuma County jail on a $500,000 bond.According to the Yuma Police Department, office迷你倉s were dispatched to a residence in the 1200 block of 11th Avenue in early May in response to a report of a child having been shot.A 3-year-old boy, identified by Yuma police as Darrien Nez, was transported to Yuma Regional Medical Center by emergency personnel and later pronounced dead.Court records indicated that the residence was the home of Spry's daughter and that Spry had been staying there to help pack in preparation for a move.Spry owned a 9 mm handgun, which she kept inside a backpack. She said she was packing the bathroom that morning and placed the backpack on top of a clothes dryer. Court records indicated that Spry said she saw her grandson come into the room but continued packing.According to court records, Spry said she heard the gun go off about five minutes later, and when she looked over, she saw her grandson lying on the floor and bleeding from the nose.Court records indicate that the gun went off after the child pulled the backpack off the top of the dryer.Court records also indicate that Spry admitted to using methamphetamine the day before at about 11 p.m. and placed the pipe she used to smoke it in the same backpack as the gun.Copyright: ___ (c)2013 The Sun (Yuma, Ariz.) Visit The Sun (Yuma, Ariz.) at .yumasun.com Distributed by MCT Information Services儲存倉
- Nov 10 Sun 2013 15:37
京都的紅葉好像稍為放慢腳步,迷利倉但京都的住宿仍然交投熾熱,每逢「春秋二祭」便全城一房難求,京都凱悅酒店每晚索價約4,000港元以上,仍照樣爆滿,難怪四季、麗思卡爾頓等國際酒店集團將陸續加入戰圈,企圖在日本最肥美的旅遊業市場分一杯芳郁如抹茶的羹。房價勁升,不代表酒店內樣樣都貴。我與友儕之間的京都Best Kept Secret,是位於京都凱悅酒店閣樓的餅店,當城中高檔糕點每件售600日圓,這家餅店的選擇卻往往便宜30%至50%,麥茶Meringue更是超低價300日圓,但不代表將貨就價,那是我人生中吃過最高水準的Meringue,與法國各大P?tisserie的出品相比,它仍然贏到開巷,朋友D吃後的迷你倉見最為一針見血:「香港�餅廚統統可以收X囉!」這�當然不是指收經啦!Meringue即是蛋白糖烤餅,以蛋白與沙糖攪拌再焗成。鬼佬版以香脆取勝,京都凱悅版卻具有蛋白脆殼、麥茶糖層及香滑忌廉三層口味,甫入嘴巴,即感到茶香與奶香交織、清脆與滑溜對比,用料之好、技藝之高,賣800日圓亦不愁沒生意,偏偏只售20多港元。由於每天限量做幾個,所以熟客都懂得預訂。麥茶Meringue大有資格成為排長龍人氣食品,但酒店卻從沒有大鑼大鼓做宣傳,因為京都人信奉有麝自然香,姿態愈低,誘惑度愈高,反正酒店需要的是知音客,而不是一窩蜂的蝗蟲。低調與含蓄,原來是揀客之道。網址:.chan-wai.com陳俊偉•旅遊飲食寫作人自存倉
- Nov 10 Sun 2013 15:28
Tupac hearing closes for now, to resume next year
