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  • Aug 20 Tue 2013 11:36
  • 上海

習近平同肯尼亞總統肯雅塔會談 中肯建立全面合作伙伴關係據新華社北京8月19日電 (記者徐松)國家主席習近平19日在人民大會堂同肯尼亞總統肯雅塔舉行會談。兩國元首就發展雙邊關係深入交換意見,迷你倉新蒲崗對中肯關係的發展表示滿意,著眼未來,決定建立平等互信、互利共贏的中肯全面合作伙伴關係。習近平表示,中肯友好交往源遠流長。中國明代著名航海家鄭和曾率遠洋船隊多次訪問肯尼亞。兩國建交50年來,雙邊關係保持全面快速發展。你的這次訪問是兩國新一屆領導人首次會面,對開創中肯友好合作關係新局面具有重要意義。中方願同肯方共同努力,發展平等互信、互利共贏的全面合作伙伴關係。習近平強調,中肯雙方要在涉及彼此核心利益和重大關切的問題上繼續相互支持,深化政黨、立法機構、地方政府間交往,開展治國理政經驗交流。中方願繼續採取積極措施從肯方增加進口,促進雙邊貿易平衡增長。雙方要加強基礎設施、經濟特區建設、投融資等領域合作,在新能源、農業、環境和野生動物保護等領域培迷你倉出租新的合作。希望兩國執法部門加強合作,共同打擊跨國犯罪。雙方要共同採取措施,便利人員往來,鼓勵文化、旅遊、青年、人力資源培訓等領域交流合作,共同辦好在肯尼亞舉行的“感知中國”等兩國建交50周年慶祝活動。中肯在重大國際和地區問題上看法相同或相近,雙方要繼續保持協調和配合,共同維護發展中國家正當權益。肯雅塔表示,相同的歷史命運和共同的未來願景把肯中兩國緊密連在一起。肯尼亞將中國視為真誠的朋友和重要的伙伴,希望借鑒中國的成功經驗,以兩國建立全面合作伙伴關係為契機,加強在政治、經濟、人文等領域和國際事務中的合作,開�兩國關係更加美好的新時代。習近平指出,當前,和平、發展、合作、共贏的時代潮流更加強勁,新興市場國家和發展中國家整體實力增強,國際力量對比朝著有利於維護世界和平方向發展。非洲人民求和平、思穩定、謀發展意願空前強烈。中非從來都是命運共同體。中方堅定支持非洲國家自主發展和聯合自強,願為促進非洲和平穩定和發展振興繼續發揮建設性作用。儲存倉

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 【本報記者邱仁武台南報導】交通部觀光局雲嘉南濱海國家風景區管理處,self storage今年擴大舉辦第2屆「2013TaiwanBirdathon白色雲嘉南國際觀鳥馬拉松大賽」活動,將於10月19至20日(星期六、日)展開。此外,針對一般民眾的生態體驗需求,雲管處在9至10月的週休假日,於嘉義布袋、台南北門及雲林口湖等三地規劃舉辦共計8個梯次的白色雲嘉南『生態魔法營』活動。 雲管處長鄭榮峰昨天表示,白色雲嘉南『生態魔法營』首波活動計4梯次,自9月份起先從嘉義布袋遊客中心開跑,活動日期分別為9月7日(六)、9月15日(日)、9月21日(六)及9月29日(日),從8月21日上午8點起開放報名,歡迎有興趣的民迷你倉請至BeClass線上報名系統goo.gl/b3fMH進行報名,或洽社團法人台灣生態旅遊協會洽詢,聯絡電話:(02)23691660。每梯次開放25位名額,名額有限、額滿為止,每位酌收新台幣100元,於活動當天現場繳費。另有第2波的4個梯次,預計將於10月份在台南北門遊客中心及雲林即將開館的口湖遊客中心舉辦,屆時歡迎民眾報名參加。 鄭榮峰說,布袋生態魔法營精彩可期,內容包含好美寮保護區紅樹林、招潮蟹、彈塗魚、和尚蟹等溼地生態介紹,新岑國小「活化石─鱟」實際觀察解說,並以在地蚵殼等素材讓民眾動手製作各種不同造型的黑面琵鷺,藉此讓參與民眾透過自己動手做,課程完成後還可獲頒生態魔法營結訓證書。文件倉

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SAN FRANCISCO, Aug.存倉 19, 2013 /PRNewswire/ -- TelcoVision (formerly TelcoTV), the industry's largest conference and expo focused on mid-tier broadband network service providers, announces the initial keynote speaker lineup, including executives from AT&T, American Cable Association, NetScout and NTCA-The Rural Broadband Association (NTCA). Produced by UBM Tech and NTCA, TelcoVision is happening October 23-25 at the Las Vegas Hotel. For more information, visit .telcovisiononline.com.(Logo: photos.prnewswire.com/prnh/20130819/SF65615LOGO)At TelcoVision, keynote speakers will discuss profitable business strategies behind next-generation telecommunication networks. Referencing recent regulatory developments, speakers will detail trends in new revenue streams, and ways for telcos to proactively meet customer demands. The following executives will present from the keynote stage:-- Shirley Bloomfield, CEO, NTCA -- Alki David, CEO, FilmOn.tv Networks -- Heather Gold, President, Fiber to the Home Council -- John Greene, Chief Network Engineer, Great Plains Communications -- Steve Hawley, Principal Analyst & Consultant, Advanced Media Strategies, LLC -- George Henny, Co-CEO, Whidbey Telephone -- Dee Herman, Principal, Herman and Whiteaker -- Brock Johansen, CEO & General Manager, Emery Telecom -- Kevin McGuire, CTO, Enhanced Telecommunications Corporation -- Steve McKay, CEO, Entone -- Kevin Morgan, Director - Marketing Communications, ADTRAN -- Matthew Polka, President & CEO, American Cable Association -- Tom Sauer, Vice President, U-verse Video Business & Original Content Development, AT&T -- Steven Shalita, VP Marketing, NetScout -- James Taylor, Chairman & CEO, CHR Solutions, Inc. -- Vince Tyson, COO, ENMR Plateau Telecommunications -- Lori Vergin, President, mPower"TelcoVision is proud to host these industry pacesetters on the main stage," said Fred Knight, TelcoVision General Manager. "Mid-tier telcos and service providers face a delicate balance: responding to the changing needs of their customers while juggling new financial realities. TelcoVision will present case studies, analyses and best practices that will help the audience chart a migration path. While this path includes video, it also incorporates a wider range of services including distance learning, telemedicine, and creating smart premises."The TelcoVision conference program will consist of four tracks which embody the issues on every service provider's agenda: New Revenue Streams, Wireless Systems & Services, Video and Emerging Technologies & Services, which include topics such as wireless and cloud-enabled services, over-the-top distribution, and migration toward all-IP networks. For more information on the TelcoVision conference program, visit the Conference Overview, Keynotes and Schedule pages.TelcoVision will also feature a two-day expo, showcasing top sponsors such as NetScout, Viamedia, ARRIS, CHR Solutions and NPTV. Full exhibitor and sponsor listings are available via the TelcoVision Exhibit Overview page.Register自存倉for TelcoVisionApply for a TelcoVision Media PassFollow TelcoVision on Twitter #TelcoVisionLike TelcoVision on FacebookConnect with TelcoVision on LinkedinAbout TelcoVision TelcoVision, formerly TelcoTV, is the industry's largest conference and expo focused on broadband network service providers. Produced by UBM Tech and NTCA - The Rural Broadband Association - this annual event provides independent broadband network service providers across North America, with fast, actionable strategies to enhance the monetization of their investments in the face of increasing competition and decreasing government support. For over a decade TelcoVision has been the forum for network operators and builders, equipment vendors and content providers to connect with their peers and share best practices. The event is hosted and led by the industry's recognized experts delivering the latest critical business, technology and regulatory insights, along with opportunities to grow business and partnerships.About UBM Tech UBM Tech is a global media business that brings together the world's technology industry through live events and online properties. Its community-focused media and events provide expertly curated content along with user-generated content and peer-to-peer engagement opportunities through its proprietary, award-winning DeusM community platform. UBM Tech's brands include EE Times, Interop, Black Hat, InformationWeek, Game Developers Conference, CRN, and DesignCon. The company's products include research, education, training, and data services that accelerate decision making for technology buyers. UBM Tech also offers a full range of marketing services based on its content and technology market expertise, including custom events, content marketing solutions, community development and demand generation programs. UBM Tech is a part of UBM (UBM.L), a global provider of media and information services with a market capitalization of more than $2.5 billion.About NTCA-The Rural Broadband Association NTCA-The Rural Broadband Association is the premier association representing nearly 900 independent, community-based telecommunications companies that are leading innovation in rural and small-town America. NTCA advocates on behalf of its members in the legislative and regulatory arenas, and it provides training and development; publications and industry events; and an array of employee benefit programs. In an era of exploding technology, deregulation and marketplace competition, NTCA's members are leading the IP evolution for rural consumers, delivering technologies that make rural communities vibrant places in which to live and do business. Because of their efforts, rural America is fertile ground for innovation in economic development and commerce, education, health care, government services, security and smart energy use. Visit us at .ntca.org.Photo: photos.prnewswire.com/prnh/20130819/SF65615LOGOPRN Photo Desk, photodesk@prnewswire.comUBM TechCONTACT: Jamie Porter, jamie.porter@ubm.com, 415-947-6306Web site: tech.ubm.com/Company News On-Call: .prnewswire.com/comp/AAB329.html迷你倉新蒲崗

