I agree with Yolanda Cheung that there are problems with the Hong Kong Diploma of Secondary Education (“Diploma too demanding of students”, August 30).儲存I understand the intentions behind the projects for liberal studies and school-based assessments. However, they cannot achieve their overall aim, because of the new senior secondary curriculum’s tight schedule.Teachers cannot finish all the teaching content in an academic year, resulting in extra lessons during holidays.Students do not even have time to rest, so how 新蒲崗迷你倉an they think about self-learning?They are forced to undertake these extensive projects and this reduces the incentive to do extra research which would give them a deeper understanding of the material. This discourages self-learning.Hong Kong students are sometimes accused of being passive and lacking creativity. They must be given more opportunities to develop their potential.The government had good intentions with the new curriculum, but it needs to keep reviewing the education system.Clare Leung Tsz-kwan, Shun Leemini storage
目前分類:未分類文章 (2760)
- Sep 06 Fri 2013 00:57
Students are facing too much pressure
- Sep 06 Fri 2013 00:09
Maryland to launch ad campaign for health insurance marketplace
Source: The Baltimore SunSept.存倉 04--Marylanders, with the help of a catchy jingle and the Baltimore Ravens, will urge residents to sign up for new health insurance coverage available through federal reforms in an advertising campaign launching this month, health officials said Tuesday.Television, radio, online and print ads featuring the faces and voices of state residents who plan to sign up for coverage will soon proliferate in the state, including in prime spots during Ravens broadcasts and eventually billboard and transit ads. Health officials are preparing to open the Maryland Health Connection, the state's new insurance marketplace, in less than a month.The marketing is key in getting more people insured and eventually lowering health care costs in Maryland, officials said. Lt. Gov. Anthony Brown, Rep. Elijah Cummings and health officials said they expected the ads to be an efficient and effective method to educate state residents about the opportunities in a way that grabs their attention and is understandable."Most people know there is major health reform going on," said Cummings, a Baltimore Democrat. "They do not know the details of signing up."The state is spending $2.5 million on the campaign through the end of 2014, and hopes to attract nearly 300,000 people to buy health insurance or sign up for expanded government coverage over that time.About 800,000 people are estimated to be without health insurance in the state, but starting Jan. 1 will be able to buy insurance through Maryland Health Connection, potentially qualifying for new subsidies or expanded Medicaid eligibility.In the television ads, some of those residents are featured. In researching Marylanders' perceptions of health reform, officials found that many were eager to take advantage of the changes and would be the best messengers, said Rebecca Pearce, executive director of the state's insurance exchange.Officials also opted to put the message in song because "people go to music when they want to feel comforted and at home," Pearce said."Get your coverage online; 迷你倉hat's peace of mind," the radio and TV jingle goes. "Gotta have it, gonna get it; convenience I love at MarylandHealthConnection.gov."At the website, state residents will be able to determine their eligibility for subsidies or Medicaid and shop for and compare health plans to be offered on the insurance exchange. The Maryland Health Connection opens for enrollment in health plans starting Oct. 1, for coverage that becomes effective Jan. 1, the date the health reform law takes effect.Through a partnership with the Ravens, the ads will be featured during pre-game coverage on WBAL-TV and game broadcasts on local radio, aired on WBAL and 98 Rock. Other partnerships with retailers like Giant and CVS will make information about insurance enrollment available across the state. The retailers will also hold informational events.Display ads will tell viewers messages like "$0 or low-cost health coverage is now within your reach" or "Finding health coverage is now a painless at-home procedure."Officials said while the ads don't specifically mention the Affordable Care Act, the federal health reform law passed in 2010, the important message is how residents can connect to more resources."We're going to speak directly to Marylanders," said Brown, a Democrat who is running for governor in 2014. "We want Marylanders to know these health plans will provide free preventative care," among other services.Cummings added that the campaign also could cut through confusion that could arise from efforts by Republicans in Congress to repeal the health reform law or cut its budget."It's one thing for Congress to create a law," Cummings said. "It's another thing for us to get the word out to the people when there are 40 votes in the Congress to destroy it."Republicans, including Rep. Andy Harris of the Eastern Shore, have argued the law will lead to higher prices and fewer choices for consumers.sdance@baltsun.comtwitter.com/ssdanceCopyright: ___ (c)2013 The Baltimore Sun Visit The Baltimore Sun at .baltimoresun.com Distributed by MCT Information Services自存倉
- Sep 05 Thu 2013 20:47
本報記者 孫燕 本報通訊員 嚴全盛 告別了火燒火燎的八月,自存倉大家無比期盼的中秋小長假和國慶長假,終於踏著點近了。接踵而至的假期,讓很多人早就蠢蠢欲動了。網友們紛紛貼出了中秋國慶請假攻略,超強攻略莫過於請11天假可連休24天,這讓小伙伴們都驚呆了。但對於大多數上班族來說,想請這麼多天實屬不易。按照正常假期,中秋小長假將從9月19日開始至21日,共3天,國慶長假將從10月1日至7日,共7天。 針對“兩節”的汽車票即將發售。而中秋節的火車票,網上、電話、代售點已經開始發售,但車站目前還只售3天內的車票。國慶節的火車票,按照現在的預售期,網絡和電話的預售期為20天(含當天),代售點為18天(含當天),所以目前還不能購買。 需要特別提醒的是,今年中秋小長假期間,高速公路不實行小車免費通行政策。 汽車票預售期延至16天 各高校社區有上門售票 原來汽車票的預售期為5天,隨著中秋、國慶假期的臨近,杭州長運將預售票時間延長到16天。也就是說,從9月6日起,大家就可以買到9月21日前的中秋假期的汽車票。 以此類推,10月1日國慶節汽車票,9月16日可買,10月7日的汽車票,9月22日可買。10月8日的汽車票,將恢複5天預售。 杭州長運預估客流高峰將會出現在9月19日和10月1日,所以準備了加班運力6500余個。 另外,為方便廣大師生和各社區市民購票,杭州長運在“雙節”之前將到杭州各大中專院校和社區進行上門售票,有需要的學校可與杭州長運旅客服務中心(24小時服務熱線:86046666)或四大車站業務室(客運中心站87650659、汽車南站86064712、汽車西站87161572、汽車北站88097359)聯繫。 目前上門售票時間已經排定的有:9月14至16日,旅客服務中心將前往杭州電子科技大學、杭州師範大學、浙江財經大學等院校進行上門售票;9月15日、26日、27日,汽車北站將前往浙江大學進行上門售票;9月10日至13日、16日,客運中心站將前往蕭山高教園區的旅遊、同濟、建設學院和下沙高教園區的金融、經貿、理工、杭職、工商大學等院校進行上門售票。 需要提醒的是,有攜帶1.2米及以下免票兒童的旅客務必向售票員說明情況,購買特票,迷你倉新蒲崗票兒童即身高低於1.2 米的兒童,客車不提供座位。按有關規定,一輛客車的免票兒童數量須控制在車輛核定人數的10%以內,超出的只能搭乘下一趟班車或購買半票。身高為1.2米至1.5米的兒童請購買“半票”,客車提供座位。 中秋火車票上周末已開售 國慶期間火車票或不太好買 按照現在的火車票預售期,通過網絡和電話訂票能買到20天內的車票,代售點能買到18天內的車票,杭州各車站能買到3天內的火車票。因此上周末,中秋節的火車票已經開始發售。 昨天,鐵路杭州站的工作人員告訴記者,雖然中秋節的火車票已經銷售了數日,但是各個方向的車票還都是很充裕的。記者昨天也上網查了查,以往節假日銷售火爆的杭州到廈門的動車,目前還有不少余票,包括回程的車票也非常富餘。前段時間,剛剛開通的寧杭、杭甬高鐵,中秋節前後兩天的車票,除部分時間點比較好的車次車票已銷售一空外,大部分車次還有餘票。如果不挑車次,買票應該不成問題。 十一國慶長假有7天,而且今年新開通了不少高鐵動車線路,激發了大家出游的熱情。鐵路部門估計國慶節期間的火車票會不太好買。從以往來看,十一國慶長假剛開始,杭州前往北京、西安、廈門、武昌、福州等方向車票比較緊俏,需要第一時間上網或電話預定,節日中間幾天,這些方向還是會有餘票的。從客流流向上看,主要集中流向京津、陝甘寧、福建、湖北等方向,客流集中在北京、西安、廈門、福州、武昌等站。 另外,長三角地區的高鐵動車網絡構架已基本形成,節日中間幾天,長三角地區的短途客流會集中出現,特別是沿海鐵路線,暑運期間的每個周末車票都很緊俏,隨買隨走幾乎不可能。參照今年暑運客流,增長最快的前三位地區,分別是南京地區,與去年同期相比增長242.2%;沿海地區,與去年同期相比增長63.3%;蚌埠地區,與去年同期相比增長40.9%。所以,大家還是需要提早購買高鐵動車車票。 現在,很多旅客都會選擇網絡購票、電話訂票,但是很多旅客都是要到臨開車前才去取票,容易造成乘車前取票擁堵。所以,鐵路杭州站建議,旅客網購車票後,最好能盡早就近取票。 針對客流高峰,屆時,鐵路部門會開出臨客,盡可能滿足大家需要。大家不妨可以關注上海鐵路局新浪的官方微博@上鐵資訊,及時瞭解鐵路方面的動態信息。迷你倉出租