Source: The Bakersfield CalifornianNov.self storage 10--LOS ANGELES -- The case against a Bakersfield dentist accused of dental negligence closed Friday afternoon with plans to pick up with the dentist's side of the story in July.The Dental Board of California, which filed an accusation against Dr. Robert Tupac via the state Attorney General's office, is seeking to suspend or revoke his license.Last week, the hearing was held only on Tuesday and Friday, and dental board investigator Stephen Nicas and expert witness Dr. Victor Pineschi gave testimonies that leapfrogged through smaller details of the case.Their testimony was less gripping than the accounts of allegedly botched dental work offered by the prior week's witnesses.In the last week of October, five dentists lampooned Tupac's work, saying he failed to appropriately plan for the treatment of two patients and negligently treated them.At the close of the case against Tupac, his attorney, Jason Friedman, said in a written statement to The Californian that aside from the dental board's expert, "the balance of the criticism" against Tupac came from his past and current competitors in the "Bakersfield dental community."A current Bakersfield prosthodontist and a retired periodontist who practiced in Bakersfield both testified the week of Oct. 27 that Tupac's work was substandard and that he has a poor reputation in the community. Two Southern California dentists -- Dr. Dennis Smiler and Dr. Marvin Waldman -- who treated patient Sheila Rios after Tupac also testified against him."The critics of Dr. Tupac have essentially made his case for him, which will be spelled out when the case resumes next year," Friedman wrote.Earlier this year, former Tupac patients Rios and Rick Lawhon testified to the problems they had with Tupac's work. A former employee of Tupac's testified that she did work outside the boundaries of her license as a dental assistant when she worked for him, including removing an implant. Bakersfield dentist Robert Reed, who filed a complaint with the dental board raising concerns with Tupac's treatment, also spoke at the hearing.Stefanie Meier, another of Tupac's former dental assistants, defended him and the quality of his work.On Tuesday, Nicas, who has worked for the dental board since 2000, testified that he was assigned to investigate Rios and Lawhon's complaints. Nicas explained how he interviewed former Tupac employee Deidre Williams, subpoenaed Tupac's records for several patients, including Rios, and repeatedly tried to interview Meier -- to no avail. He testified that "not many" dentis迷你倉s