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NEW YORK, Aug.self storage 19, 2013 /PRNewswire/ -- Robert LePlae, CEO of Arnold Worldwide announced today the hire of Corey Mitchell, former MRM and TBWA executive, as president of its New York operations. In the role, he will be responsible for driving the strategy and execution of the agency's services across its client base and the growth and development of the office. Mitchell will sit on Arnold Worldwide's Global Executive Committee and will report directly to LePlae.(Photo: photos.prnewswire.com/prnh/20130819/NE65967 )Mitchell brings to the agency extensive digital expertise and integrated agency leadership combined with creative brand building experience. Additionally, having served as leader of MRM East North America during its most successful growth period, he adds the entrepreneurial energy of a start-up culture to the role. This followed his tenure as president of TBWA/Chiat/Day New York when it was the most creatively awarded agency in the world."There are very few people who have led a world-class creative agency, and with equal success, a large-scale digital marketing agency," said Robert LePlae, CEO, Arnold Worldwide. "Corey's respect for creative ideas, his understanding of complex integrated marketing, and depth of international and multi-disciplined leadership makes him the ideal leader to drive product excellence and increased growth in New York. He is an inspirational leader who I'm thrilled to welcome to our executive team.""Arnold has always been a great creative standard bearer. It's an exceptional brand agency with expertise in creating integrated marketing programs at scale across the most important tech platforms. With critical business strategy acumen, great talent and great clients, it's a combination for a successfully sustainable business," said Mitchell. "I couldn't be more excited to lead Arnold Worldwide in New York."The appointment comes on the heels of the launch of the first-ever branding campaign for 23AndMe, which recently appointed Arnold Worldwide in NYC agency of record. It follows a string of wins seven months into LePlae's tenure as CEO that include Del Monte, Avocados of Mexico, Santander credit迷你倉card business, Caleidos in Italy, Douwe Edberts in the UK; and, digital AOR assignments including CVS, Nexxus, and Volvo Cars of North America.Corey Mitchell, Accomplished LeaderMitchell is an accomplished leader of creative companies with a 26-year career that includes serving at Y&R, TBWA and MRM. In that span he pioneered multi-disciplined marketing approaches and led management teams across capabilities and disciplines. Mitchell also led the successful start of two companies, Orange Brand Vision and Dirty Yoga, and the leadership of international agencies, TBWA/Chiat/Day New York and MRM East North America. In each leadership role, he drove increased organic growth and landed high profile large-scale clients.Additionally, Mitchell is well regarded for creating collaborative environments of respect, accountability, and creativity at leading retail, CRM, shopper marketing, design, consulting, digital and brand agencies. At 28 years old he ran Ericsson Mobile Phones across all of Asia Pacific. At 35 he ran all of Mars globally for TBWA. And, at 38 he was president of TBWA/Chiat/Day New York.Wendi SmithGlobal Corporate Communications DirectorArnold WorldwideWsmith@arn.com +1 617 587 8131About Arnold Worldwide Arnold Worldwide is a global communications company proud to represent a diverse portfolio of clients including Aetna, American Eagle Outfitters, Carnival Cruise Lines, CVS/pharmacy, Fidelity Investments, The Hershey Company, Huntington Bank, Jack Daniel 's, Kohler, McDonald's, Milk-Bone, New Balance, Ocean Spray, Panasonic, Progressive, Sanofi, Titleist, truth(R), Tyson Foods, Unilever, University of Phoenix, Vertex, Volvo and many other great brands. Arnold delivers services across all communication touch points - advertising, digital, promotions, direct, design, branded content - and is part of Havas Creative with offices in Amsterdam, Boston, Lisbon, London, Madrid, Melbourne, Milan, Moscow, New York, Prague, Sao Paulo, Shanghai, Sydney, Toronto and Washington DC. .arnoldworldwide.comPhoto: photos.prnewswire.com/prnh/20130819/NE65967PRN Photo Desk, photodesk@prnewswire.comArnold WorldwideWeb site: .arnoldworldwide.com/文件倉

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Source: The Fayetteville Observer, N.self storageC.Aug. 19--Like many Americans, Debbie McNeill closely followed the trial of George Zimmerman this summer.In July, Zimmerman was found not guilty in the Florida shooting death of unarmed teenager Trayvon Martin -- a contentious verdict that prompted rallies and protests around the country and in Fayetteville.McNeill, who is African-American, said her 7-year-old son and 13-year-old daughter watched some of the television coverage with her."I could see it taking a toll on me and my kids," McNeill said. "I really stopped them from watching a lot of it." McNeill said she was concerned about how her children would perceive the racial elements of the trial.The Zimmerman trial was the highest profile story in a summer that seemed filled with racially charged incidents:In June, it was reported that celebrity chef Paula Deen said in a deposition that she had used a racial slur in the past to refer to African-Americans. In the uproar that followed, the Food Network announced it would not renew her contract, and several companies dropped her as a spokeswoman.On the CBS reality show "Big Brother," cameras were rolling while several contestants made comments that were deemed racist.In the Hope Mills Fourth of July parade, some spectators were offended by a float that carried a truck bed full of watermelons and signs that read "White History Month" and "hug wht ppl."While some say the incidents may be upsetting in the short run, they add that they bring the issue of race to the forefront where it can be discussed.And that, they say, can be a positive thing."Yes, it's good that we're talking about it," said Jerry Woods, a Fayetteville State University professor who teaches courses on sociology and race. "One can never solve a problem unless it is brought out in the open and discussed freely."Woods said the issue of race has been present in America nearly since the country's founding. He said while discussions of the problem can be difficult, those conversations need to take place."I don't think you can solve any problem by running from it," Woods said. "You have to face it head on. That's the only way to get things out in the open and understand where the other person is in their viewpoint."Ronald McElrath is director of Fayetteville's Human Relations Department. He said understanding between races must begin with the belief that every person is valuable in the eyes of God.McElrath likened the relationship between people of different races to a marriage: "There's going to be misunderstandings, there's going to be issues of trust," he said.McElrath said if people of different races are unable to fully understand each other, they should at least accept their differences and tr迷你倉 to move forward."Most people say you have to earn respect, but I believe every person deserves respect until their actions diminish that respect, which then may be returned when behaviors are corrected and/or repentance (or) forgiveness occurs," McElrath said in an email. "Too many young black men are vilified and stereotyped because of their dress, music (or) associations.McElrath said there are gangs and criminals of all races, and that society must reach out to all of them. He said law enforcement cannot do it alone and that communities must work together to intervene constructively.Tracey Miles, along with her sister, Debbie McNeill, was an organizer of a peace rally held in July at Martin Luther King Jr. Memorial Park in Fayetteville. The rally was held in response to the verdict in the Zimmerman case.Miles said while she doesn't think race relations are as bad as they were in the 1950s and '60s, they remain an issue."If we don't address it, it's going to continue on," said Miles, who is African-American. "I think in the year 2013, we still have to march. That was done in the '50s, '60s and '70s. We shouldn't still have to be doing that, but (racism) still exists."Miles has three children, ranging in age from 16 to 20. She has talked about racial issues with them, particularly in light of the verdict in the Zimmerman case."I let them know that some people are going to look at you because of the color of your skin, but don't let that deter you from where you're going in life," Miles said.Trashawn Haywood is Miles' 16-year-old son. He said he watched nearly all of the Zimmerman trial. Trashawn, a junior at Westover High School, said while he was disappointed in the verdict, he was not really surprised."I thought he'd be guilty, but they didn't have enough evidence or something," Trashawn said. "I wish it would have come out different."Trashawn said several of his friends watched the trial, as well. He said they tweeted about the verdict, and the general feeling was one of disbelief.While tensions between races remain, Trashawn said he believes things are generally getting better.McElrath said he feels that the controversy over incidents such as the Trayvon Martin shooting -- while painful in the moment -- offer a chance to address longstanding problems."We feel like Fayetteville is on the cusp of a lot of things," he said. "The challenges are great but the opportunities are even greater. We just have to blend them together."Staff writer Rodger Mullen can be reached at mullenr@fayobserver.com or 486-3561.Copyright: ___ (c)2013 The Fayetteville Observer (Fayetteville, N.C.) Visit The Fayetteville Observer (Fayetteville, N.C.) at .fayobserver.com Distributed by MCT Information Services文件倉