- Sep 05 Thu 2013 20:05
- Sep 05 Thu 2013 19:48
信息來源於四川新聞網 / Cited from .newssc.org/瀘山山門。 本報記者何勤華攝這段時間,迷你倉不斷有讀者向本報反映在西昌邛海瀘山景區旅遊時的困惑:以前乘公交車可以上瀘山,而現在這趟車沒有了,對遊客來說極為不便。瀘山是涼山州的著名景點,上山的公交車是否停運?有沒有其他方式方便遊客上山?9月1日,記者進行了調查。□本報記者 何勤華 王雲公交已停運2年?據瞭解,讀者所說的上瀘山的公交車為202路,起點站為瀘山山門附近的邛海賓館,終點站為光福寺,線路長3.8公里。記者來到瀘山山門,一會兒就找到了202路公交車的提示牌,但被一張張小廣告貼滿了,幾乎看不到內容。一位小販在提示牌前兜售礦泉水、帽子等。“上山已經沒有公交車了。”這位小販告訴記者,公交車大概已經停運兩年了,但不知原因。羅英是西昌本地人,基本每個周末都要爬瀘山。她認為,公交車停運後,給沒有私家車的遊客上山帶來了不便,“希望恢複這趟公交車。”索道也是上瀘山的一種方式,但選擇乘坐的人非常少。遊客普遍認為,花35元坐上山不劃算,價格貴,時間短,路上的景色也一般。山門外“黑車”多“要不要坐車上山?”8月29日中午,瀘山山門,遊客楊建中和朋友剛走到這裡,就有人圍過來問。公交車的停運,讓非法營運者有了生存空間。記者近期採訪發現,瀘山山門附近有多輛非法營運的轎車、麵包車和摩托車在等客,只要看到有人想上山,他們就來拉客,上山的價格為每人5元。“上山難走。”見楊建中有些猶豫,非法營運者不斷游儲存倉。最後,楊建中和朋友坐上了車。對於這些非法營運的車輛,道路運輸主管部門有沒有打擊、規範?“公交車停運後,非法營運車輛進入這條線路,運輸主管部門已注意到該情況。”西昌市公路運輸管理所所長周勇告訴記者,運輸主管部門對非法營運的打擊力度歷來都大,每周會將查獲的非法營運車輛信息在當地媒體進行曝光。但全市範圍大,執法力量有限,執法重點主要在火車站、汽車站等地,目前並沒有專門針對瀘山附近的非法營運行為進行打擊。執法取證難、處理難也困擾著運輸主管部門。如何從根源打擊非法營運?周勇稱,自己曾通過網絡向國家安全生產監督管理總局、國家交通運輸部等部門提出建議,建議對非法營運者嚴厲處罰,如運管部門查獲非法營運,應吊銷非法營運者的駕駛證,3-5年不准申辦。此外,在涼山州“兩會”上,周勇還通過西昌市的代表團提出建議。公交僅在節假日開行和羅英一樣,多名市民在接受記者採訪時都希望公交公司能恢複這條線路。對此,公交公司如何回應?西昌市公交公司一位負責人告訴記者,202路公交車目前並不是停運,而是僅在節假日開行。這是因為平時的客流量有限。這位負責人說,原來開行的202路公交車,受非法營運車輛搶客源的影響,有時一班車僅有一兩名乘客,造成營運虧損,因此公司將其運行時間調整為節假日。此外,由於私家車增多,原本就不寬敞的光福寺終點站劃定了許多停車位,使202路公交車在終點站時很難調頭,存在安全隱患。但該負責人同時也表示,今後將根據客流量,結合景區規劃,在適當時候對公交線路作出調整。迷你倉價錢
- Sep 05 Thu 2013 19:46
有逾六百年歷史的黃大仙衙前圍村即將清拆,迷你倉幸獲保留的「圍村三寶」門樓、「慶有餘」牌匾及天后宮終獲「名份」,連同村內的吳氏宗祠,最新獲建議評為三級歷史建築。古�辦專家小組同時將位於元朗舊墟的十三幢建築物,分別建議評為二級及三級,為稱之「滿清一條街」的長盛街、利益街和酒街更添上歷史味道,歷史建築數目增至二十七幢。 最新獲建議評級的「古�」,還包括多幢建於戰前的私人建築,其中位於中環威靈頓街九十九F號的唐樓,以鴨寮街九十六號,均被建議評為二級,而市值逾七千萬的旺角廣東道一一六六及一一六八號相連唐樓,則被建議為三級。 不過,古�辦專家小組拒絕為九龍城碼頭的客輪碼頭、汽車渡輪碼頭及馬文件倉角公眾碼頭,以及灣仔的分域碼頭,給予任何評級。前調景嶺警署擬變風物館 另外,西貢區議會重點項目基金將「兵分兩路」,除了擬議重建西貢橋嘴碼頭,並構思設立將軍澳歷史風物資料館和文物行山徑,透過改裝前調景嶺警署作資料館,介紹將軍澳清代茅湖山觀測台、加拿大籍麵粉廠東主、調景嶺寮屋區的人文生活足�到拆遷過程,和將軍澳新市鎮開發的歷史,涉資約四千九百萬元,料最快二○一五年完成。 擬建資料館將由前調景嶺警署以及旁邊兩間小屋活化而成,警署本身是將軍澳歷史的重要部分,亦處於一級歷史建築茅湖山觀測台附近。西貢民政事務處亦建議連接資料館至鴨仔山,途中有五至六個歷史景點,供遊人用半天時間認識將軍澳歷史。存倉
- Sep 05 Thu 2013 19:28
BRIEF: County lands 'trifecta' of Florida travel industry events
Source: The Palm Beach Post, Fla.存倉Sept. 04--The Convention and Visitors Bureau has landed the "trifecta" of Florida travel industry events for Palm Beach County in the next year.It makes sense to get travel agents and meeting planners to hold their industry meetings in Palm Beach County, CVB Global Sales Senior VP Doug McLain explained. When travel industry people are impressed with a place,迷你倉well, they are more likely to send people there. McLain is excited about landing the "trifecta" of Florida travel events, he told the CVB executive committee when it met recently at the Boca Raton Resort.Copyright: ___ (c)2013 The Palm Beach Post (West Palm Beach, Fla.) Visit The Palm Beach Post (West Palm Beach, Fla.) at .palmbeachpost.com Distributed by MCT Information Services自存倉
- Sep 05 Thu 2013 19:10
近年澳門致力建設成為世界旅遊休閒中心,迷你倉出租訪澳旅客不斷增加,國際品牌紛紛駐澳,各類型的展覽及推廣活動便應運而生,帶動會展業呈現良好的發展勢頭。若要在這高度競爭的環境中脫穎而出、達到實際效益,活動的策劃及管理都是重要元素。有見及此,澳門生產力?科技轉移中心秉承為本澳培育人材的精神,積極籌備與海外專業人士及機構合作開辦相關課程。本年11月,中心將與香港職業訓練局合辦“活動策劃”課程,旨在讓學員瞭解活動管理的基本知識,以及舉辦特別活迷你倉或進行企業營銷技巧,同時利用創意將活動管理的原則和做法應用在特別活動的設計和執行當中,啟發學員的思維和行為,成為活動管理專家。該課程適合活動從業員、協調人員、經理、營銷與業務主管及有志在活動管理行業發展的人士報讀,有助學員瞭解活動在品牌建立、客戶管理、深化客戶認識、擴闊商機、銷售及商業發展等方面的重要性。如欲瞭解課程內容,可瀏覽網址:.cpttm.org.mo/training或致電(853)2878 1313查詢詳情。談婉怡儲存倉
- Sep 05 Thu 2013 18:55
digitalpaper.stdaily.com/http_.kjrb.com/kjrb/html/2013-09/05/content_222531.htm?div=-1...科技日報訊 (寧利勇)為保護和恢複圍場珍貴的濕地資源,保護濕地生物多樣性,維護濕地強大的生態功能,河北圍場滿族蒙古族自治縣...self storage
- Sep 04 Wed 2013 20:46
(布城2日訊)首相拿督斯里納吉表示,<b><A href='http://www.kfstorage.com/contacts.php' title='存倉'><span style='color:blue;'>存倉</span></A></b>合理化津貼將逐步落實,但政府無意加重人民負擔,也會擴大社會安全網,詳細的財政措施則會在2014年財政預算案中宣佈。保持經常賬盈餘另一方面,為了保持政府經常賬盈餘,納吉也宣佈將重新調整那些低效能、又高進口成份的工程計劃,不過涉及民眾利益的捷運工程計劃,不會受到影響。他今日在首相署召開新聞發佈會說:“我們不是取消有關計劃,而是重新研究,那些高效且低進口成份的計劃,在不影響經濟的情況下,將優先獲得關注,而捷運1、2、3線工程會按計劃進行。”無論如何,納吉沒有透露哪些大型政府工程步伐將放緩。政府曾在1997年經濟風暴時,宣佈取消一些大型工程。至於馬新高速火車計劃,納吉指目前馬新兩國還處於協商階段,大馬政府至今還未針對落實工程擬出時間表。“我們還需要和新加坡討論,一些技術問題待研究,會在完成商討後公佈。”無法控制外匯率下挫此外,詢及馬幣對外匯率下挫,納吉指這反映了外圍經濟的狀況,大馬無法全面控制,不過國家銀行已密切關注,他深信馬幣匯率最終仍要看回國內經濟的基本面。另一方面,納吉希望昨天在大學報到就讀的學生能夠感恩,並且時時刻刻愛護宗教、種族和國家。他在一個大馬部落格帖文指出,我國取得的進步並非一朝一夕,而是來自1957年以來政府領袖的不斷努力。“因此,讓我們同心協力,把馬來西亞帶上更高峰。”消費稅課題列預算案進一步削減財赤隨著政府宣佈將逐步合理化津貼<b><A href='http://www.kfstorage.com' title='迷你倉'><span style='color:blue;'>迷你倉</span></A></b>消費稅也成了關注課題,但納吉僅表示,任何有關消費稅的課題,將成為2014年財政預算案的一部份。他也表示,今天的宣佈也清楚反映政府要在2015年將赤字進一步削減到3%的決心,同時也給予外界信心,證明政府有決心鞏固和改善現有的財政狀況。他說,政府希望在2020年達成財政收支平衡。政府連年出現財政赤字且債務高企,評級機構惠譽已將大馬經濟前景評級調降至負面。針對中長期措施,納吉說,政府將尋找管道增加我國的競爭力,和多元化出口。至於作為賺取外匯的旅遊業,會被政府列為重點項目,特別是2014旅遊大馬年。燃油起價為改善財政“反對黨料政治化課題”此外,納吉說,他已預計反對黨將政治化燃油起價課題,但強調,此課題若不處理,將為國家未來帶來沉重的負擔。他解釋,燃油起價不僅是解決現有經濟問題和改善政府財政狀況,也是進一步鞏固公共財政中長期措施之一,而他主導的財政政策理事會將不時跟進經濟發展和政府財政狀況。“我知道反對黨會政治化這個課題,但我必須強調,這不是政治課題,如果我們沒有好好克服,會對大馬帶來負面影響。”首相今早主持財政政策理事會會議後,傍晚在首相署召開新聞發佈會,宣佈Ron95汽油和柴油起價。出席新聞發佈會者包括第二財長拿督斯里胡斯尼、首相署部長拿督斯里阿都華希及財政部秘書長丹斯里依瓦蘭。至於出席財政政策理事會會議者,則包括副首相丹斯里慕尤丁、政府首席秘書丹斯里阿里韓沙、國行總裁丹斯里潔蒂等。;<b><A href='http://www.kfstorage.com' title='自存倉'><span style='color:blue;'>自存倉</span></A></b>
- Sep 04 Wed 2013 20:46
南寧訊 日前,<b><A href='http://www.kfstorage.com' title='迷你倉'><span style='color:blue;'>迷你倉</span></A></b>2013中國·三江“鬥牛”民俗文化研討會在南寧舉辦。會上透露,10月1日-5日,2013中國·三江國際“鬥牛節”將在三江侗族自治縣舉辦,屆時,來自全國及東盟的近百頭頂級 名牛將前來參賽,爭奪“牛王”稱號,廣大觀�可享受到場面宏大、刺激而又驚心動魄的東方鬥牛文化大餐。如何將三江的鬥牛節名聲打響?怎樣把鬥牛發展成為聯賽競技娛樂項目?如何通過<b><A href='http://www.kfstorage.com' title='儲存倉'><span style='color:blue;'>儲存倉</span></A></b>牛拉動三江的旅遊文化產業?……這些都是三江“鬥牛”民俗文化研討會上探討的內容。此外,引導廣大遊客“留下來”,白天看鬥牛、賞景區,晚上觀《坐夜》演出等,也是本次研討會所要探討的問題。據介紹,國慶黃金周期間,三江還同時舉辦第十屆中國(柳州·三江)侗族多耶節,古縣城里東門招親、湘黔桂三省區千人蘆笙賽、神秘夜郎文化等,都會令廣大遊客大開眼界。 (秦桂媛)<b><A href='http://www.kfstorage.com/prices.php' title='迷你倉價錢'><span style='color:blue;'>迷你倉價錢</span></A></b>
- Sep 01 Sun 2013 16:59
T-shirt vendors relieved University of Oregon changed direction on apparel deal
Source: The Oregonian, Portland, Ore.mini storageAug. 