file complaints against their colleagues.The hearing resumed Friday with Friedman continuing his cross-examination of Pineschi, the expert witness who reviewed the two patients' cases for the dental board. Pineschi had testified on Oct. 30 to numerous problems he found in his review of Tupac's treatment of Rios and Lawhon.Picking up his cross-examination, Friedman questioned Pineschi about his reports to the dental board and other details of the case. Friedman pressed Pineschi about his experience with implants, his assessment of the treatment plans of a dentist who saw Rios before Tupac took out all her teeth, and his conclusion that Tupac's records appeared to be altered.After Pineschi was excused, Administrative Law Judge Julie Cabos-Owen heard arguments from Friedman and Malek about a motion by Malek to quash Friedman's subpoena for Rios' patient records from Mirelez Wellness Dental. Fresno dentist Jose Arthur Mirelez Jr. treated Rios after Smiler and Waldman, according to testimony in the hearing.Last week, Friedman brought up that some of Smiler and Waldman's work -- which included bone grafting and implants -- on Rios had also failed.Malek protested Friedman's pursuit of the records, though the judge pointed out that Rios gave permission in January for the release of her records at that point. Malek said Rios is not willing to do that again. Malek argued that discovery in the case is already closed.Friedman said the request is for exculpatory evidence, meaning it could clear Tupac, and pointed to a theory that Rios has an underlying problem.In a letter to Malek regarding his subpoena, Friedman wrote that Tupac's position from the start of the case has been that Rios' bone loss was due to a "biological failure.""Dr. Mirelez' records may shed some light on this issue," he wrote.Friedman's letter said the only offer to settle the case has been the revocation of Tupac's license."This is a death penalty case," Friedman said at the hearing Friday.Malek countered that his characterization is inappropriate because Tupac could reapply for his license after several years if he were to lose it.The judge said she will issue a written decision on the motion, probably next week.The attorneys and judge tentatively planned to continue the hearing in July 2014 because it was the judge's soonest available opening and planned that it will last about two weeks.Copyright: ___ (c)2013 The Bakersfield Californian (Bakersfield, Calif.) Visit The Bakersfield Californian (Bakersfield, Calif.) at .bakersfield.com Distributed by MCT Information Servicesmini storage