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SEATTLE, Aug.迷你倉出租 19, 2013 /PRNewswire/ -- Lynden International, a full-service freight forwarding and logistics company, is celebrating its 20(th) anniversary of doing business in Russia. AmRusTrans, a wholly owned subsidiary of Lynden with offices in Moscow and Yuzhno-Sakhalinsk, has been operating in Russia since 1993. It offers shipping to, from and within Russia including air, ocean, rail, truck and barge capabilities."We are proud of our long-standing presence in Russia and the Commonwealth of Independent States (CIS) and look forward to serving our international customers in this region for many years to come," says Lynden International President David Richardson. "We offer turn-key solutions for any transportation or logistics need and understand the unique challenges of doing business with government agencies, carriers and customers. Over two decades, we have honed our services, completed many projects and are now considered the experts in Russian transportation and logistics services."According to Pavel Mayorov, AmRusTrans Station Manager in Moscow, Lynden's local service and knowledgeable staff set it apart from competitors. "Our team knows Russia's business practices and government regulations, and儲存倉we have established relationships with air, ocean and ground carriers and industry experts," he explains. "We routinely coordinate air and ocean shipments from global locations to St. Petersburg and other points in Russia."Lynden serves a variety of industries - from retail to oil and gas - providing a wide range of expertise to, from, and within Russia and the CIS. Services include intra-country and international import and export services plus a staff well-versed in Russian documentation regulations. Lynden's array of services, including moving heavy equipment, warehousing and cross-docking, help customers reduce the risk of delays and added expenses.Lynden International is one of the Lynden family of companies, whose combined capabilities include: worldwide air and ocean forwarding, third-party logistics, trade show shipping, shipping throughout North America, truckload and less-than-truckload transportation, scheduled and charter barges, intermodal bulk chemical hauls, scheduled and chartered Hercules L-382 cargo aircraft and multi-modal logistics.Contact: Dorene KolbDirector, Marketing & Sales SupportLynden, .lynden.com (206) 777-4650, Email: dorene@lynden.comLynden InternationalWeb site: .lynden.com/迷你倉沙田

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王龍中國人民銀行日前全面放開貸款利率管制,迷你倉房地產貸款外的貸款利率下限、票據貼現利率限制、農村信用社貸款利率上限等限制一律取消。全面放開貸款利率管制後,金融機構與客戶協商定價的空間進一步擴大,既有利於促進金融機構採取差異化的定價策略,又可以降低企業融資成本。國內外專業分析普遍認為 ,在當前銀行流動性偏緊的格局下,出台貸款利率放開政策可謂正當其時。從各類人民銀行的監測情況和媒體反映來看,到目前為止的一段時間內,市場普遍穩定,利率實際變化很小,這當然是一種理想狀態。但為了利率市場化改革的順利推進,使市場信號在金融資源配置領域真正發揮基礎性的引導作用,對現行存貸比管理制度的改革亟須納入日程。當前存貸比管理制度凸顯的問題 (一)有關存貸比的法律規定已與現實要求不相適應。現行的《中華人民共和國商業銀行法》(以下簡稱《商業銀行法》)第39條規定,“商業銀行……貸款餘額與存款餘額的比例不得超過75%”。這是與當時特定的經濟調控目標和金融管理水平相適應的,還帶有一些計劃經濟的色彩。在利率市場化不斷走向深入的今天,存、貸款的內容、結構都已發生了18年前無法預料的變化,金融穩定和金融監管的工具和實施方式也更加豐富和全面,單純的“紅線”式管理早已與現實要求不相適應。(二)存貸比的技術性功能已被其他工具有效替代。設計存貸比管理制度的初衷主要是保護存款人的權益。一旦銀行超負荷放貸經營,資金不能及時收回,勢必不能保證存款人存款的支取,所以規定了75%的比例限制。前述具體規定存貸比的《商業銀行法》第39條就是隸屬於“第三章對存款人的保護”的。但實際上,無論是保護存款人的權益還是控制商業銀行的放貸衝動,存款準備金都是更有效的工具。特別是央行引入“差別存款準備金動態調整”之後,已經可以根據各銀行不同的系統重要性程度和潛在風險進行有針對性地區別控制,存貸比管理已沒有必要。即使是從流動性風險管理方面看,中國版的巴塞爾協議———《商業銀行資本管理辦法(試行)》已經在今年正式實施,其中的“流動性覆蓋率+淨穩定資金比例”指標不僅全面覆蓋了存貸比的工具效能,且具有更好的動態監測效果。(三)存貸比考核在特定時期加劇了金融市場的波動。調查顯示,目前商業銀行的日均存貸比超過75%的限制已成為常態,監管部門對存貸比這一指標的考核主要是月度和季度考核,而這樣帶來的後果之一就是商業銀行在月末、季末被動陷入了搶存款的困境之中,而這樣頻繁、大額的資金往來不僅增加了金融機構的經營成本,而且往往會導致貨幣市場出現劇烈的波動。一般認為,今年6月下旬被媒體炒作得沸沸揚揚的所謂“錢荒”,就與商業銀行“沖時點”完成指標任務有關。隨著利率市場化的進一步推進,存貸比指標將不僅不能增加機構的穩定性,反而會加劇市場波動,無謂地增加銀行和全社會的負擔。(四)存貸比管理限制了商業銀行對中小企業放款的積極性。從現狀來看,長期的利率非市場化已造成貸款資源向壟斷企業和政府扶持項目傾斜,中小型企業和民營企業即使願意接受更高的利率,也難以從銀行獲得足夠的信貸資金。調查顯示,允許商業銀行貸款利率下浮30%之後,只有極個別的市場主體實際獲得了比照基準利率下浮的貸款,而它們大多為央企、大型企業或地方大型項目。在取消貸款利率管制後,貸款定價自由度大幅增加,理論上任何利率水平的貸款都可以發放,特別是可以“用價格覆蓋風險”,增加對中小企業的信貸支持;而存貸比的限制實際上成為了對貸款總量的額外制約,銀行將更加熱衷于以更低的貸款利率爭奪大型企業客戶,而將剩餘不多的可貸資金留給中小企業,出于盈利考慮,這些貸款的利率也只能文件倉高。由此,中小企業的融資難度依舊很大,融資成本依然會居高不下。(五)存貸比指標的存在加大了存款利率市場化的風險隱患。全面放開貸款利率管制,進一步推進了我國利率市場化改革進程。目前除了存款利率上限外,其他利率管制基本全部放開。在審慎、有序的金融改革過程中,各項政策的推出必須審時 度勢,如存款利率完全市場化這樣重要而充滿風險的政策措施,當然不宜在短時間內推出,還需要一套完備的配套政策作為支持,但全社會普遍對於進一步擴大金融機構存款利率空間有很強烈的預期。從供求邏輯看,存款利率市場化難免導致銀行為了吸收存款而相互競爭,特別是在存貸比監管框架下,貿然開�存款利率上限閘門,有可能將銀行業捲入高息攬儲的“價格大戰”,這樣可能導致存款利率劇烈波動,顯然不利於利率定價機制的形成和完善。從利率市場化進入實質性推進階段以來,商業銀行所面臨的一個核心問題就是負債業務壓力陡增。可以說,貸存比管理的存在,在利率市場化的關鍵進程中埋下了商業銀行在負債業務上非理性競爭的隱患。改革存貸比指標管理的制度設計對於存貸比管理的弊端,業內人士早已有了一定認同。中國銀行業協會2012年底發佈的《中國銀行家調查報告(2012)》顯示,在受訪銀行家中,僅有20.7%的人認為應該保留存貸比,並作為主要監管指標;其餘多數認為應對指標的約束效力、測算方式等做出修改;6.5%的銀行家認為應廢止此指標。改革存貸比管理制度,有必要從利率市場化進程的背景出發,充分考慮商業銀行和其他市場主體的路徑依賴,從長期、短期的不同角度做出相對完善的制度框架設計。(一)盡早�動《商業銀行法》修改程序。《商業銀行法》出台時,估算扣除存款準備金、留足結算備付金和現金提取準備後,可用存款資金大概略高于75%。這是當初設立75%的存貸比並且用法律固定下來的原因。18年以後的今天,金融市場的實際情況已經發生了很大變化。特別是在利率市場化不斷深化、經濟增長降速以及貨幣政策轉向的大環境下,商業銀行外匯占款增速繼續下滑甚至出現負增長,各種理財產品大量分流存款,使得存貸比75%這一硬性規定已成為金融抑制的“緊箍咒”。因此,建議儘快�動《商業銀行法》的修訂工作,取消包括存貸比在內的具有計劃經濟色彩的監管指標,為利率市場化和中國金融的長期發展營造良好的法律環境。(二)將存貸比作為差別存款準備金工具的監測指標。作為監管指標,存貸比管理是一種比較僵化的手段,在一定程度上限制了商業銀行經營模式和產品的創新。實際上,銀行負債資金來源已經多元化,只要資金穩定,期限配置合理,已可以獲得相對穩定的流動性保障,而非必須局限于通過存款量來確保流動性。近年來,央行引入“差別存款準備金動態調整”工具,輔以窗口指導,已經在控制貸款的投放總量和進度方面取得了大量經驗。建議將存貸比作為一種監測指標,與系統重要性等監測要素一同納入差別存款準備金動態調整的觀測體系,結合特定時期、特定地點的金融實際,靈活運用政策工具,有效防範金融風險。(三)穩妥有序地推進存款利率市場化。從國際上的成功經驗看,放開存款利率是利率市場化進程中最為關鍵、風險最大的階段,需要根據各項基礎條件的成熟程度分步實施、有序推進。日本、韓國和我國台灣地區的利率市場化進程均經歷了較長時間。在實現存款利率市場化前,應促進改革條件的完全成熟,包括逐步建立存款保險制度、金融市場退出機制等,改革目前的存貸比管理制度也是其中的重要一環。建議進一步加強對相關問題的研究與探索,從確保金融穩定、減輕銀行負擔、提高資金效率、有效支持實體經濟等角度,全面完善存款利率市場化所需要的各項基礎條件。存倉