30--After the University of Oregon reversed itself and announced Thursday that it would not change its process of selecting apparel and headwear trademark licensing partners, Rick Lieberson allowed himself to dream.Lieberson, owner of Canby-based T Line Design, Inc., has been fighting the UO's plan since it was announced in June.The university's request for proposal set a minimum threshold of $500,000 in royalties to be paid annually to the university for any individual partner. It would take about $5 million in wholesale sales to reach that level of royalties, effectively cutting out small vendors.No such targets previously had been set and small business owners such as Lieberson and John Henzie of Triangle Graphics in Eugene accused the university of squeezing them out in favor so it could partner instead with a large company in an effort to expand the university's brand nationally.School officials never disputed that characterization. A consultant's report recommended as much, asserting the university could streamline the number of apparel and headwear licensee's it deals with (now more than 100) and increase revenue in the process.Henzie said the consultant was wrong, basing the recommendation on the experience of universities in regions are more populated than Oregon.Regardless, the university took a 180-degree turn on the plan Thursday.Lieberson would like to believe the university dropped the plan for altruistic reasons."I would like to think they looked into their hearts, put profit margin aside and put the value of keeping the University of Oregon licensees here in Oregon," he said, "keeping the jobs in Oregon and keeping the creativity here in Oregon where it should be."Lieberson conceded such a view is "naive to think that they weren't feeling some pressure from Salem."At least two legislators, state Sen. Alan Olsen, R-Canby, and state Rep. Bill Kennemer, R-Oregon City, had raised questions with the university over the proposed changes."A bunch of us...thought it was notself storagea very Oregonian ting for the university to eliminate our local apparel people throughout the state," said Kennemer, who district includes T Line Design.Kennemer acknowledged the UO's contention that it probably could make more money with the new licensing plan."They may have been able to get more money," he said. "But you know, when Oregonians stick together, community is more valuable than revenue."There were 23 proposals submitted under the new proposed guidelines and "a number of them" said they would be capable of meeting the $500,000 royalty minimum, said Matt Dyste, the university's director of marketing and brand management. He declined to say how many, although he said it was fewer than 10.The request also required respondents to show how their proposals would involve and work with Oregon businesses.During the request process, the university, under pressure from state legislators, said the $500,000 threshold would not be a minimum for all submissions.Dyste declined to speculate about whether the university might revive the process later.The university request for proposals did not extend to other vendor agreements for novelty products such as decals, car flags, sunglasses and other non-apparel merchandise bearing university trademarks.It specifically did not apply to Nike, either. The Oregon-based sports equipment company has a separate apparel deal with the UO athletic department. However, school officials had said Nike was welcome to apply to for the apparel and headwear deal, too.The proposed changes would have taken effect in July of next year.UO licensing revenue has increased more than 155 percent since 2009 and is expected to exceed $3.5 million this year.There is one significant change that took effect this fiscal year for trademark licensees: The royalty percentage they have to pay the university has increased from 10 to 12 percent.-- Allan BrettmanCopyright: ___ (c)2013 The Oregonian (Portland, Ore.) Visit The Oregonian (Portland, Ore.) at .oregonian.com Distributed by MCT Information Services迷你倉
- Aug 31 Sat 2013 18:47
Albany NY
Source: Times Union, Albany, N.迷你倉出租Y.Aug. 30--GREENPORT -- The million or so saltwater fish at the now-closed Local Ocean fishery on Route 9 outside of Hudson could be making their way to the Boston area -- or perhaps staying put.Greenport Town Supervisor John Porreca said Friday that the new owner of the property, a Long Island real estate developer, is talking to fish businesses in both Virginia and New Bedford, Mass. about buying the fish or taking over the operation."He is looking at the larger distributors first and from that point any others that may want to purchase these fish," Porreca said.The property owner, Michael Spielman, could not immediately be reached for comment Friday.Previously, a fish company in Martinsville, Va., called Blue Ridge Aquaculture had expressed interest in possibly taking over the operation, although officials were not available for comment Friday.Located south of Boston on Buzzards Bay, New Bedford is the largest commercial fishing port in the United States. A prominent company there called OceansFleet Fisheries operates a large wholesale fish market called Fisherman's Market and has a 70,000 square-foot seafood processing plant there that includes freezer space that can handle up to 1 million pounds of fish.Officials from OceansFleet could not immediately be reached for comment to discuss if they had been contacted by Spielman or anyone else affiliated with Local Ocean.On Friday, a pers迷你倉n who was working at the Local Ocean fishery but declined to give his name said he was hopeful that the farm might somehow be saved and kept in operation.Once one of the region's most promising businesses, Local Ocean was started by a group of Israeli and Mexican businessmen with fishery technology that came out of an Israeli university. The company, originally based out of New York City, built its indoor fish farm in Greenport outside of Hudson in 2009. Investors put at least $13 million in the company, which also received government subsidies.Fancy restaurants and supermarkets such as Wegmans and Price Chopper bought its fresh saltwater fish, which were raised in Greenport in 150 special tanks.However, earlier in the month, the company quietly shut down. Spielman, who had originally sold the property to the company's owners, recently re-acquired the property in his own foreclosure sale since he had kept the mortgage. Company investors have referred questions to Spielman as well about the future of the fish.Spielman's attorney, who was out of town on Friday, has said that his client would work to find someone to buy the fish and would keep them alive as long as he could, even at significant cost to himself.lrulison@timesunion.com, 518-454-5504, @larryrulisonCopyright: ___ (c)2013 the Times Union (Albany, N.Y.) Visit the Times Union (Albany, N.Y.) at .timesunion.com Distributed by MCT Information Services儲存倉
- Aug 31 Sat 2013 18:34
刺探華戰機 美情報多盲點 斯諾登密檔揭黑箱預算 華府網戰升級
《華盛頓郵報》前日再披露美國中情局(CIA)前職員斯諾登提供的機密文件,存倉指出美國情報機關本財年編制多達526億美元(約4,079億港元)的「黑箱預算」,用作收集情報。文件又顯示美國近年針對外國電腦系統加強網絡攻擊力度,更將中國、俄羅斯、伊朗、古巴,甚至盟友以色列作為反間諜工作的「戰略重點」,並承認對華新一代戰機的刺探是情報盲點。 斯諾登提供的預算報告文件顯示,美國16個情報機關僱員約10.7萬人,本財年預算較2001年估計預算倍增,1/4預算用於反恐,1/3花在人事經費。各情報機關中,中情局地位最高,申請預算達147億美元(約1,140億港元),佔總數28%,較排第二的國家安全局(NSA)多一半,負責設計、組裝並發射偵察衛星的國家偵測局(NRO)排第三。「中俄政府網最難入侵」 雖然情報機關耗費巨額資源,但官員承認在收集情報上,仍存在不少因為網絡難以入侵而造成的盲點。50項重大盲點中,朝鮮佔了5個,是「最不透明」的國家,情報人員承認對領導人金正恩的意圖一無所知,亦不了解朝鮮的導彈和核計劃。 文件形容伊朗、中國及俄羅斯的政府網絡最難入侵,令情報人員無法掌握中國新一代戰機(殲-20等)的能力、俄羅斯如何應對莫斯科爆發大型示威、巴基斯坦核武安全,以及世界各地的生化武器情報等。22億向網企收買情報 另一項重大盲點,是情報機關無法預防本土恐怖分子發動襲擊。《華郵》批評,儘管美國情報體迷你倉近年來打造巨型情報收集網絡,卻未能針對一系列美國國土安全威脅提前提供有效情報,無法阻止今年4月波士頓馬拉松恐襲。 文件又顯示,情報機關高度依賴和重視高科技情報監控手段,且依賴程度不斷加重。如國安局擬斥資4,860萬美元(約3.77億港元)研發資訊過盛的解決辦法,應對近年情報量增長太快的問題。中情局和國安局近年加強實施新網絡攻擊行動,旨在非法入侵外國電腦系統竊取情報或刻意破壞。 國安局為透過Google、雅虎、微軟和facebook等科技企業獲得監控情報,每年向企業提供數以億計美元的補助。《華郵》指出,這項官商合作計劃隸屬國安局「特別資源行動組」,本財年預算為2.78億美元(約21.6億港元),在前年高峰時開支更高達3.94億美元(約30.6億港元)。懂中文CIA職員 獲額外津貼 撥款資料亦顯示,中情局會額外津貼懂得個別外語的職員,對象包括中文、俄語、阿拉伯語等,其中西班牙語人數最多,達2,725人,中文排第3,有903人。 報道估計,「911」襲擊後,美國累計花費5,000億美元(約3.88萬億港元)情報費用,但今次是外界首次得知各個情報機關如何分配經費,以及能否落實總統和國會定下的目標。這份預算報告共178頁,原本是政府官員於去年2月提交予參眾兩院情報委員會用作預算審批,《華郵》諮詢當局後,以安全為由僅公開其中17頁。 ■《華盛頓郵報》/綜合外電消息/《基督教科學箴言報自存倉