- Nov 10 Sun 2013 15:22
美國英通亞洲 慈善攝影比賽舉行頒獎禮
- Nov 10 Sun 2013 15:15
林本源園邸 工藝體驗課程
發揚及推廣傳統藝術文化,mini storage市定古蹟林本源園邸將自10日起至12月29日止,每周六、日下午1點半,於林本源園邸定靜堂舉辦一系列傳統工藝製作技巧與體驗課程,每場次於體驗前半小時發放免費體驗券,每場限量30張,詳情電洽(02)29653061轉33。新莊文藝中心 舞顏色畫展新莊文化藝術中心將在22日舉辦「舞顏色-5人創作聯展」,展者為柳秀青、高燕莉、張文君、陳毓玲、self storage慧芳,他們將繪畫作為向他人表達自我感受的交流。詳情可洽(02)22760182。紅毛城館慶 威廉莫里斯展新北市立淡水古蹟博物館(紅毛城)成立8周年,今起推出「威廉莫里斯」特展;威廉莫里斯是19世紀提倡古蹟保存的先驅,館內展出大師生平、美術工藝運動、莫里斯對古蹟保存的努力、設計風格、家具與工藝品、印刷出版及相關風格運用等7大主題,詳情可洽(02)26212830。迷你倉
- Nov 10 Sun 2013 15:06
《2012 年中國信用卡報告》招行雙項第一
近日,mini storage互聯網技術公司網易發佈的《2012年中國信用卡報告》(以下簡稱《報告》)顯示,全國信用卡交易金額在社會消費品零售總額中的占比達到48.26%,這意味著在中國人去年的消費中,有近半的消費是通過信用卡完成的。《報告》顯示,招商銀行在“最常用信用卡”和“服務最好信用卡”兩項投票中同時位列第一。 據網易財經調查結果顯示,除工商銀行、建設銀行、農業銀行與中國銀行四大行依賴強大的客戶基數進行市場擴張之外,交通銀行以及民生、興業、浦發、廣大、華夏、平安、寧波、廣發等9家銀行也頗受消費者青睞,其最大原因是“信用額度高”,消費者更偏愛信用額度高的銀行。 另外在“消費者最常用的信用卡”投票中,招商銀行以22.84%的投票率居首,領先排在第二的建設銀self storage(16.94%)將近6個百分點。在另一項關於服務的調查中,招商銀行再次領銜,67.27%的招商銀行消費者認為該行“信用卡服務很好”。 為順應互聯網金融浪潮,信用卡行業開始尋求變革。有銀行在其手機銀行中增加“搖一搖”功能,來完成近距離內的轉賬收款;還有銀行通過NFC移動支付,打通了包括金融和生活類在內的所有支付。而招商銀行繼“掌上生活”移動終端、“聯通招行手機錢包”等信用卡手機支付產品上線後,首推的智能微信客服平台,成為信用卡服務領域又一里程碑,消費者在以微信為基礎的客服終端上便可實現即需即取,讓信用卡客服從“模擬時代”向“數字時代”邁進。 如今,獲評“最常用”和“服務最好”的招商銀行信用卡,將在“因您而變”的創新精神指引下繼續探索和引領行業發展。迷你倉
- Nov 10 Sun 2013 14:58
湖南智慧法律公共服務信息化平台昨在長�動本報訊(記者 張懷中)“智慧長沙”建設取得新突破!昨日,儲存由市政府、省經信委主辦的“兩化融合”專題報告會暨湖南智慧法律公共服務信息化平台成果發佈會在長沙舉行,一個為政府、企業、家庭、個人用戶提供電子律師、數據銀行、在線辦公的全新網絡平台正式�動。國家工業和信息化部副部長楊學山、省經信委主任謝超英、湘潭大學黨委書記章兢、副市長何寄華等出席。作為工信部“電子商務集成創新試點工程”,湖南智慧法律公共服務信息化平台項目採用人工智能技術,基於雲技術構建了一個法律公共服務平台,並集成了一系列安全技術,實迷你倉了法律服務與在線辦公的安全保障,具有信息領域的科技創新性和在社會領域的廣泛應用性,平台整體技術處於國內領先水平。如電子律師這一在線服務,其設計理念是運用人工智能技術,以互聯網為基礎,模擬法律專家思維,以法律風險的事前防範、事中控制和事後化解為重點,為全社會提供智囊型、事務型、出庭型三類服務。用戶只要購買相關軟件,就可登錄湖南智慧法律公共服務信息化平台享受一系列智慧法律、信息化服務。相關主體研發單位——湖南裕邦智能科技負責人表示,他們將努力把這一平台打造成一個綜合性的網上工作、學習、生活平台,助推“數字湖南”、“智慧長沙”的建設發展。儲存倉
- Nov 10 Sun 2013 14:50