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  • Aug 19 Mon 2013 09:51
  • 台灣

中央銀行總裁彭淮南,self storage當起外資多頭總司令?八月八日,央行意外宣布簡化外資融資手續,鼓勵外資借錢買台股。對照近來外資大舉賣超台股,八月六日起更連續四天賣超逾三百六十億元,造成台股失守八千點大關,外資成了左右台股走向的重大力量。以目前台股總市值二十二兆元來估算,外資持有比重約三三%,可質借的股票部位高達七兆三千億元,如果融資六成,等於可以創造四兆四千億的資金活水。漏洞一:外資借錢放空不過,央行立意良善,但在台股基本面欠佳下,卻可能會弄巧成拙。「外資借錢買台股,不一定要做多,也可以放空。」台新投顧董事長吳火生表示,央行鼓勵銀行借錢給外資,可能變成放空台股和期貨的銀彈,最終招致更大的賣壓!「雖然政策鬆綁是好事,但外資反應相當冷淡。」台灣摩根大通證券董事長林照寰表示,國際投資者主要是透過借美元,分散投入不同國家的股市,況且,借新台幣的彈性太小,只能買賣台股,反而會影響資金調動的靈活度迷你倉漏洞二:假外資見獵心喜事實上,在低利率和量化寬鬆(QE)政策下,大部分國際機構投資人手頭上的資金不虞匱乏,央行進一步開放外資質借台股的措施,最多只是有利於「假外資」身分的股票大戶及上市公司大股東。尤其是過去一年因證所稅復徵,許多大戶和大股東為了節稅,化身為假外資再回台投資股票,據市場推估,這些假外資占比達三成之多,較有融資需求。因此,金融界普遍認為,央行此舉看似救台股,實則還是為穩定匯市。外資用已投資在台股的有價證券再融資買股票,等於少匯一筆錢進來,不僅可減少熱錢進出、降低新台幣匯率波動,還能借此「綁住」外資,讓資金繼續留在台股。從發行暌違十年的兩年期定存單來測試市場水溫,到大幅鬆綁實施二十年的外資質借辦法,彭淮南最近動作頻頻,不管能否吸引外資上門借錢投資台股,最後卻都能在後QE時代下,達到降低國際資金撤離造成的匯率波動風險,完成央行穩定匯率的終極任務,證明薑還是老的辣。 文件倉

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【呻一呻】有讀者早前到灣仔英皇中心的匯豐銀行櫃員機提款,自存倉發現櫃員機旁有一大堆「廢紙」,細看之下「得啖笑」,原來這堆全是印有哈哈笑圖案的收據,真係「唔知就嚇死;知就笑死」!由於冇貼出故障或維修通告,該客戶擔心被「食卡」,惟有離開去別處再�機。匯豐銀行回覆指,上述的自動櫃員機曾於7月28日因為機件問題,未能成功打印收據。當該行發現此情況後,已即時派員維修,同日下午機件已回迷你倉新蒲崗正常。但該行沒回應為何出現讀者所指印有「哈哈笑」圖案的收據。檔案編號:0729018社會服務◆匿名投訴恕不處理。一經投訴,本報保留刊登權利◆報料熱線:29290000◆社會服務熱線:29908288◆蘋果日報慈善基金:29908688◆電郵:sservice@appledaily.com◆傳真:37112468◆網址:charity.appledaily.com.hk 迷你倉出租