- Aug 31 Sat 2013 18:01
Syrian conflict a worry and a puzzle to many
Source: The Philadelphia InquirerAug.迷你倉 30--Asked to explain the roots of the Syrian conflict or identify the warring factions or venture an opinion on how to respond to chemical attacks on civilians there, Douglas Jordan had the same reaction that many Philadelphians do."I understand that Syria is declaring war on their own people, but I don't know why," Jordan said. The 51-year-old unemployed security guard has watched CNN, read news reports, and tried to keep informed, but he cannot quite grasp the geopolitics in the distant nation. "Isn't Syria an ally? . . . The American people don't want to start another situation like Iraq. But personally, I don't know how I feel."There is no shame in admitting that it is difficult to understand what is going on in Syria and what, if anything, the United States should do about it."When people see corpses laid out on the ground, it is usually sandwiched between a story about a local shooting at night in Philadelphia, the weather forecast, and a sports report," said Marwan M. Kraidy, a professor at the Annenberg School for Communication at the University of Pennsylvania."How much context do they get?" A few soundbites, with perhaps a voice-over from a local news anchor with some footage?" Kraidy said. "Even experts debate what is going on."A scholar of global communication and an expert on Arab media and politics, Kraidy said the situation in the Middle Eastern nation was so fluid and complex, that it was no wonder people were flummoxed.Few news outlets can afford to send experienced journalists who speak Arabic to the region to issue first-person reports, he said, so much of the information comes from unidentified sources.Furthermore, Kraidy said, the various factions cannot be neatly divided into good and bad."The opposition is a very opaque" and has splintered into myriad pieces, he said. "By some counts, there are more than 100 militia groups, a few secular, some extremist, all violent."However confounding the situation may be, the public is being asked to form an opinion.Because now, horrific photos and videos are circulating, showing dead women and children said to have been poisoned by sarin gas, in attacks allegedly authorized by Syrian President Bashar al-Assad.And President Obama, along with other world leaders, is seeking support for some kind of military intervention."I wasn't paying much attention until I heard a BBC report about chemical-weapon use," said Colin Fish, a former Air Force staff sergeant. Fish, 26, now a student at Drexel University, served in Afghanistan, Kuwait, the United Arab Emirates, Saudi Arabia, and Qatar. Yet he, too, has had trouble following the news."Who is doing what to whom and why? I don't have an answer," he said. "I don't think the U自存倉S. should push its agenda on anyone else. But should we get involved? If it's for political purposes, then no. If it's for human-rights violations, then yes."Then again, he said, maybe not."Bombing may cause more problems than we are prepared for," he said. "But it could also disable the regime enough."Fish says his problem is trusting the American government's assurances that chemical weapons have really been used."In Afghanistan," Fish said, "civilians didn't trust anyone."Americans, he said, are similarly wary, after believing the Bush administration's claims that it had proof of Saddam Hussein's weapons of mass destruction in Iraq. Fish says he sees no reason to believe that Obama's administration is any more trustworthy."The well of public opinion has been well and truly poisoned by the Iraq episode," British Prime Minister David Cameron said Thursday during a stormy debate in Parliament."Once bitten, twice shy," said Kraidy, listing questions he had heard Americans raise."People are jaded that suddenly, now we care about Syrian lives. Why should we care if hundreds are killed with chemical weapons as opposed to thousands killed by missiles falling from airplanes? Why care about the dead in Syria and not elsewhere? Why do we call some Middle Eastern leaders allies, even when they are as repressive as others, who we don't?"Lacking solid understanding of the conflict, Kraidy said, people tend to base their views on political allegiances and ideologies."I've seen the photos and videos of all the bodies of children. It's gut-wrenching," said Linda Pillion, who works in business development for an insurance company in Center City. Assad, she said, "can't get away with this. We can't let chemical weapons be used."If Obama decides intervention is necessary, Pillion said, "we have to support him. I trust him to make the right decision."Hector Colon and Jill Reifinger are not so sure.Colon, 32, and Reifinger, 26, hairstylists at a small salon, were discussing Syria during a coffee break."What is the reason we are attacking?" Reifinger asked."I really don't know," Colon said."Did the rebels come to us asking for help? Or did we just step in? You want to help when you see someone in danger," Reifinger said. "But are we ready to deal with the repercussions?"Colon, whose boyfriend served in the Marines, said he had been struggling to form an opinion. The only thing he is sure of, he said, is that the public is not being fully informed.The government, he said, "they're always keeping secrets."Contact Melissa Dribben at 215-854-2590,r mdribben@phillynews.com, or @dribbenonphilly.Copyright: ___ (c)2013 The Philadelphia Inquirer Visit The Philadelphia Inquirer at .philly.com Distributed by MCT Information Services迷你倉新蒲崗
- Aug 31 Sat 2013 17:48
Camden residents turn out in high numbers to oppose zone change for alcohol rehab center
Source: Bangor Daily News, MaineAug.迷你倉價錢 30--CAMDEN, Maine -- Opponents clearly outnumbered supporters Thursday night at a public hearing held by the Camden Planning Board for a change to zoning law that would allow a high-end private residential alcohol treatment clinic to open at the Fox Hill estate.The turnout for the meeting was so large that the town fire chief contacted the town planner during the meeting to inform him that the capacity of the room was being exceeded. The planning board acknowledged the warning and continued with the meeting.Resident Donald Abbott of Bay View Street said that the neighborhood where the clinic is proposed is a wonderful one where people walk and speak to each other."To breach the zoning would be a travesty," Abbott said.Resident Parker Laite echoed those comments, saying that if the zoning is changed to accommodate the treatment center, other properties could seek such a special exception."We're getting on a slippery slope," Laite said.Fox Hill Real Estate, LLC filed a request with the town in July for an amendment to the town's zoning ordinance to allow the Fox Hill property at 235 Bay View St. to be used for the clinic. Fox Hill would lease the property to