上月美國新非農業職位增加20.4萬個,儲存遠高於市場預期之12.5萬個,市場認為當前經濟復甦已足以抵銷美國聯儲局退市之影響,刺激上周五美股三大指數均升逾1%,道指收報15761點再創收市新高。富國私人銀行投資總監Erik Davidson表示,有關就業數據是市場期待之好消息,讓投資者預期即使聯儲局啟動退市安排,亦可以放心入貨。上周五追回失地登高峰道瓊斯工業平均指數於上周四下挫1%之後,翌日即上周五憑藉就業數據理想而昂首上揚167.8點,漲幅為1.08%,收報15761.78點,登上新頂峰。標準普爾500指數漲23.46點漲幅為1.34%,收報1770.61點。納斯達克綜合指數漲61.90 點, 漲幅為1.60% , 收於3919.23點。納指距離4000點大關僅差一步而矣。亞特蘭大聯邦儲備銀行行長Dennis Lockhart表示,就業狀況正在改善,但溫和的經濟增長速度能否足以支撐就業情況持續改善,仍然令人非常擔心。他又分析稱,不排除聯儲局在下個月開始退市的可能性。德銀證券駐紐約首席美國經濟學家JosephLaVorgna表mini storage,就業市場正在逐步好轉,預料第四季度經濟表現不似人們想像那麼疲軟。至於美國將在何時退市,路透社訪問了16家一級債券交易商,6家估計聯儲局明年1月減買債規模,佔受訪者比例37.5%,較兩星期前同類調查結果的13.3%為高。另有7家交易商認為聯儲局在3月開始啟動退市,比例43.75%,較上次調查下跌16.25個百分點。道指周漲0.9%標普升0.5%累計一周計算,道指漲0.9%,標普500指數升0.5%,兩個指數錄得連續5個星期累計升幅,是2月以來最長連升周數,而納指倒退0.07%。標普10分類指數內,8類上揚。金融分類指數升2.3%。摩根大通收市升4.5%,美國銀行及花旗都高收超過3%。耐用消費品及原材料分類指數漲逾1.2%。美股個股表現方面,Priceline.com升4.86%至1072.57美元,主因是該公司前季營業收入大增33%至22.7億美元, 優於市場預估的22.2 億美元; 網路團購業者Groupon漲6.43%至10.11美元;繪圖晶片商Nvidia漲6.98%至15.56美元,迪士尼漲2.1%至68.58美元。self storage
- Nov 10 Sun 2013 14:40
而設計更是精美,自存倉雖然篇幅不多,卻能面面俱到,“利用《南方日報·清遠觀察》和清遠新聞網放大宣傳效果,這就是傳統媒體與新媒體結合發展的優勢。如此一來,可以讓來到清遠的人深入體驗,讓未到清遠的人如身臨其境。”清遠市文廣新局易海清認為,《美麗清遠》會刊版面設計新穎,引用圖片非常精美,內容選擇豐富且切合主題,文筆輕鬆流暢,可讀性強,“大有一冊在手,盡覽清遠大小景,通曉清遠大小事之感,特別是品嘗清遠雞,暢游山水間專題,完美體現了這份特刊的主題性與思想性,是清遠市民與外地遊客的旅遊指南。”中山市清遠商會副秘書長、中山市石岐區南安山裝飾工程有限公司總經理江有賀說,作為在外面創業的清遠人,得知家鄉要舉辦旅遊文化節,心裡很期待也很高興。昨日在網上看到《美麗清遠》這本會刊後,感覺內容豐富,版式大氣,“包含了清遠的交通、文化、美食、旅遊等等,可以說是‘清遠一本通’迷你倉我相信這本書會給每一位來清遠的人留下美好的印象。”清遠市民廖麗君認為,《美麗清遠》版面設置間接明快,版面配置合理,內容豐富而詳實,涵蓋了清遠各地近年來的旅遊業發展的成就和亮點,既有特色樓盤、旅遊景區,也有特色美食、農業產品;既有精美圖片,也有精緻文字;在廣泛宣傳了清遠特色文化的同時,又很好地切合了本屆旅遊文化節的主題與思想。 據悉,該會刊由南方日報社、廣東省旅遊局和清遠市委宣傳部作指導單位,共印刷8萬多份,隨《南方日報》發行覆蓋到省委、省政府和省直各機關單位、花都和深圳機場、廣州各大酒店和清遠全市,並作為“國際旅遊節”的主要宣傳資料在開幕式現場派發給每一位前來參加旅遊節的海內外嘉賓,于昨日在《南方日報》電子版和“清遠新聞網”上同步上網發佈。此外,還將作為清遠市重要的對外宣傳手冊,放入清遠全市各地的主要賓館酒店所有客房,長期供外來客商閱讀。 mini storage
- Nov 10 Sun 2013 14:11
和機器人聊天 與大黃鴨重聚
文博會各展場拼創意顯神通昨日是文博會的第三天,迷你倉最平主場館和各個分會場依然是人頭攢動,去老國展和機器人“話話家常”,去三間房動漫大廈看看皮影、學學繪畫,或者去國粹苑“淘淘寶”,每一位參與文博會的觀�都能享受到文化創意產業帶來的豐碩成果。 海澱:傳統折扇揮灑科技創意 是沈周的山水、文徵明的竹石,還是惲壽平的花卉、鄭燮的書法……文博會4號展館海澱展區的工作人員告訴記者,海澱區的展台是受中國折扇啟發而建,在扇骨的支撐下,水墨噴繪的並非傳統的折扇圖案,而是經過了電腦芯片、印刷電路板,寓意著海澱以科技為優勢,促進創意產業的繁榮。 ■關鍵詞:仿真人 在互動展區,一個身著運動服的“人”站在一塊易拉寶面前(中圖),走過路過的觀�有的摸摸他的臉,有的拉拉他的手,而他則對大家報以微笑,高興的時候也和大家聊聊天、問問好。這是北京理工大學智能機器人研究所帶來的“仿人機器人”,因為他的臉部用的是硅膠,所以能“以假亂真”,而且能走能跑、能說話能聊天,還能和別的人打太極拳。展台的學生表示,他們給機器人輸入了非常多的程序,所以他的臉部以及基本的運動能力和人沒什麼區別,“只不過他笑起來有點含蓄罷了,不太會‘哈哈大笑’。” ■關鍵詞:印刷術 “紙向何方”是海澱展區內一個充滿低碳創意的展示方式,一個裝有輪子用紙做成的展覽立方在展區內出現,在會場內形成了一個流動的展覽。它們隨意組合便構成一個小展區,而展區內有幾位工作人員正在帶領觀�體驗古老的印刷術——“活字印刷”、“雕版印刷”和“拓片”。在工作人員的指導下,67歲的王明老先生在版上塗墨、鋪紙,然後用棕刷刷印,接著將紙揭起,動作雖不夠熟練,但是卻也完成了印刷過程。 ■關鍵詞:領軍者 除了備受關注的各種展品,在海澱展館一場“2013中國文化創意產業新領軍者”頒獎大會為國內文化創意產業做出突出貢獻和顯著成績的領軍人物帶到了頒獎台上,評選活動以“中國文化創意產業網絡影響力指數體系”作為評選標準,包括小米科技CEO雷軍在內的“中國文化創意產業十大最具網絡影響力人物”、美團網CEO王興在內的“中關村核心區文化創意產業十大最具網絡影響力人物”。