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經濟發展、金融先行。在新形勢下,mini storage深化金融改革的關鍵在哪裡?如何推進?利率市場化將對資本市場產生什麼樣的影響?多層次資本市場如何完善?新股發行制度如何改革?圍繞一系列市場關注的課題,�多專家、學者和市場人士聚首江蘇蘇州,共同為深化中國金融改革建言獻策。楊瑞龍 經濟下行中的中國宏觀經濟政策選擇 當前中國宏觀經濟不僅僅表現為一種趨勢性的下滑,而且影響因素多樣,情況非常複雜。在此情形下,宏觀經濟政策面臨兩難選擇:到底是再刺激還是去杠杆?在面對2011年以來的經濟下滑時,新一屆政府頂住了各方面要求出台2.0版經濟計劃的壓力,提出了後來被稱為“克強經濟學”的三個支柱:不出台刺激措施、去杠杆化以及結構性改革。這三個裡面非常核心的是在面對經濟下行的時候,不要盲目的繼續出台刺激性的計劃,而是要去杠杆化。不刺激、去產能、去杠杆等有助于經濟結構的調整,提高經濟質量,為未來的可持續增長奠定堅實的基礎,但從短期來看顯然會壓制投資需求,打壓房地產價格等,這可能會導致經濟增長減緩。加上公共以及私人金融負債堆高,越來越多的專家開始擔憂中國經濟將會經歷一次“硬著陸”。我們將面臨一個問題:我們能容忍增長速度的下滑嗎?而在目前的發展模式與利益結構下,我國事實上存在經濟增長依賴症,主要表現為必須依靠高速經濟增長來創造足夠的就業崗位、提高居民尤其是中低收入群體的收入、應對財政支出壓力和吸引精英人才。“高增長依賴症”產生的根源在於增長主義發展模式。正是受制于這個速度壓力,我們沒辦法。不得不從原來不刺激、去杠杆,到現在提出區間管理,即全年GDP增長7.5%、CPI控制在3.5。核心是什麼呢?就是保7.5%增長。意味著政策口徑在調整,從城市化,到打造中國經濟,都是在放棄短期,著眼長期。面對中國經濟增速的超預期下滑,今年二季度實際GDP同比增速為7.5%,已降至決策層今年年初所設定的經濟增速既定目標。對此,李克強提出了“區間管理”,即全年GDP增長7.5%,CPI控制在3.5%。也就是說,今年經濟運行的“下限”就是穩增長、保就業;“上限”就是防範通貨膨脹。在當前條件下,穩增長的有效途徑就是穩投資,因此,新一輪經濟刺激計劃在所難免。但是,基於上輪刺激計劃的負面效應,本輪刺激計劃不僅在力度上會大大弱于上輪,更重要的是會更注重結構性調整。走出宏觀經濟政策選擇的兩難困境出路在於推動結構性改革。在我看來,中國的未來就是個改革問題,要想讓中國的增長要素全面調動起來,那就是個改革問題。改革的思路總體可以概括為開放統一的大市場,有限有為小政府,廣泛低度的大福利。改革過程當中,要處理好三個方面的關係,一是政府和市場的關係;二是中央和地方的關係;三是國企和民企的關係。未來我們改革的具體領域,包括政府行政體制改革、金融改革、財稅改革等等,其中,以政府的自我改革為突破口,推動經濟發展方式的轉變是關鍵。胡汝銀 中國金融改革最關鍵的就是市場化關於錢荒:實際經濟擴張過度的後果先來討論一下這個背景。在就業不足的時候,應該通過增加貨幣和財政支出的數量,提高總需要,提高總的就業率。就目前而言,社會上對錢荒有很多的誤讀和錯誤的解釋。很多人認為錢荒就是因為錢沒有進入實體經濟,進入了錢生錢的行列,其實這個說法大錯特錯。為什麼出現錢荒?實際是經濟擴張過度,很多行業投資過度,最後資金沉澱下去以後不能周轉,所以我們可以看到很多發展實業的地區,像浙江資金鏈斷裂了。所以要盤活存量,其實是要盤活整個中國的經濟,包括實體經濟。關於A股:過度管製造成“圈錢市”,暫停IPO傷害市場中國資本市場改革關鍵的突破口在哪?中央領導指出,關鍵是要處理好政府和市場的關係,把應該由市場做的交給市場,這就是市場化。中國金融改革最關鍵的就是市場化、金融自由化、去行政化。從目前來講,中國資本市場是一個高度管制的市場,這個管制是怎麼來的,它實際上是內生的結果,是我們市場的參與者尤其是散戶和政府互動的結果。這種控制在一定情況之下可能是必要的,但是到了今天,不能再延續這樣的歷史軌跡了,必須要徹底改變。政府和監管機構定位,以及他們的行為一定要適當,也就是要讓政府和市場定位適當,把應該歸還給市場的,歸還給市場。另外,資本市場第一個是投資的功能,第二個是融資的功能,沒有融資資本市場就沒有任何存在的重要性可言,資本市場就變成了一個關起門來賭博的場所,所以沒有融資,資本市場存在的正當性就沒有了,存在的必要性就沒有了,這是一個基本常識。因此必須取消IPO的管制,必須儘快恢複IPO。中國證券市場非常弱小背後的原因就是政府管制,我們的領導者應該引導整個社會的潮流,而不是跟在人家屁股後面走,應當按照社會長遠需要和根本利益,帶動大家朝前走。關於烏龍指:堅持創新、寬容犯錯股票市場的改革,我想最主要的改革,是要進行觀念和體制的改革。觀念上面就是我們必須建立一個以市場為本,而不是以官員為本的市場機制,讓監管者回到崗位,讓市場操縱者回歸市場本位。金融市場如果沒有創新,什麼創新都要政府審批,就不叫資本市場,就不叫現代金融體系。金融衍生品要大力發展,目前來講我們的衍生品產品太少,隨便找一個國家,它的產品線都比我們要豐富得多。這點我應該呼籲,包括最近出現光大這樣的事情,我們對金融創新,對很多金融機構的犯錯,要保持一種寬容的心態,有很多犯錯,甚至可能是犯了初級錯誤。一個好的市場,是一個什麼樣的市場呢?它是不斷地讓人犯錯,但是不重複犯錯。通過犯錯,變得更加聰明,通過犯錯,金融服務質量更好,監管機制更加完善,創新能力更強,競爭能力更強。所以現在監管的目標之一,是鼓勵市場的創新,不斷提升市場的競爭力,而不是你一犯錯,就把你鎖起來。嚴弘 利率市場化之路還很長中國經濟市場化的進程中,金融改革至關重要,而金融體系的改革和市場化,其中很重要的一步就是利率市場化。目前國內的存貸利率體系,經過最近一次改革,貸款利率已經完全開放,只是存款利率還有少許沒有開放。但這並不意味著我們的利率市場化改革已經到了最後一步了,實際上中國利率市場化改革的進程中,還有很長的路要走。利率市場化改革不只是要一個可浮動的存貸利率體系,更重要的是要有一個真正由市場主導的、能反映出市場上需求變化的資金價值發現機制。目前,理財產品的泛濫不是利率市場化的表現, 反而是利率市場化缺失的結果。利率市場化必須伴隨著金融機構的市場化,包括銀行業的治理和激勵機制的改革,在通過存款保險體系保護儲戶利益、防範系統性風險的條件下,允許民營資本進入銀行業和其它金融機構,強化市場化的競爭機制,形成行業中優勝劣self storage的態勢。利率市場化還必須有活躍和完善的金融市場的支撐。利率市場化的必要性和發展進程已經進行了近20年,在這20年中我們取得了不少的進步和成績。要進一步推進利率市場化,就需要一系列的條件和相應的措施。金融機構需要強化定價機制建設,這涉及經營模式的演變、激勵機制的改革、風險定價的形成以及內部評級體系的建設和外部評級機構的誠信等幾方面問題。作為利率市場化的前提條件,建立存款保險制度非常重要。存款保險制度是國家金融安全網的重要支柱之一,其目的在於保護中小存款人的存款安全,並且在經濟和金融危機中穩定市場信心,防範經濟金融風險。存款保險制度儘快推出,不僅將對利率市場化進程的快速前進大有益處,而且也有助于促成民營資本進入銀行業,在為中小企業和消費者服務方面形成良好的市場競爭。利率市場化改革的速度依賴于兩個前提:一是有效利率基準的確立,二是有效的利率傳導機制。其中,作為貨幣政策的基準利率,相對於倫敦的同業拆借利率和香港的同業拆借利率,Shibor的利率變化還是太大,需要進行進一步的調整。通過發展成熟的債權市場,可以改善央行的貨幣政策傳導機制。金融市場中最重要的坐標利率應是政府債券的利率。無論是金融市場中金融產品的利率詢價,還是央行通過銀行間公開市場來傳導貨幣政策,都離不開一個有效的政府債券的二級市場。成熟的債券市場是成功的利率市場化的前提。我們應該降低銀行間市場的准入機制以及相應的交易成本,同時希望能夠有更多的債權種類可以在交易所市場交易,這兩個不同的債權市場之間的競爭,也有利於我們整個國家債權市場進一步的發展和成熟。利率市場化是中國整個經濟發展模式進一步升級的重要一環,有助于提高整個資本服務于實體經濟的效率。而目前我們在利率市場化進程中已經走了很長一段路,但是為了實現真正的利率市場化,我們還有更長的路要走,因為這裡邊需要有更多的金融體系方面的改革,這個改革從整個金融機構到資本市場,從整個金融市場中的去行政化,到金融市場的有效監管,都需要我們做更多的事,同時也表明我們整個金融體系和中國金融市場還有更大的空間來進行發展和改進。聚焦宏觀經濟把握投資方向蘇州新建元控股集團有限公司董事長、總裁 沈臻我在困難的環境里是比較樂觀的人。而我在07年的時候是比較悲觀的,那時候股市非常好,房市非常好。而現在我反而比較踏實。我往後看三到五年我是比較樂觀的。我覺得可能在今年年底或者明年,可能在土地市場會有一個比較低的機會。節能環保會是一個很好的領域。我有一個朋友,他是做煙囪上面的濾網,就是當你的顆粒大到一點程度,他就把這個顆粒濾下來。他公司每年的業務量都翻番,生意來不及做,他現在已經從蘇州發展到成都、重慶這些地區,非常快,我想過去可能改革開放三十年,我們經濟發展帶來的環境帳,好像我看報道說要還20年,所以說未來這個行業我們也特別看好。另外一個我非常看好的就是今天的主題--金融業。我們跟券商、社保都在談,希望能夠早一點看到中國房地產信托基金出來。剛才也在講盤活存量,那用什麼工具?昨天我的父母親還在問我,明天我們有一筆存款要到期了,你看有沒有比4%稍微高一點的利率產品,可以去買?我說沒有,我說你們還是去繼續存款,老人的風險偏好是很低的,今天我參加了這個論壇之後,我覺得可能會有更多的產品。英菲尼迪股權投資管理集團董事總經理 趙麗梅這是一個最壞的時代,也是一個最好的時代。大家都認識到現在的困難和挫折,包括這種下降的趨勢是肯定的,但是大家對於前景的預期還是看好的。中國的實體經濟現在發展是非常困難的,這個我們也深有體會,我們的投資人有一些是做傳統行業的,他們覺得這幾年是其經歷的最差的時代。在實體經濟困難的情況下,我們今年在探索困境企業重組。我們認為:第一,肯定現在是一個比較低的價位,如果是進去做的好,以後的獲利空間非常大;第二,把它救活,可能產生的社會效益,比你簡簡單單的投幾個早期的企業要大,甚至我個人不是很鼓勵像大學生創業這樣,因為大學生創業其實對個人的家庭和成功率來講,不是非常好的一種模式。上海紫輝投資基金管理合伙人 鄭剛 對於整個宏觀經濟,總體來講,從我個人來說,還是很樂觀的。在投資這一方面,早期我們也去投一些快速增長的,比較受經濟周期影響的行業,比如快速消費品、文化創意產業,現在的像移動、互聯網行業等。互聯網行業經過這兩年的發展,變化非常快。大家剛剛開始用微信,用手機聊天、上網,但是這個行業可能在未來的一年到一年半,整個行業裡面也是高手林立的。其實我特別想呼籲,我們政府在做行業政策的時候,能不能在移動互聯網裡面做一些規範。阿里巴巴、騰訊,這些企業其實已經都是外資公司了。我們國家不想他們去國外上市,但是實際上你採用這種不支持,結果就使他們變成國外的企業。每個企業都有天然的壯大和壟斷的動力,所以我們應該從反壟斷方面下工夫,這樣也有利於我們中小的移動互聯網的企業發展壯大。東吳證券資本市場部總經理 楊慶林按照我在實際接觸過程中的感受,實體經濟這一塊面臨的困難,比我們絕大部分人想象的都要嚴重得多。因此我對7.4到7.6的增長,我是比較偏悲觀一些。我們的經濟實際上就是現在我們要不要轉型,是一個短期利益和長期利益的問題。誰都不會懷疑中國明天會更好,但是現在短期是一個很麻煩的事。所以我對經濟在目前的增長率問題,我可能相對悲觀一些。因為我看到了大量的製造業的經濟狀況,不太好。你看他的投入,你看他這幾年的經營狀況,你看他是不是大幅度地增加人員,提高工資,從微觀看。另外,需要強調的是通過太陽能光伏行業的發展反應出一件事,對於我們自己不能決定自己命運,也沒有技術的行業,可能要很謹慎。東吳證券研究所所長、首席宏觀策略師 黃琳對宏觀經濟十二個字預期:預期轉暖、企穩回升、複蘇緩慢。中國政府在經濟增長和轉型之間尋找平衡,如果為了轉型,大幅下降經濟增長,那麼轉型是不成功的。今年上半年的宏觀經濟是非常悲觀的,一季度7.7的增長,到了二季度就變成了7.5,而去年的4季度是7.9的增長,都是0.2這樣的台階往下走。但是政府又看到了這樣一種危機,這時候又開始有些轉機,比如說7月16號的經濟分析,就是一個合理的區間。到了7月30號又把增長放在了第一位,穩增長,促轉型、重改革,政府又開始關注穩增長了。所以我認為政府的這種轉調,就給了市場一種預期,一種信心的預期。事實上政府的政策也是在落實這樣的轉調。通過一系列微型刺激而不是過去四萬億的刺激,一定會促使經濟轉暖、複蘇。但是由於我們在轉型,由於我們還有很多產能的過剩等等,經濟也不會大幅度上升,所以我說是緩慢的複蘇。迷你倉