MacLean Hospital, the largest psychiatric affiliate of Harvard Medical School. MacLean would then operate a 12-bed inpatient alcohol rehab center where patients would spend a month on treatment.Representatives from MacLean sought to assure residents that the project would not disrupt the neighborhood or community. Two former town officials from Princeton, Mass., spoke to residents about their initial concerns when MacLean proposed a similar facility in their community and how they have not had any problems in the seven years it has been operating.James LaChance, who served on the planning board when MacLean submitted its proposal in Princeton, said the board and residents were concerned about traffic and depressed property values if the rehab center were to gain approval. He said none of those issues materialized after it was approved and opened in the rural central Massachusetts town.Former Princeton selectman Alan Sentkowski said that MacLean has been a great neighbor. He said the facility has been a positive addition to the community and has not been a burden to the town of 3,400's police, fire or ambulance service.The Fox Hill clinic would pay property taxes. The center in Princeton is tax exempt, however the facility has agreed to pay an annual service fee in lieu of taxes.Those assurances, however, did not satisfy most of the people who spoke Thursday night in Camden.Felicity Ferrell said she did not want helicopters flying on to the property to disrupt the neighborhood. She also said that traffic would be an issue for the small, winding road on which the estate is located."This is the most beautiful part of Camden. I think it would be an absolute crime to change the zoning for any reason," Ferrell said. "It would make these peo迷你倉le feel insecure. It will drive down property values and have the rest us who do not live on the fancy estates on the water end up paying more in taxes."David Hague, whose property abuts Fox Hill, said the for-profit operation would not address substance abuse problems for local residents. He called the proposal a way for an outside group to make a profit by taking advantage of the beauty of the residential neighborhood.Charles Cawley, the former chief executive officer of MBNA and a former owner for 22 years of the Fox Hill property when it was a private residence, said he was somewhat neutral on the proposal. But he did have concerns."I think it will be a significant change to the character of the town and over time will change the town a lot," Cawley said.Joseph Fay of Lily Pond Drive voiced concerns about safety for children and the added traffic that the facility would create.David Walck of Lincolnville disputed that claim, however, saying that the amount of traffic generated from the rehab center would be less than the previous uses of Fox Hill.The center is expected to employ about 25 to 27 people, although MacLean officials said that people would work in shifts and there would not be that many staff at the facility at one time. Patients would not be allowed to have vehicles, so they would not contribute to traffic problems, MacLean officials said.Walck said the town would benefit from the quality jobs and the projected $1.25 million in annual payroll pumped into the town.Judy Emery of Hope, who said she runs a business in town, said she would welcome the addition of a company that would employ people year-round.Resident Franklin Walker of Chestnut Street said he bought his property knowing what the zoning was and that zoning should offer protection and certainty. He said putting a large commercial entity in the middle of a residential zone would harm property values.Walker urged the Camden Planning Board to cut off the project early.Planning Board Acting Chairman Lowrie Sargent said that Thursday night's hearing was the first of two formal public hearings for the board to consider whether to recommend the zoning amendment go to the town select board. The planning board will next discuss the issue at its Sept. 19 meeting but that session will simply be to go over the wording of the proposed amendment.The board plans to visit the Fox Hill property at 3 p.m., Wednesday, Sept. 18, for a site walk.If the board does recommend the zoning proposal, it would go to the Select Board which would also hold two public hearings before deciding whether to place it before voters at a referendum. Sargent stressed that voters would have the final say before it could be approved.The Fox Hill complex includes a main house that is 16,000 square feet on 14 acres.Copyright: ___ (c)2013 the Bangor Daily News (Bangor, Maine) Visit the Bangor Daily News (Bangor, Maine) at .bangordailynews.com Distributed by MCT Information Services儲存
- Aug 31 Sat 2013 15:32
Annual Black Family Day set to celebrate 45th anniversary
Source: The Record, Stockton, Calif.self storageAug. 30--In 1969, a year after the assassination of Martin Luther King Jr., the local black movement was focused on opportunities for young people, or the lack of them.There also was concern about the strength of families, which led San Joaquin Delta College and University of the Pacific students to organize, with other civic groups, the first Black Family Day.Started at the Hart family home and moved to other locations since, Black Family Day celebrates its 45th anniversary on Monday at Weber Point Events Center beginning at 9 a.m. with free yoga classes. Before it ends at 6 p.m., there'll be Zumba lessons, a health expo, motorcycle/car show, information booths, entertainment, food and more. Admission is free."There will be a lot of other races and (newcomers will) see harmony and love of culture," said Willie Douglas, who was an 18-year-old Delta freshman who helped organize that first Black Family Day.Now the organizing is in the hands of, among others, Charles Johnson, the 33-year-old president of Black Family Day, Inc., which raises money for scholarships."Essentially it's a celebration, the people in the community coming together," Johnson said. "It's an opportunity to see different cultural aspects of the community. For me, it's an opportunity to see people, see what they're doing, what they're involved in."Johnson grew up attending Black Family Day, first with his father, Charlie Floyd, then with Patrice and Vodie MucCular, who took him in when his father died, and organized the gospel music for the event."One of the major challenges I see is (young people) not having access to as many influences," Johnson said. "I was surrounded by individuals who did a lot for the community."He's trying to set the example that was set for him, and is inspired by other young leaders stepping forward. City Councilman Michael Tubbs and African American Chamber of Commerce president Brandie Spencer are just two who quickly come to mind, and both are involved in Black Family Day. Tubbs will host a town hall-type meeting and Spencer serves on the board."It's all about preparing the way for the next generation in order for them to have their part, their way in keeping