東城:千種產品亮相交易會“2013北京國際藝術授權博覽交易會”前日在銀河SOHO開幕。包括北京夢之城、香港可利可等8家國內外高端授權機構的上百個品牌的近千種產品集中亮相。■關鍵詞:藝術授權會上產品種類涉及原創授權、館藏授權、國際動漫授權、傳統藝術授權及當代藝術授權等五大領域。據主辦方北京文化發展基金會秘書長、北京市文化發展中心主任秦昌桂介紹,藝術授權產業在西方已有30多年的歷史,進入中國只有短短幾年時間,尚處於萌芽期。開幕式後,北京夢之城、香港可利可、藝奇文創集團、元華堂、曹勇藝術世界等企業進行了專場品牌推介。活動現場北京夢之城帶來的俏皮可愛的紅色小“阿狸”,被授權做成靠墊、公仔,其造型深受人們喜愛。晨報記者 張碩 展館:文化局簽約13個項目 近日,北京市文化局在國際展覽中心北京文化展館舉行文化項目簽約儀式。 ■關鍵詞:23億元 簽約儀式上,全市動漫遊戲、演藝、金融等行業的13個產業項目進行現場簽約,總金額達23億元。此次簽約的特點包括原創文化產品成交、投資機構投資文化產業項目和推進產業發展長遠戰略合作的項目大幅增加。簽約的劇目包括趙安任總導演的大迷你倉風情秀《Panda!》美國拉斯維加斯駐場演出以及北京歌舞劇院、北京曲劇團、北方昆曲劇院、北京京劇院等5家院團與中國國際演出劇院聯盟達成的明年營業性演出合作意向,設計場次440場,總金額達4000多萬元。簽約的還有動漫精品力作,熊小米動畫公司與環宇星漫文化傳播公司簽署了動畫電影《我是狼》的推廣合作項目。晨報記者 和璐璐 朝陽:三間房成居民“文化社區” 昨日,第八屆文博會朝陽分會場之一的三間房國家動畫產業基地熱鬧非凡,父母帶著孩子看皮影戲表演(上圖),學生來這裡學習繪畫。“未來基地將打造成為集動漫形象設計、動畫製作、原創動漫版權交易等於一體的大型綜合動漫企業總部基地。”相關負責人介紹說。 ■關鍵詞:角色扮演 雖然剛宣佈�動,但“手工創意坊”已持續快兩年時間。創意坊里擺滿了玩偶和cosplay服裝、道具。創始人姬夕文介紹,“我們的團隊里有包括服裝設計專業、攝影專業的畢業生,個頂個都是動漫迷,希望為喜歡cosplay的學生提供專業服務。”據悉,動漫基地為鼓勵大學生創業,特意免去了租金。“非凡畫室”坐落在創意坊的一角,畫室負責人王同收介紹,畫室每天都會有不同年齡段的居民來學繪畫,“他們大多希望老師能幫助他們把內心中的情感通過繪畫的形式表現出來。” ■關鍵詞:神舟十號 神舟十號搭載藝術品首次亮相、20多個省市文玩藝術品齊聚、300余件文玩全部無底價現場競拍……昨日,2013國粹苑文化藝術節活動開幕,11場獨具特色的文化活動讓文化藝術愛好者在家門口即可體驗文化創意的樂趣。國粹苑藝術品交易中心為群�帶來三大板塊、11場活動。其中,經過大師潛心構思製作,伴飛“神十”遨遊太空歸來的國粹藝術品首次亮相。而“金秋盛宴國粹大賞·藝術品大型展會”三大展區還呈現了國博文物鑒定中心的稀世古玩珍寶和平民藏友熱愛的票證等小物件兒。 ■關鍵詞:大黃鴨 751中韓3D文化創意互動展在751D·PARK“活的3D博物館”拉開序幕。此次中韓3D文化創意互動展主要展示韓國在文化科技促進文化創意產業發展領域的成果,包括3D數字藝術作品、360°環幕4D影像作品等。751D·PARK在火車頭廣場創作3D立體畫作。其中最引人注目的畫作是將火車頭廣場畫成水面,讓剛與頤和園道別的“大黃鴨”漂浮在“水面”上,供遊客參觀。晨報記者 張碩 論壇:沈黎暉呼籲唱片公司轉型 從前天開始,為期三天的首屆中國音樂產業大會在北京舉行。包括藝人代表海泉、主持人張紹剛、迷笛音樂學校校長張帆、摩登天空老總沈黎暉以及�多與唱片業相關的行業代表在開幕當天的高峰論壇上發表講話。沈黎暉稱,現在是唱片公司轉型的大好時機。 ■關鍵詞:轉型時機 在“媒體對音樂產業的影響”討論環節中,各方人士就選秀節目對音樂產業的影響發表了看法。沈黎暉認為選秀對行業的貢獻是有限的,“選秀在我看來就是秀、是道具,跟音樂沒有太大關係。這個行業真正開演唱會的還是有自己創作的人,包括羽·泉、汪峰、許巍、老崔等。這些人跟選秀沒關係,電視要的是收視率,對這行業的貢獻,從長期看來還是有限的。”沈黎暉稱,唱片公司當下應該著眼于跨界和轉型,“以前我們是唱片公司,但現在我們做音樂節。這個時代為我們提供了很多跨界的機會,應該用媒介的思維去思考問題,對唱片公司來說現在是轉型的最好時機。”晨報記者 王琳本版攝影 柴春霞儲存
- Nov 10 Sun 2013 14:04
岳麓山年均發生六起火警 麓山景區開展“119消防宣傳周”活動
本報訊(記者 周和平 賀文兵 實習生 曾爭)11月9日是全國消防日。記者從麓山景區昨日開展的“119消防宣傳周”消防安全知識搶答賽活動現場獲悉,迷你倉自2002年以來的消防台賬顯示,該景區11年多來出火警71起,年均約6起,市民和遊客的景區防火意識有待進一步增強。麓山景區面積7.07平方公里,是長沙山水洲城城市格局的重要組成部分,也是全省遊客接待量大的景區之一。自景區免費開放以來,已成為廣大市民遊玩健身的好去處,消防mini storage力也隨之加大,防火之弦一直緊繃。昨日是景區“119消防宣傳周”活動的最後一天,景區管理處在東門舉辦了一場“麓山景區消防安全知識搶答賽”。景區工作人員參與搶答賽活動,吸引了�多遊客駐足觀看。記者注意到,搶答賽答題除宣傳景區森林防火知識外,還涉及了生活中的一些應急小常識。據瞭解,“119消防宣傳周”期間,麓山景區向市民、遊客和景區門店發放了消防知識宣傳資料,並在景區開展了“清剿火患”和消防疏散逃生滅火演練等主題活動。儲存