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Source: Tulsa World, Okla.self storageAug. 18--Lawsuit filed to block AA, US Airways mergerThe U.S. Department of Justice wants to block the planned merger between American Airlines and US Airways, a move that threatens pay raises and stock distributions for Tulsa-area employees and could derail more than 20 months of bankruptcy reorganization.The Justice Department was joined by six states and the District of Columbia in filing a lawsuit Tuesday that says the merger could raise prices for consumers and eliminate competition on hundreds of daily flights throughout the country."The department sued to block this merger because it would eliminate competition between US Airways and American and put consumers at risk of higher prices and reduced service," said Bill Baer, assistant attorney general in charge of the department's Antitrust Division, in a statement."If this merger goes forward, even a small increase in the price of airline tickets, checked bags or flight change fees would result in hundreds of millions of dollars of harm to American consumers," he said. "Both airlines have stated they can succeed on a stand-alone basis and consumers deserve the benefit of that continuing competitive dynamic."The lawsuit threatens to upend the reorganization process by American Airlines parent AMR Corp., and disrupt the planned distribution of billions of dollars in stock in the future company owed to creditors, union members and shareholders.Reasor's to buy three Tulsa Food Pyramid storesThe owner of the Food Pyramid grocery chain is selling all of its five operating Tulsa stores, including three to Tahlequah-based Reasor's.Reasor's LLC will acquire the stores at 11214 E. 71st St., 3328 E. 51st St. and 3915 S. Peoria Ave., RPCS Inc. announced Wednesday. An unnamed national tenant is considering Food Pyramid's other sites at 4818 E. 80th St., 7990 E. 51st St., and the building at 10122 S. Memorial Drive, which closed last year.Springfield, Mo.-based RPCS bought the stores from Albertson's in July 2007 after that chain decided to exit the Tulsa market.Reasor's will be acquiring the Food Pyramid store on Peoria Avenue on or about Sept. 3, and the other two in early October, RPCS said in a news release. The Food Pyramid stores at 4818 E. 80th St. and 7990 E. 51st St. will close Sept. 3.With the acquisitions, Reasor's will have 20 grocery stores in northeastern Oklahoma. RPCS will keep its Food Pyramid stores in Cushing, Stillwater, Ponca City and Bartlesville.- Laurie Winslow, World Business WriterEmployee retires after 58 years with Tulsa WorldDonna Sue Pennick, the Tulsa World's longest-working employee, retired Thursday after 58 years and six weeks with the newspaper.Pennick said she waited until last week to retire because she wanted to outlast the previous record, which was set by the late Milton Bastel, who retired in 1999 after 58 years and five weeks."I wanted to beat the record," Pennick said.Pennick was only 19 when she joined Newspaper Printing Corp. on June 27, 1955, as an administrative clerk, earn迷你倉ng $55 a week. It was a time when tabulations were computed with pencil, paper and, occasionally, an adding machine, according to a 2005 Tulsa World story.Pennick said a friend at church had told her it was a good place to work, so she spoke to Messick McGill, who was the controller of the company, which handled the production activities for the Tulsa World and the now-defunct Tulsa Tribune.She was hired the next week.After the Tribune was bought out by the Tulsa World in 1992, Pennick remained payroll manager for World Publishing Co. until she resigned Jan. 31, 2006, and became a part-time accounting employee.- Laurie Winslow, World Business WriterOilfield conference boots up at Hard Rock TulsaDigital technology has made great leaps in the last decade, but its efficiencies have not been adopted at the same rate in the oil field.Experts in oil- and gas-field technology want to change that with better connectivity in remote areas and improved access to massive amounts of data and information, all to make the industry more productive.Those experts, as well as managers in oil and gas production, hoped to learn from each other at the Mid-Continent Digital Oilfield Conference, which was held last week at the Hard Rock Hotel & Casino Tulsa."We're hoping we can show ways to increase efficiencies," said Mindy Stitt, executive director of the Oklahoma Energy Resources Board, one of the conference organizers. "Anything we can do to help them, that's great."On Wednesday, presenters at the conference showed the technologies they have been developing to increase information coming from the oil field. Exhibitors also showed off the technologies and products they are developing to help producers.Shawn Cutter, founder of Fielding Systems, developed cloud-based systems that oil producers can use in the field. He said the general process for oil and gas producers regarding reporting and operating hasn't changed much, but technology can help make the industry more efficient.- Jerry Wofford, World Business WriterThe week in numbers9 Oklahoma's national ranking for wind energy potential. The state has almost 517,000 megawatts of possible wind energy and has contracts for electricity customers in four states.20 The number of Reasor's supermarkets in northeastern Oklahoma after the company announced the purchase of three Food Pyramid stores in Tulsa on Wednesday.22.1 Percent of all office space in the metro area that was vacant at June 30, down 0.5 percent from the end of 2012.Quotable"This case is nothing more than EPA arm twisting. The Washington bureaucrats at the EPA are pressing Obama's agenda, and they targeted one of Oklahoma's utilities to do it."- Oklahoma Corporation commissioner Patrice Douglas, after the commission voted 3-0 to dismiss AEP-PSO's case seeking pre-approval for future costs to comply with federal regulations on coal-fired power plants.Copyright: ___ (c)2013 Tulsa World (Tulsa, Okla.) Visit Tulsa World (Tulsa, Okla.) at .tulsaworld.com Distributed by MCT Information Services文件倉