the family united in a positive, constructive way with love and understanding," Douglas said.While younger leaders have emerged, Black Family Day will celebrate its past, too, when it honors long-time educator Mable "Jimi" Choice during a ceremony at 3:30 p.m."She's been an educator and major迷你倉influence on the City of Stockton from the beginning," Johnson said. "She was one of Michael Tubbs' (counselors). I know for a lot of people she's had a great influence. She's never been honored to this degree and she should be. She was a pioneer for education, the arts, development of the community. She's a beautiful, successful woman. I love her energy."Choice, 76, worked for the Stockton Unified School District for 42 years, hired as the first black teacher at Stagg High School in 1963. She taught physical education there "and the kids would stay and talk and talk and talk," Choice said. "Finally someone said, 'Why don't you become a counselor?' "Night classes at Sacramento State enabled Choice to earn her master's degree in counseling, and she moved to Franklin High School as a counselor in 1971. She stayed there until her 2005 retirement, or as she calls it, her "refocusing."Choice was one of the leaders of Black Family Day in the 1980s when it was held at McKinley Park, but, as Johnson noted, that's not the only reason she's being recognized by the organization.For years, Choice touched plenty of students, and hence, their families, in her role as teacher, counselor and friend."My life touches the lives of so many youngsters," Choice said.Choice attended Colorado Teachers College in Greeley, now called the University of Northern Colorado, 52 miles from Denver, where, during her time, she helped get the charter changed so blacks would be allowed to live on campus.Choice was hired by the Stockton Unified School District after a telephone interview, and made the move with her husband, John Choice, and daughter Leslie.Daughters Elisha and Lillaana would follow, and all saw their mom devote herself to them, to her students and to any number of causes, including the Black Educators Association and the NAACP.That she's being acknowledged by Black Family Day is an honor she said, and wants it to send am message."Hopefully it will encourage the youth to strive to be the best they can be," Choice said.She also hopes it is the beginning of a new Black Family Day tradition."There should be more of this," she said. "There are some giants in this community that seriously need to be recognized ... for what they have done in the community to make it what it is."Contact reporter Lori Gilbert at (209) 546-8284 or lgilbert@recordnet.com.Copyright: ___ (c)2013 The Record (Stockton, Calif.) Visit The Record (Stockton, Calif.) at .recordnet.com Distributed by MCT Information Services文件倉
- Aug 31 Sat 2013 14:42
cashed-up Chinese
In battle of two cities, Paris draws way more of the mainland Chinese tourists shopping for luxury goods, but London is preferred for propertyLondon and Paris have been rivals for as long as anyone can remember.迷你倉出租 But there is a new front in the age-old conflict between western Europe’s richest and chicest capitals: the hearts, minds and – most importantly – the wallets of Chinese tourists.The battle is fought out in a flurry of Chanel handbags and Burberry gloves – and the winner gains something much more valuable than mere prestige.French and British luxury firms are putting aside any concerns they have about the perceived lack of sophistication of Chinese tourists, not least because they account for “a third of their total sales in Europe”, according to Yuval Atsmon, a partner at consultancy McKinsey in London, who previously worked in China.The main target for both capitals is the 11 per cent of Chinese tourists who, according to recent research by Hurun Report and ILTM Asia, take at least three overseas trips per year and spend more than US$10,000 on each holiday – excluding the cost of flights.Chinese spending in the West End of London was up 50 per cent in May last year on the year before, according to Jones Lang LaSalle research. At London’s Heathrow Airport, Chinese shoppers account for less than 1 per cent of total traffic, yet are responsible for nearly a quarter of all sales of luxury goods, according to UK government data.The British capital has long experience of rolling out the red carper to mega-rich foreigners – making it a favourite for everyone from the oil-rich Arabs of the 1970s to the Russian oligarchs of more modern times.Boutique travel agency Hurlingham specialises in tailoring London visits for wealthy tourists, including Chinese officials. Managing director Andrew Barker says visitors will be met with a luxurious Mercedes-Benz limousine at the airport and enjoy private visits to top museums before settling down to exclusive fashion shows featuring “five to six well-known promising designers” as they settle back, sip champagne and decide what to buy.Among the first ports of call for most Chinese visitors is Harrods, the eminent Knightsbridge department store that has served royalty and nobility since 1834.“It appeals to their need to display status through a typically baroque British approach to luxury,” says Susana Campuzano, director of the IE Business School’s luxury programme and founder of the consulting firm Luxury Advise.However, they show little in common with the ostentatious, big-spending characters of Kevin Kwan’s hit novel Crazy Rich Asians. In fact, Barker notes: “They are direct, price-sensitive consumers.”A favourite with many of Barker’s customers is Bicester Village, an outlet an hour’s drive from London offering high-end clothing and accessories迷你倉from brands such as Burberry or Bottega Veneta for one-fifth of the price in China.But try as it might, London’s exclusive hotels, world-class shoemakers and fine, gourmet cuisine just aren’t enough to compete with French savoir faire in the Chinese market.“Luxury was born in France,” as Campuzano puts it.For Claudia D’Arpizio, a director responsible for luxury brands at consultancy Bain & Company, affluent Chinese love to surround themselves with “the best of the West” – and prefer to do so by experiencing the brands in the countries they come from.“They have also come to appreciate the expertise, service advice and sophistication of the staff at exclusive boutiques in Europe, who are better trained to explain to their clients the history of the brand,” Atsmon says.The last five years have seen China’s wealthy evolve from hunters of big brands to gatherers, who like to experience luxury.Campuzano says that means Chinese consumers now demand to know not just about the brand, but about the high standards involved in the design and crafting of its products.