
NEW YORK, Dec.迷你倉西貢 17, 2013 /PRNewswire/ -- announces that a new market research report is available in its catalogue:2020 Foresight Report: Trends in Life Insurance Underwriting report provides industry and geographic analysis, information and insights into the performance of life insurance segments in some of the important economies across the world. It also provides an in-depth analysis of the impact of important regulations on underwriting and the technological developments in life insurance underwriting: -- Intensive analysis of the performance of life insurance segments in some of the important economies globally and their future outlook-- Detailed analysis of the key impacts of regulations on the product strategy, the business models and the investment strategies of life insurance companies-- Snapshot of the relationship between the gross domestic products of important economies across the world and key life insurance segment performance indicators-- Comprehensive view of the latest technologies that are having a profound impact on underwriting processes and risk assessment in the life insurance segmentSummaryThe life insurance segment is characterized by underwriting losses in some developed nations, and underwriting profits in important emerging economies such as China, India, Brazil and Russia. The life insurance segments in developed nations will record a rise in premium rates due to gradual recovery in their economies, meaning that life insurers will need to protect their margins. In the case of emerging economies, the life segment is moving towards a situation that is neither hard nor soft, due to factors such as the highly under-penetrated markets in these countries, increased competition among life insurers and rising disposable incomes. Globally, the life segment is in a state of flux due to far-reaching regulations such as Solvency II in Europe. These regulations essentially link the amount of capital held by life insurers with the risks they underwrite and the investments they make.ScopeThis report provides a detailed analysis of the key trends in life insurance underwriting across the world:-- It details the performance of life insurance segments in the important economies of the globe, with a breakdown of the different performance indicators-- It explains the implications of key regulations on the products offered by life insurance companies, the impact on their business models, their investment strategies and the likely impact on the premium rates-- It demonstrates the relationship between the gross domestic products of nations and some of the important performance indicators of life insurance segments-- It analyses the trends in premium rates in the important economies of the world-- It details the important technological trends that will impact life insurance underwriting-- It explains some of the changes being brought about in techniques employed for customer profilingReasons To Buy-- Understand how the life insurance segments have been performing in some of the important countries across the world-- Understand how regulations are impacting the product strategies, business models and investment strategies of life insurance companies-- Gain insights into how the GDPs of nations impact the performance of underwriting in life insurance segments-- Be informed of the key technologies having an impact on the risk assessment and underwriting practices in the life insurance segmentKey Highlights-- The life insurance segments in the developed nations of the world have been under pressure because of the economic downturn. On the other hand, the life insurance segments in some of the emerging economies of the world have been thriving due to robust economic growth rates.-- Life insurance regulators across the world have been taking a risk-based capital approach wherein the type of risks that they insure and the type of investments made by them are determined by the capital held by them.-- Given the previously subdued premium rates in the key developed economies of the world, the prices are expected to increase in the future as the 迷你倉將軍澳ife insurers are intent on protecting their margins. The key emerging economies will also witness a gradual hardening of interest rates.-- The citizens of the developed nations, because of the reduction in their disposable incomes, have increasingly been selecting insurance products that provide basic life cover over hybrid or exotic products.-- Technological trends such as automation of the underwriting processes, scanning of social media of potential policyholders to gauge the risk that they represent and application of predictive modeling trends have been mainly impacting the underwriting practices of life insurance companies.Table of Contents1 Executive Summary2 Global Snapshot: Assessment of Life Underwriting Market Dynamics2.1 Underwriting Profits and Loss Trends2.1.1 Developed economies2.1.2 Emerging economies2.2 Analysis of Key Ratios Impacting Underwriting2.2.1 Developed economies2.2.2 Emerging economies3 The Effect of Regulation on Life Insurance Underwriting3.1 Impact on Life Insurance Product Offering3.2 Impact on Key Functional and Operational Elements3.3 Impact on Investment Strategy by Asset Class3.3.1 Equities3.3.2 Property3.3.3 Bonds3.3.4 Alternative assets3.3.5 Derivatives3.4 EU Ruling on Gender-Neutral Insurance to Impact Underwriting4 Market Dynamics Related to Economic and Market Risk4.1 Economic Risk on Life Insurance Underwriting4.1.1 Developed economies4.1.2 Emerging economies4.2 Market Risk on Life Insurance Underwriting4.2.1 Developed economies4.2.2 Emerging economies5 Technological Trends in Underwriting5.1 Creating a Customer Profile5.2 Automation5.2.1 Case Study: Bharti Axa's use of CRM software for efficient claims handling5.3 Social Media5.3.1 Social media and underwriting5.3.2 Case Study: Manulife used social media which resulted in improving underwriting risks5.3.3 Case Study: Rigi Capital Partners used social media to reduce underwriting risk5.4 Big Data5.4.1 Underwriting and premium determination decision5.4.2 Case Study: Health Care Service Corp.'s use of predictive modeling techniques5.4.3 Case Study: Westpac Life's use of big data5.4.4 Case Study: Lincoln Financial Group's use of predictive modeling6 Appendix6.1 Methodology6.2 Contact Timetric6.3 About Timetric6.4 Timetric's Services6.5 DisclaimerList of TablesTable 1: Life Insurance - Developed Economies' Underwriting Profitability (US$ Billion), 2008-2017Table 2: Life Insurance - Emerging Economies' Underwriting Profitability (US$ Billion), 2008-2017Table 3: Impact of Tightening Regulations on Asset ClassesTable 4: Capital Charges for Equity InvestmentTable 5: Impact of Gender-Neutral Pricing on Life Insurance ProductsTable 6: Gender-Neutral Pricing of Life Insurance Products - Key Action Areas for InsurersTable 7: Life Insurance - Fraud and Crime in Emerging Economies (US$ Billion), 2008-2017Table 8: Life Insurance - Commissions and Expenses in Emerging Economies (US$ Billion), 2008-2017List of FiguresFigure 1: Life Insurance in Developed Economies - Loss, Expense and Combined Ratios (%), 2012Figure 2: Life Insurance in Developed Economies - Incurred Loss (US$ Billion), 2008-2017Figure 3: Life Insurance in Developed Economies - Commission and Expenses (US$ Billion), 2008-2017Figure 4: Life Insurance in Emerging Economies - Loss, Expense and Combined Ratios (%), 2012Figure 5: Life Insurance in Emerging Economies - Incurred Loss (US$ Billion), 2008-2017Figure 6: Life Insurance in Emerging Economies - Commission and Expenses (US$ Billion), 2008-2017Figure 7: Regulatory Trends Affecting Life Insurance UnderwritingFigure 8: Rural Populations as a Percentage of Overall Populations in BRIC Countries, 2008-2012Figure 9: Use of Big Data Technology in Life InsuranceCompanies Mentioned Bharti AXA Life InsuranceManulife Financial Corp.Health Care Service CorporationTruven Health AnalyticsTalisma Corporation Pvt. Ltd.Westpac Life New Zealand Ltd.Lincoln Financial GroupTo order this report: 2020 Foresight Report: Trends in Life Insurance Underwriting Clare: US: (339)-368-6001Intl: +1 339-368-6001ReportlinkerWeb site:迷你倉尖沙咀

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