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Source: Standard-Examiner, Ogden, UtahAug.mini storage 18--KAYSVILLE -- The atmosphere was more like a family reunion than a car show Saturday when about 150 Volkswagens and vintage bikes lined up at a Kaysville park.The event, believed to be the most well-attended air-cooled Volkswagen gathering in the state, was the eighth annual "No Show" VW and vintage-bicycle gathering and swap sponsored by the VeeDub Club of Northern Utah.There were no entry fees and no rules about where cars needed to be shown.Participants only were asked to fill out a paper stating who they were and the year of their Volkswagen."We didn't want the car-show feel," said Brian Thomson, of Kaysville, who organizes the event with his wife. "We wanted to hang out and play with bikes and cars."And play is what they did.Different events, like a small bike race with big kids, were held throughout the day.And those associated with the club gathered before and after the event to cruise to Brigham City in their cars for shakes and to barbecue together in the park.Thomson offered those who brought their cars homemade trophies designed to commemorate accomplishments in different categories, like those vehicles decorated only by nature over the years, to encourage all to participate."We wanted to give everyone the opportunity to come and show off a car, even though they didn't spend $100,000 on their car," Thomson said.Sponsor Blackline Racing was at the event to give away a $6,000, 114-horsepower Volkswagen engine equipped for racing.Owner Colton McAllister, 23, of South Ogden, said his business debuted its first race car at the event in 2009.He said he gained much support from those who visited his car there."We got so much response from it, we've been coming back ever since," he said, nothing that people from the show wself storagent to the Bonneville Salt Flats to see his car race."People from the club would follow us on our website and would follow our project," he said.Thomson pointed to Serge Bernardo, of Cottonwood Heights, as a fun member of his club.An employee of Delta Airlines and a frequent traveler, Bernardo posts pictures of Volkswagens from throughout the world onto the club's website as he travels.His wife, Mishele, said the trips are often totally centered around Volkswagens.Among their most noteworthy trips, she said, were to Wolfsburg, Germany, the birthplace of the Volkswagen Bug, and San Juan, Puerto Rico, where a museum hosts a private collection of hundreds of Volkswagens.Bernardo's twin, Gus Bernardo, of Farmington, also is a great enthusiast.Originally from Brazil, the brothers said they grew up with Volkswagens."They were the most simplest car ever built," Serge Bernardo said. "They were the most popular car ever made in the whole world. They kept them simple with exchangeable parts every year."Gus Bernardo said he's hoping to return to Brazil to purchase a Volkswagen bus and have it shipped home.Todd and Darla Rhodes, of Hooper, were there with their late-1960s car, which they describe as a dune buggy on a Volkswagen.Pinpointing a year their car was made was difficult, as Todd Rhodes said he patched it together with parts from many different years.The two drove their car to the event and then sat under a canopy as people came by to talk about their creation.They also enjoyed talking to others about their vehicles."When you do something yourself,' Todd Rhodes said, "you appreciate what other people have done."Copyright: ___ (c)2013 the Standard-Examiner (Ogden, Utah) Visit the Standard-Examiner (Ogden, Utah) at .standard.net Distributed by MCT Information Services迷你倉

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Building on burgeoning trade flows, Malaysian bank is opening offices on the mainland and linking with key companies such as AlibabaRegional banking group CIMB, which acquired key Asian assets of Royal Bank of Scotland last year, is targeting China for rapid business expansion outside its home market in Malaysia.自存倉In April last year, the Kuala Lumpur-based investment and consumer banking group agreed to pay US$140 million for some Asian assets of loss-making RBS, which was bailed out by the British government during the 2008 financial crisis.Now chief executive Nazir Razak is aiming to open new offices in China, with a view to expanding the group’s presence in the world’s No2 economy.“Malaysia has already become the third-biggest trading partner of China after Japan and South Korea, with annual bilateral trade volume generating more than US$100 billion,” Betty Zhao, the head of CIMB’s China investment banking unit, told the South China Morning Post.“We want to be part of the growth story and help bilateral trade grow further,” added Zhao, a former senior RBS banker in Hong Kong who decided to stay with CIMB following the CIMB-RBS deal last year.China is already the largest trading partner of the Association of Southeast Asian Nations, which includes most of the major economic powers in the region, such as Singapore, Malaysia and Indonesia.Zhao (pictured), a television producer-turned banker who led a number of major transactions during her days at JP Morgan and RBS in Asia, said CIMB recently won approval from China’s banking regulator to set up a branch in Shanghai, which would serve as an important platform for the bank to grow new clients and businesses in the country.Ahead of the prospective launch of its Shanghai branch, CIMB had already reache迷你倉新蒲崗 out to major mainland companies to help them expand business outside their home market, Zhao said.Earlier this month, CIMB and China’s biggest e-commence company Alibaba agreed to join forces to start an electronic payment service.The service will allow the bank’s Malaysian customers, many of whom are Malaysian Chinese who represent about 25 per cent of the country’s population, to use their credit cards to pay for their purchases on Taobao.com, the mainland’s No1 online store owned by Alibaba.Among the selling points of the service, CIMB said, were that it would enable customers to avoid foreign-exchange transaction losses and would come with free shipping for up to three months of its start-up date of August 15.The tie-up with Alibaba and the decision to open a Shanghai branch come after a visit to Beijing by Nazir.During the trip, the CIMB chief held closed-door meetings with top Chinese officials including Vice-Premier Ma Kai, who is now in charge of the mainland’s economic and financial affairs, and Shang Fulin, the chairman of the China Banking Regulatory Commission.He also met Jack Ma Yun, the founder and chairman of Alibaba.It was the first “courtesy visit” to top Chinese leaders for CIMB, and Vice-Premier Ma welcomed Nazir and his bank to do business in China, Zhao said.“The latest co-operation with Alibaba clearly shows CIMB’s active engagement with the mainland market and our old and new clients in China,” said Zhao, who accompanied Nazir during his trip to China.Nazir’s father was the second prime minister of Malaysia and his brother Najib is the country’s current prime minister.As part of its regional expansion drive, CIMB last month officially launched its institutional brokerage business in Taiwan after receiving regulatory approval.迷你倉出租