“Store salespeople should spend time with these clients explaining to them all they need to know in the more intimate environment of a private room, because if you rush them, you’ll lose them all,” Campazano warns.But how can London and Paris storeholders identify a wealthy Chinese customer who is eager to listen and has the deep pockets needed to buy? Campuzano, who advises luxury shops and department stores, underscores that “their staffs are skilled to sound potential clients out with appropriate questions before ushering them into a private VIP room”.However, asking smart questions is not enough. High-end firms are busy digitising information on their best clients, which they could use to sound a red alert when a super-rich lady from Shanghai passes through the doors of one of their stores in Europe.Brands such as Chanel or Louis Vuitton have also partnered with top hotels in order to make them lead deep-pocketed visitors straight to their lavish shop windows.One area where Chinese would prefer to spend their money in London, rather than Paris, is in the housing market. London accounted for 80 per cent of all Chinese property investment in Europe over the past five years, according to a report by LaSalle and Real Capital Analytics.Buying prime property is sometimes used as a fast track to get a visa: the UK grants residency permits to Chinese owners with over 20 million yuan (HK$25 million) in net assets in the nation, provided that they also borrow 10 million yuan from a local bank.Hurlingham’s Barker says he is more open to introducing Chinese clients to sellers of exclusive properties than a French agent might be.“They will find London’s luxury far more accommodating than that of Paris,” he says.Additional reporting by Toh Han Shih儲存倉
- Aug 31 Sat 2013 14:26
本報天津電(成都日報記者 張魁勇)昨日,儲存省委常委、市委書記黃新初率成都市黨政代表團前往天津學習考察,深切體驗天津加快推進現代化國際化建設特別是城市規劃、建設、管理和產業發展的生動實踐。中共中央政治局委員、天津市委書記孫春蘭接見黃新初及代表團一行。天津市委常委、秘書長段春華,市委常委、濱海新區區委書記袁桐利參加接見。孫春蘭代表天津市委、市政府對代表團來訪表示歡迎,對四川省、成都市長期以來給予天津發展的支持表示感謝。她說,當前,我們正按照中央對天津工作的一系列重要要求,加快建設“美麗天津”。通過歷屆市委、市政府的不懈努力,近年來,天津城市面貌變化較大,得到了群�的真切認可。濱海新區作為國家戰略,其開發開放既有政策優勢,也有區位優勢,接下來我們將著力創新體制機制,進一步深化綜合改革,不斷釋放改革紅利,繼續保持現有良好勢頭。孫春蘭說,成都是國務院規劃確定的西南地區科技、商貿、金融中心和交通、通信樞紐,無論是在經濟發展、社會建設,還是在深化改革、擴大開放等方方面面,都取得了新進步、新成就,創造了新經驗,值得天津學習借鑒。代表團此次來訪,既是給我們傳經送寶的一次難得機會,也是兩市增進友誼、加強合作的一個有利契機。希望代表團成員在天津多走走、多看看,對天津各方面工作多提寶貴意見。也希望兩市在生態環境保護、深化改革、科技教育、旅遊業等方面加強合作,促進經濟社會同發展、共繁榮。黃新初首先轉達了省委書記、省人大常委會主任王東明對孫春蘭書記的問候,並邀請她在適當的時候來川、來蓉檢查指導工作。黃新初說,天津是沿海發達地區,市委、市政府深入學習貫徹黨的十八大精神,團結帶領廣大幹部群�,全力推進濱海新區開發開放,加快建設國際港口城市、北方經濟中心和生態城市,努力打造美麗天津,經濟社會持續快速健康發展,開創了改革開放和現代化建設的嶄新局面,正在邁向更加輝煌的未來,美麗天津一定會更加美麗。黃新初說,在成都奮力打造西部經濟核心增長極、加快建設現代化國際化大都市的關鍵時刻,我們滿懷著向老大哥城市虛心學習的熱忱和加強城際合作的願景來到天津。通過實地考察,代表團談得最多、感受最強烈的是天津城市發展格局宏大,大氣、大度、大思路、大膽識體現到了天津發展建設的方方面面,特別是在城市規劃、建設、管理上樹立了一個創新典範,進一步開闊了我們的眼界和思路。我們在為天津發展成就感到由衷高興的同時,也進一步堅定了向天津學習的決心。我們將帶著經驗回去,認真消化吸收,結合成都實際,進一步把城市建設好、發展好。同時,希望雙方進一步拓展合作領域,加強全方位合作,實現優勢互補、互利共贏。在津期間,成都市黨政代表團一行考察了天津規劃展覽館、海河意式風情區、濱海新區、空中客車A320天津總裝公司、中新天津生態城、天津文化中新蒲崗迷你倉、力神電池股份有限公司、賽象科技股份有限公司,每到一處,天津經濟社會發展的生動實踐,都給代表團成員留下了深刻印象。成都市領導朱志宏、孫平、黃建發、劉僕、劉守成、黃平,以及市級有關部門負責同志參加考察。成都市黨政代表團天津考察點簡介【天津規劃展覽館】作為政府決策與公�互動參與、信息溝通的暢通橋樑,全面生動展現了天津歷史變遷、發展現狀和規劃遠景。【海河意式風情區】原為意大利租界地,始建于1902年,由百余座意大利風格的建築組成,涵蓋了意大利不同時期、不同地區的建築風格,是目前意大利本土以外、亞洲唯一、保存完好的意大利風貌建築群落,也是歷史上一批政治文化名人故居聚集地,具有寶貴的歷史文化價值。此地實現了舊時風貌與現代元素的完美融合,成為以高端商旅服務業為主導的展示異域風情的都市新天地,成為充滿活力的天津標誌性旅遊目的地和展示城市風采的符號。【濱海新區】地處環渤海經濟帶和京津冀城市群的交匯點。進入新世紀,濱海新區作為國家重要發展戰略,其發展定位是:依托京津冀、服務環渤海、輻射“三北”、面向東北亞,努力建設成為我國北方對外開放的門戶、高水平的現代製造業和研發轉化基地、北方國際航運中心和國際物流中心,逐步成為經濟繁榮、社會和諧、環境優美的宜居生態型新城區。【空中客車A320天津總裝公司】空中客車A320系列飛機天津總裝線是空客在歐洲以外的第一條飛機總裝線。A320系列飛機是單通道的150人座位的幹線飛機,主要使用于城市與城市之間的飛行。依托總裝線項目,天津濱海新區設立了總面積為102平方公里的臨空產業區,已有30多個國際知名航空業製造商落戶該區域。【中新天津生態城】中國、新加坡兩國政府間重大合作項目,是世界上第一個國家間合作開發的生態城市。生態城位於濱海新區,未來生態城將建成為綜合性的生態環保、節能減排、綠色建築、循環經濟等技術創新和應用推廣的平台,為其他城市的可持續發展提供樣板和典範。【天津文化中心】天津市委、市政府為不斷滿足人民群�日益增長的文化服務需求建設的一項民心工程,是開展群�性文化活動和素質教育的基地。文化中心包括博物館、美術館、圖書館、大劇院、陽光樂園(青少年活動中心)、銀行購物中心(樂園商業)、地下交通樞紐、基礎設施及環境工程等8個子項目。【力神電池股份有限公司】公司是一家專注于鋰離子蓄電池的技術研發、生產和經營的股份制高新技術企業,是迄今國內投資規模最大、技術水平最高的鋰離子電池生產企業,市場份額穩居全球前五,成為中國鋰電的代表性品牌。【賽象科技股份有限公司】公司是以研發、生產子午線輪胎成套裝備為主的專業化公司,主要經濟指標列全國橡機行業第一,產值列世界橡機行業第五。“賽象”品牌的橡機遍及全國,出口到法國、美國、日本、英國、意大利等世界著名輪胎公司。mini storage
- Aug 31 Sat 2013 13:17
Turning tradition into art
Cartier's new president and CEO, Stanislas de Quercize, believes firmly in upholding the traditional values of the maison even as he's writing a new chapter for it.迷你倉 By Dylan TanYOU'D think things would be easier the second time round, but that's not what Stanislas de Quercize, the new president of Cartier, is expecting after he rejoined the company early this year.This despite the maison (French for "house"; Mr de Quercize reminds us twice during the interview that Cartier is more than just a brand because of its deep family history) being one of the world's top jewellery brands and a cash cow for the Richemont Group - in two separate Reuters reports, private Swiss bank Vontobel recently estimated Cartier made almost 2 billion euros (S$3.4 billion) in watch sales alone in 2012/13, a figure that's nearly a fifth of group sales; while Kepler Cheuvreux, a leading independent European financial services company, estimates it represents half of group sales and two-thirds of operating profit.But it's the increasing sophistication and demands of their clientele - customers becoming "connoisseurs", as Mr de Quercize puts it - that could pose a challenge for the 56-year-old who was previously president of Cartier New York from 2002-2005.Prior to this current stint, he was CEO of Van Cleef & Arpels and has enjoyed an extensive career with the Richemont group since joining them in 1989, working on other brands such as Montblanc and Alfred Dunhill.Despite the new challenges that lie ahead, Mr de Quercize remains largely unfazed and confident the "King of Jewellers and Jeweller to Kings" - nicknamed because of Cartier's long history of creating precious pieces for royalty - will always only deliver the best to its customers.It's for this very reason, because of the reputation it has built for itself, he feels Cartier has stood the test of time. "The economy has been through several crises (so) people want to be sure that they are making the right choice when they acquire a piece of jewellery or a watch piece; they want to be sure that they can keep it for several years and they want to be able to pass it on to another generation," he says.The Frenchman is already looking to write a new chapter as he boldly states, "We are at the golden age of Cartier of the next decade, so it is always our mission to be sure that the next page has to be written together."There seems to be broad agreement that Mr de Quercize is the right man to drive the maison, founded by Louis-Francois Cartier in 1847, forward.Vontobel analyst Rene Weber told Reuters recently, "He has done a sensational job at Van Cleef that was only just break-even a few years ago and is now the number two contributor to group earnings with a margin similar to Cartier." Similarly, Kepler analyst Jon Cox added, "He has been with the group a long time, knows Cartier from his time there - so the brand looks in good hands." Internally, Johann Rupert, executive chairman and chief executive officer of Richemont, commented that Mr de Quercize has proven himself to be "a highly effective leader" at Van Cleef & Arpels, successfully overseeing its development while respecting the traditions and