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水瓶座 01/20~02/18收入如常,迷你倉出租只是工作緊張,難得有時間休息,是日不要加班,輕鬆外出晚飯。雙魚座 02/19~03/20溝通運良好,有利娛樂及旅遊業務,客戶增加,交易額提高,旺勢持續至月底。白羊座 03/21~04/19本周有點無所事事,不妨利用公餘時間,研究旅遊資料,準備一家人出外度假。金牛座 04/20~05/20工作計畫很周詳,但環境未能配合,不急於進行,先做好人才訓練,打好基礎。雙子座 05/21~06/21面對辦公室政治,工作無緣無故延誤,你當上急先鋒,不過同事唱慢板,形勢不利。巨蟹座 06/22~07/22留意今早的交通情況,靈活改變路�,任何環境之下,你都要準時返回辦公儲存倉。獅子座 07/23~08/22事情已經過去了,沒有人知道你的秘密,這是一段生活小插曲,但不值得記憶。處女座 08/23~09/22事業要作好規劃,定下清晰的目標。財運一般,一分一毫得來不易,小心動用。天秤座 09/23~10/23壓力的星群走過了,沒完沒了的愛情糾纏,慢慢解脫,你有一段自由自主時間。天蠍座 10/24~11/21注意飲食和美容,宜少吃肉類,多吃水果,早餐豐富一點,晚餐不要過量吸收。人馬座 11/22~12/21由於星象的轉移,你對金錢和地位很重視,事業野心很大,希望馬上有所作為。山羊座 12/22~01/19生活趨平淡,工作不如往日般忙碌,為免低潮,如有大假在手,最好玩樂幾天。迷你倉沙田

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Underground architecture is becoming more and more popular in urban city centers as it often relieves bottleneck ground conditions caused by the conflict between pedestrians and vehicles.迷你倉新蒲崗 With less interference to the urban esthetics and noise pollution on ground level, underground spaces seem like an ideal solution to help resolve many of our society's problems. Imagine a high-density district like Causeway Bay, where the narrow streets pose significant danger to both pedestrians and drivers, particularly during rush hours. It creates an almost undesirable environment for shoppers, office works and tourists. However, if there was sufficient underground space, there wouldn't be such problems. Around the area, each commercial destination has its own underground shopping facilities, from Times Square to Hysan Place and Lee Garden as well as Sogo. These spaces remain mostly segmented and vaguely connected by MTR corridors. There is a huge potential to create more space from nodal networks. This may be achieved by a large complex catering for various programs, from retail, F&B and entertainment to institutional 迷你倉出租nd infrastructural needs. We have the opportunity to continuously push underground boundaries to not only improve the quality of life but to also open up more opportunities for the future. In the past five to 10 years, retail property prices have soared. Many small operators have been put out of business. Unable to keep up with the rising rents, both traditional businesses and young start-ups face immense pressure. If a large amount of underground retail space was available at prime locations, it would certainly help relieve the hostile property market and help small businesses to establish a stronger foothold. The downside is it requires early and detailed planning that affects the neighborhood in the short term as well as being quite expensive. The government intends to conduct studies to explore opportunities for such endeavors by the end of the year. Of course, it will have to undergo a thorough public consultation period to ensure all the parties involved are satisfied. Architectural critic Nicholas Ho and art historian Stephanie Poon don't always see eye to eye. nicholasho@hpahk.com, stephanie@cdd.com.hk 儲存倉

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【今日澳門訊】昨日澳門論壇上,新蒲崗迷你倉的士業界車主和司機團體代表均表示,不鼓勵的士司機在8號風球下開工。有市民就認為澳門政府應加強與內地口岸的溝通,向來澳旅客提供颱風期間公交停駛訊息,避免亂象發生。上周颱風尤特帶來的8號風球,使颱風下的交通問題再被關注,由於公共巴士、賭場巴士在8號風球下停駛,經關閘口岸蜂擁來澳的內地旅客在僧多粥少的情況下,擠在關閘的士站候車,也有海鮮價的士出現。可商議豁免租車費的士司機互助會理事長郭良順估計,8號風球期間,約有一成的士開工,即約百多部的士,他不同意的士司機在8號颱風下繼續開工,包括收取附加費,即使乘客mini storage動給予附加費,同樣是鼓勵司機開工冒險,希望大家以司機及乘客的安全為先。對於有的士司機反映在颱風下冒險開工,是希望抵銷當日的租車費用,交通運輸業總商會副理事長凌世威稱,懸掛風球的時間約半更車、租金約300元,他認為司機和車主可透過商議,豁免這段時間的租車費用。同時,他希望氣象部門提前公布8號風球懸掛的訊息,讓有需要上下班的市民、旅客提早做好出行準備。有女青年認為政府不鼓勵惡劣天氣下出行,是忽視實際需要,不少澳門市民在8號風球下仍然需要上班。有人就建議由公共巴士提供有限度服務,但也有反對聲音,指認為公共巴士司機在惡劣天氣下開工是冒險。self storage

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【本報綜合報道】據新華社、中央社、俄新網平壤十八日消息:據朝中社十八日報道,mini storage朝鮮祖國和平統一委員會發言人當天發表談話,同意韓方對今年中秋節舉行離散家屬見面的提議,同時建議二十二日就重啟金剛山旅遊舉行朝韓工作會談。朝鮮祖國和平統一委員會發言人表示,朝鮮同意韓方提議,以中秋節為契機,於九月十九日在金剛山舉辦離散家屬團聚活動,在這一天朝鮮家庭都會聚在一起共同祭祖。朝方同意二十三日舉行朝韓紅十字會工作會談,地點定為金剛山。根據韓方提議,當天雙方代表團會順便參觀活動場所,並商討如何利用場地等細節。該發言人還表示,朝鮮同意在朝韓發表《南北關係發展與和平繁榮宣言》紀念日即十月四日前後,舉行離散家屬視頻交流。該發言人同時提議於本月二十二日在金剛山舉行朝韓當局工作會談,磋商重啟金剛山旅遊的問題。雙方可就防止遊客被射殺事件重演、保障韓方人員self storage身安全、處理韓企在金剛山的財產等問題展開廣泛協商。該發言人表示,繼重啟開城工業園區後,若雙方還能協議重啟金剛山旅遊,將會是整個民族的又一喜訊。朝韓雙方應該為改善北南關係、開啟和平統一繁榮新局面而共同努力。據韓聯社報道,對於朝鮮上述提議,韓國政府當天表示,將在確定立場後正式予以公佈。《南北關係發展與和平繁榮宣言》是已故韓國前總統盧武鉉於二○○七年十月二至四日訪問平壤時,與已故朝鮮前領導人金正日舉行首腦會談後於四日發表的韓朝聯合聲明。其主要內容包括加強雙方在經濟、旅遊、人文交流等方面的合作,增進互信,緩和軍事緊張局面等。金剛山旅遊項目始於一九九八年十一月十八日,後來於二○○八年七月十一日一名韓國遊客在金剛山遭到韓鮮軍人射殺後,韓國政府決定中斷金剛山旅遊專案。二○一一年四月八日,朝鮮決定取消現代集團對金剛山旅遊專案的壟斷經營權。迷你倉

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