heritage of the brand.And he's already done the same for Cartier since assuming the post. One of the first things Mr de Quercize did when he came on board was to reshuffle management; sending ex-Singapore-based regional managing director Christopher Kilaniotis to further develop China, and bringing in new blood with the latter's replacement, Gregoire Blanche. "This is one of the foundations of the maison; going into different geographies to develop further," Mr de Quercize states matter-of-factly of the housekeeping he's done.Natural heirMr de Quercize himself has also been said to be groomed for bigger things. In another recent Reuters report, an industry source tipped the Frenchman to be in pole position to become the Richemont Group's CEO in about five years' time and considers him to be "a natural heir" since he's already won an internal battle, beating other brand heads for the Cartier post.But the man is unperturbed by all this talk, and prefers to focus his energy on Cartier instead when The Business Times spoke to him when he was in town earlier this year.He doesn't hesitate to tell us that Singapore, as always, remains one of Cartier's key markets. "We believe in Singapore; what amazes me is that the 21st century is being built here when you see the audacity of the architecture which is an example for the world... we've always considered Singapore as a gateway for the pioneering spirit of the Cartier brothers. That's why we opened the first boutique here over 40 years ago and we were among the first to be here and we will continue to expand."There are also other brand values - namely being "always powerful, audacious, referent and generous" - which haven't changed since 1847 but continue to be shared by different generations of talents that drive Cartier forward, shares Mr de Quercize.While the maison's cutting-edge design in jewellery has wowed fans and collectors for the longest time, they自存倉are doing the same by developing ground-breaking techniques in their watchmaking.Mr de Quercize attributes this forward thinking attitude to the pride of the people who work in the maison. "I can tell you that the artisans working in the Manufacture and in the workshops love it; they love that what they are crafting is recognised for its true value," he notes."I think the challenge is to ensure that the promises of the Cartier brothers still exist today," he says."It's always fascinating to see how audacious this maison is; and what strikes me - like in the last high jewellery collection at the Biennale des Antiquaires in 2012 - was the amazing mastery in craftsmanship, proving that the more you master a craft, the better you are. And the more we are building experience, the better we are at our work."Mr de Quercize says the maison's best years are ahead of them and he considers this to be the golden age as they accumulate craft, experience and talent. Those in turn give them the audacity to push forth with even more cutting-edge designs and ground-breaking innovations.Avant-garde pioneerHe cites examples in ID One and ID Two - a pair of concept watches that will "reinvent haute horlogerie". The former, for instance, is an adjustment-free watch that requires no regulation or lubrication; the latter is a high-efficiency timepiece with 50 per cent less consumption and 30 per cent more energy storage than a comparable mechanical watch.Another instance is the Mysterious Double Tourbillon watch that was showcased at SIHH earlier this year. When Louis Cartier created it as a clock, it made jaws drop with its avant-garde design; more than a century later, it has evolved and the technology has shrunk it to become a wearable timepiece.All that helps Cartier to strengthen its position in the world of haute horlogerie as the maison continues to produce some of the world's most recognisable timepieces including its iconic Tank and Santos collections.Mr de Quercize also compares the ID One and ID Two to the invention of the Santos in 1904 when it became the first wristwatch worn by man during a time when they were only wearing pocket watches. "It was revolutionary at that time, and the idea is how to be revolutionary now," he points out."We want to be creative and innovative to create a new emotion; if you have something that you've never seen before and your heart beats faster, that's the emotion that we are after, so whether it's in a creation of a new watch or jewellery, to have something that is breathtaking."But he's also quick to point out that Cartier doesn't create for the sake of creating. Instead, the maison creates for the sake of sharing."For example with the Santos, we created it for (pilot) Alberto Santos-Dumont but also after that, it has been shared throughout the world. So the idea is to take the innovation of ID One and ID Two, and share it with more people, that's why the idea of ID One has been put into a creation that we can now share and sell which is the Carbon Crystal Astrotourbillon."Mr de Quercize adds the maison is proud of what it's accomplished so far and doesn't hesitate to share its knowledge and know-how with its customers and collectors through events like the Time Art exhibition it held here last year. The intention is also to lead the industry and be used as a reference."It's not about keeping (things) a secret; it's (about) sharing with museums or in books or even through digital," he says. "As a result of that, if you are creative, generous, audacious, you become a reference - a reference in the jewellery domain and the watch fields."It also comes down to Cartier's deep love, respect and relentless pursuit of "art" - after all, the word runs deep within the maison's blood and exists within the maison's name as Mr de Quercize points out."Art is a mix of emotions because your heart needs to jump when you see art; and it's also something that defies time because it is eternal. It goes from generation to generation," he explains. "I think art is something that unites us because whatever language we speak, we can all appreciate it and it is something that will stay forever."Mr de Quercize continues, "It's a people's mission - if you look at the watch manufacture in La Chaux-de-Fonds or the jewellery atelier workshop in Paris, it is people designing, people crafting, people choosing the stones. And the relationship we have (with our) clients, it's an art of relationships with people."dylantan@sph.com.sgSTANISLAS DE QUERCIZEGraduate of Ecole Superieure de Commerce in RouenMarried with three children1989 Joined the Richemont Group as the General Manager of Alfred Dunhill and Montblanc in France1994 to 1997 President & CEO of Montblanc in the United States1997 Moved to London where he joined the head office of Alfred Dunhill as International Marketing Director1999 Approached by Cartier France and appointed as General Manager in Paris2002 Assumed Presidency of Cartier New York2005 President and CEO of Van Cleef & Arpels International in Paris2013 Succeeded Bernard Fornas at the helm of Cartier International迷你倉新蒲崗